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Legacy -The 2024 Deer Season-

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My son keeps asking to go deer hunting……so that’s what we did tonight. Got to see a fox, some geese, and right around 7pm three doe. We picked the biggest one and harvested her. Big thanks to Isaac for letting me hunt over one of his well manicured lush food plots. Great hunt and my son was super stoked. Way to start off the 2024 season!





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Interesting read I saw on FB...


"Longspur Tracking and Outfitting"

Our good friend Joe Tenney of Creek Side Deer Recovery in Ohio put this shot chart together with help of several Ohio Trackers a couple years ago. Now please read my words carefully, these pins were from deer that were tracked by a dog. These pins represent the outcome of the track. When you see a green pin that means there was proof of life, a trail cam pic, sighting or jump on track.
The moral of the story? If you make a good bad shot in center mass the dog is going to find that deer! Stay low and stay off the shoulder!
Most of these pins are archery tracks!


May be an image of deer and text

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3 hours ago, Legacy said:

Interesting read I saw on FB...


"Longspur Tracking and Outfitting"

Our good friend Joe Tenney of Creek Side Deer Recovery in Ohio put this shot chart together with help of several Ohio Trackers a couple years ago. Now please read my words carefully, these pins were from deer that were tracked by a dog. These pins represent the outcome of the track. When you see a green pin that means there was proof of life, a trail cam pic, sighting or jump on track.
The moral of the story? If you make a good bad shot in center mass the dog is going to find that deer! Stay low and stay off the shoulder!
Most of these pins are archery tracks!


May be an image of deer and text

on the deer that were deemed alive, how do they know where the deer was hit?  Maybe video evidence?  

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Fisherman21 - not only are you an incredible hunter and fisherman, you have one of the cutest and most enthusiastic kids on the planet. KUDOS to YOU! I'm sure he will grow up to be one hell of a hunter and fisherman, not to mention a good man!



PS - I "second" Gator on his comment about the lack of need for dogs just above and behind the shoulder!!!

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Well, I missed my window of opportunity getting my cameras out in mid August and I finally got them out a couple weeks ago. Up until a couple days ago buck sightings have been very limited. Most of what seeing was young and still in velvet. Well that all changed. Bucks everywhere! Every buck is hard horned! Lots of sparring. Handful of big guys day walking. 4 different camera visits by my #1 in the past 48 hours also.

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