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Fishing Report

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Time on Water:


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Total Hits:

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Species Breakdown:

Hot Lure:

Trolling Speed:

Down Speed:

Boat Depth:

Lure Depth:



====================on saturday we were trolling acrosed salmon river..holding a coarse(GPS back up) when another boat (Ibelieve it was a chrater)and pulling planers begins to cut our line and hollors over that they intend to seek deeper water then begins to cut our bow... we abligded and cut to half, holding... this asshat never changed course or speed ...then one of the guys on the charter starts throwing f-bombs and ass-kickng threats to give him a break....other than stopping our boat and bringing in our gear, I don't know what more we could've done ... we held our course and one of my guys mooned the charter.... we boated 2 out of 4 that day...... I know that someone knows of this... what more could have we have done and what actions should have the chater taken??? we've been doin this for 20yrs. and this is the first problem we've ever encountered... all input is welcome..

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WELL you ant the first ,but the boat proceding from starboard has the right of way,any course you take to avoid collision is permitted by law if your the "give way" vessel even if it means driving 20 ft off his stern (coast guard ruling and law) BUT WITH THAT SAID Try To avoid such a close encounter at all cost by slowing ,turning earlyier, pay attention and as hard as it is sometimes if your getting squeezed sometimes slowing almost stopping is the best recourse you have....If you see planer boards behind any boat give lots of room as they are pulling copper or longline leadcore. AND WITH THAT SAID Some charters are running without first mate and may have been setting rods or helping clients with fish on ,running on autopiolet.....always Give the charter guys room as they are "Working" to earn a living for their family.....AND WITH THAT SAID some people just plain ole OWN THE LAKE AND NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO YOUR WRONG!!!! Also keep in mind some people out there have no clue to the "U.S.Coast Guard Navagation Laws" as it is not required to take any type of coures to drive a boat...in N.Y. waters (except PWC's) I have suggested many times everyone take at min a"Power Squadron Boating Class " It will give you a redection in inshurance rates and what you learn may save yours or someone elses life some day.....I know if your doing everything by law and right and this still happens it can spoil a good trip (happened to me at the oak this year with 2 charters ) even tho i have it on film i ant gonna go no further with it and was P.M.ed and called by several people and they knew the exact 2 boats that pulled the crap so you ant the first person to encounter battle on the high seas.... i truley feel your emotions IF you were in the right..

Ray K.

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My personal rules are that pending an encounter I will give up 45 degrees in the most obvious direction to avoid an issue and hope that the 'other guy' will give 45 as well therefore avoiding any conflict. I could care less if someone else is a 'professional' or for that matter on autopilot. I have as much right to fish as anyone and paid just as much, or more most likely then they did for the gear in the water. That said, if they refuse to give a few degrees then I'm crossing them and we'll work it out from there.

Sorry Ray, I'm not buying the "always Give the charter guys room as they are "Working" to earn a living for their family" theory any more then I do when driving around a taxi or semi truck or standing in line at the Depot when a contractor walks in and feels he owns the place.

Sometimes I think Copper and Autopilot are the worst two things to have ever happened to Big Lake fishing.

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Yoda ,i wasnt saying pull your riggs and go home but most occurances can be avoided and most charters have the common sence to work with you ..I dont mind swinging a little off course for anyone and will try to give the charters their waypoints , now if you want some real fun go to the hudson in may on a weekend ,after that ontario at the moulth of the salmon river on labor day will seem like open water...

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