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Here is a little something we better keep an eye on. If this proposal goes through we may find that these "terrorist ' targets will be protected by exclusion bouys , just like the nukes . I guess that would put many square miles of prime fishing water off limits.



This is an attempt by an agency to further its longevity. To operate and install the windmills on the water requires a multi million dollar ship that could jack itself up in the lakes silt bottom. Underwater bases and tall towers have to be constructed. Underwater powerlines would be strung all over restricting the use of anchors by small craft. The revenue stream generated by the agency would be stolen from property owners and jurisdictions that would benefit if the towers were built on shorelines and ridgelines inland.

I like the windpower systems, but putting them in control of another government beaurocracy is not needed. The maintence of the turbines bearings and blades would be fiscally irresponsible out on the open waters. The North Sea has these towers and their finances should be reviewed.


The proposal asks for 560 wind turbines in Mexico Bay alone !! With the push on for "green" energy , I am not sure that this proposal will be killed by eliminating the current administration . We will most definitely have a fight on our hands in the future. This is all about money and the sportsmen (and women) will take a back seat.


And the push will be on again to put high voltage towers thru our backyards in NY. If energy is needed down in NYC, let them put a few nuke plants on Long Island.


We definitely need to keep an eye on this. 560 turbines alone in Mexico Bay - that's almost like putting the entire wind farm in Lowville out in the water. I have a good friend who is monitoring this, as well. He has a lot of contacts in Oswego County and is getting some updates on this. I'll post whatever he uncovers regarding this.


When I read things like this it turns my stomach. It's amazing to me just how bad off our State and Federal budgets are. Decades of gross mis-management and excessive salaries and spending have us up against the wall. And now some fool wants to put millions more dollars into an ill-conceived project that will benefit no one but that abomination downstate, if it'll even do that. Add to that the fact that no one in power ever seemed to wonder if our supply of foreign oil would ever run out or even get more expensive and we're in a fine mess. Perfect. If you're an elected official and you're reading this, you put us here. Your greed and self-serving agendas likely made you rich and powerful, but you've put this country and our state on the brink of ruin. THANKS A LOT. Please do us all a favor and step down and let a businessman run things from now on. If I handled my business or even my personal finances as poorly as you've handled our tax dollars I'd have been out of business long ago, and my home would have been foreclosed on.

I'll never vote for a lifetime politician again. They all make me sick.

That being said, I'm going to write our fine Governor and my local representatives and express my displeasure over this proposed disaster.


Yes ,go ahead and write the gov and let him know of your displeasure. I am quite sure that will change his mind. You may even get a letter writen by one of his staffers stating they will look into the issue & thanking you for your oppinon on the issue. Meanwhile the power staved population & vote centers downstate will "lobby " him to see things their way for the greater good of the state.You are wrong when you say the polititions put us into this sad state of afairs. It is the voters who keep on enabling these clowns to do as they do by voting them back into office. Rohrback wants upstate to split from NY city. That would be the best possible thing for upstate but the chnces of that happining are about as much as LO giving up a 80 lb salmon. WE are downstates **** up here to do with as they please and we & our local elected official let them.


I just received an Email from my neighbor at the lakehouse, who, in turn, has been in touch with the Oswego County legislator, Mr. Shawn Doyle. Shawn is well aware of this proposed windfarm project and has already begun the necessary actions to prevent this from going through. For those of you who either live in Oswego County or fish in Oswego County, we need to contact Shawn, as well as the state and local representatives and express our feelings about this.

In addition, Jefferson County has already established a site for their end of this "project". Visit jeffersonleaningleft.blogspot.com and read what they are doing. If I get anymore info, I will post it here.


I suppose I could sit here and do nothing Has Been. That's one sure way to let them go ahead and ruin Lake Ontario with this plan. But personally I'd rather voice my opinion to all of our elected officials. I don't think that voicing my concern will make any difference by itself, but if enough of us step up and tell the idiots that run this state what we think them maybe we can stop this train wreck. Its up to us to do something. Because if we don't we'd better start selling our boats.


I agree Billy V . Tell them what you think of them but fact of the matter is that if they want it they are going to get it. And they will sell your a.. down the river to get it. Look at heath care . The majority of people don't want it but it gets pushed thru. Kristin Gillibrand is pro gun., gets promoted to senator & now shes anti because it serves her not us. We are small potatoes up here & so are the local polititions & downstate gets what it wants. Take a look at lowville. Money talks . As a buisness man you should know that . As much as I hate it I know it too. Maybe those things will attract the fish. One could only hope. I hope it dosn't happen but I ain't gettin my hopes up.


And I almost forgot Billy, Think of the tax revenue this could propose for our great state of New York , the Empire state in financial turmoil of epic proportions . If the state can't get some sort of tax generation in this depressed area it might have to start cutting services here. Like closing state parks, cutting funding for local municipalities & oh yeah, cutting funding for Altmar. I don't put anything past them.


Hey why dont we find a way for the prisions to generate power,,,,,pedal power generators,,tread mill generators just aim these units at a hole through the fence and tell the guys after 10000000 kw generated they are free well have the strongest bycycle teams in the olimpics, and win all the track events...

  Has Been said:
Rohrback wants upstate to split from NY city. That would be the best possible thing for upstate but the chnces of that happining are about as much as LO giving up a 80 lb salmon. WE are downstates **** up here to do with as they please and we & our local elected official let them.

We could only wish this would happen!


I think your on to something bud!


I hope I'm not out of line here,as I'm not a NY resident,but I do keep my boat there however,so I feel as angry as all of you.

All you guys are right in different ways on this.Don't stop bitc-hin and complaining,or you'll end up like the state of Massachusetts where I live.Billy is right, about the politicians,and Has Been is right about the voters.

Your state is like ours,in the sense that the big voting blocks are in the big cities(NYC, Boston),and always go with the political hack that promises the layabouts the,greenies,The unions,and Govt workers .the most. In essence they buy those votes,and are usually always liberal politicians.The irony is that none of these people who vote them in,are any better off in the end.They just drink the Kool Aid,dopes that they are.

You have to constantly harass your elected officials,just calling is not enough.You need to call,write,Email,and fax them,and don't suck up to them too much.

Begging will get you nowhere.Tell them exactly what you think,and that you "will do everything in your power to get them out of office if they go along with this insane idea.

Not sure if it would help any,but maybe if out of Stater's like me also contacted your politicians,and told them that we each wouldn't be spending the thousands of dollars yearly that we do in NY state on Lake O it may make a small difference.I was planning on maybe buying some property in the Olcott area,but if this goes through,I most likely wouldn't.I'm letting your sleazeball officials know this..

Good luck with the fight,and don't give up,I'd hate to see NY go the way of Mass,where fishing and hunting are looked upon as arcane,and evil,with no real budget for it.

  ray koziatek said:
Hey why dont we find a way for the prisions to generate power,,,,,pedal power generators,,tread mill generators just aim these units at a hole through the fence and tell the guys after 10000000 kw generated they are free well have the strongest bycycle teams in the olimpics, and win all the track events...

Thinkin outside the box :yes::yes:


Most of you guys just don't get it.Call and com[plain all you want but I really don't think it will do any good but to make you feel better. Look at the town hall meetings & tea bag parties to prove it. Overwhelming opposition to gov run heakth care & it still passes. 300 million to buy one vote in Louis. We up here in upstate are just pimples on the ass of the state . The only way those pinwheels won't be out there is if there isn't enough money in it for the people making the decicions about them. We are their loyal subject guys. Wake up.


Ok, here is the latest from my end. Everyone needs to listen up!

I have received countless Emails the past few days regarding this "project" from representatives from Oswego County. They are all aware of this proposed windfarm, and the majority appears to be opposed to this going through. Jefferson County has already started the process to adopt a resolution which will be sent to the PSC should this project be given the go-ahead. It has been suggested that Oswego County do the same. Nothing has been mentioned about the other Counties that may be affected by these proposed windfarms. Below is a section of an email I received from an Oswego County representative:


With regard to the impact of the sportfishing industry on the Oswego County

economy, I believe that I have as good or better understanding of that than most

people and work nearly every day to help support and promote it. If there where

to be a proposal for Lake Ontario that met with opposition from that group we

would certainly be behind them 100%. To date, not one person working in that

sector has expressed an opinion to me on this issue so if there is some

opposition to the concept of an offshore wind farm that you are aware of, please

ask those people to contact me. Email is fine but signed letters are better as

they can later be introduced as evidence of support or opposition in the

officially established public processes for projects like this.

I hope you will continue to keep me apprized of your interest and concerns and I

look forward to working with you and others on this or any project as we work

together to grow and protect the Oswego County economy.



This email was from Mr. David Turner, the Director for the Oswego County Department of Community Development, Tourism and Planning. That being said, he is waiting to hear from us and needs our input and thoughts in order to have any ground to stand on when this project is presented. While this email came from an Oswego County representative, Mr. Turner seems very open to hearing from anyone who is concerned, for whatever reason, with this windfarm going through. Even if you do not fish in Oswego County, write to the address below with your concerns and displeasure. Mr. Turner said he will accept either emails or letters, however, he said he will have more evidence of opposition if he has letters to show. So, long story short, get those fingers typing or your hands writing soon! Do it while we have his attention and is still willing to listen! His contact info is as follows:

David R. Turner, Director

Oswego County Department of

Community Development, Tourism

and Planning

46 E. Bridge Street

Oswego, NY 13126

Ph. (315) 349-8292

Fax (315) 349-8279


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