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Well finally got to put some rounds through my new Savage 220.. winds were alil more than i like 10mph and swirling. but with most of my fav steelhead streams frozen i needed to do something on my day off. just did some testing to see what slug was gunna shoot the best out of it... fine tuning will come at a later time

after getting it on the paper at 50yds i backed off to 100yds and started to let them fly

SST 2 3/4'' 3shot group


Federal 3'' Barnes Expander Tipped 3shot group


and then added 2 more to it


Remington 3'' Accu-Tips 3shot group


added 2 more to it


Remington Copper Solids 2 3/4'' 3shot group


Remington 2 3/4'' Accu-Tip 3shot group


added 2 more to it



Overall the gun shoots and feels great.. This is my first savage and the accu-trigger is great didnt do any adjustment to it... tested some other slugs as well but the results werent good ... Savage was right on the mark with suggesting the Rem accutips and Federals!


Got to love it.. I swithced to a 20 gauge about 7 or 8 years ago.. I have an 870 wingmaster, with a Hastings rifled Barrel and Leopold Scope.. I shoots great and will really reach out there..

I have been shooting the Winchester Platinum Tip slugs for the past 5 years or so... i have been happy with them, but always like trying different things.. It looks like you got better groups with the 3" slugs, whihc is interesting.. I thought it would have been the other way around...

Good looking gun!! There are a lot of people that would never get a bolt action slug gun.. I wold love one.. As far as I am conerned, if you take your time and concentrate on shot placement, you only need one shot anyways.. I always laugh when i hear these guys unloading there gun, just to make noise...

  T_barb said:
you only need one shot anyways.. I always laugh when i hear these guys unloading there gun, just to make noise...

absolutly right!!! i find it pretty funny when i hear guys say they can hit a pie plate at 50yrds and say there good to go for the season! those guys are usually the noise makers of the woods!

alittle more bench time with the Savage i should be shooting 1inch 3shot groups at 100yds without a problem.. pretty impressed with the group with the Federals.. might try the 3in accutips once more as the 2 "flyers" could of been me? or the wind? more range time will tell

i think this still be my fav slug gun that i own tho

H&R Ultra Slug Hunter 20ga


its a tack driver!

ill get some pics of the groups next time i hit the range


model 512 marlin slugmaster is another fine bolt slug gun. cant beat a savage though. i bet ur savage will make a lifetime of happy hunting and shooting. i got a few savages and rems and marlins and even a tikka. love my savages best.

  kingslamon22 said:
model 512 marlin slugmaster is another fine bolt slug gun. cant beat a savage though. i bet ur savage will make a lifetime of happy hunting and shooting. i got a few savages and rems and marlins and even a tikka. love my savages best.

id really like to get my hands on a Browning A-Bolt 12ga... tough to find and usually cost a pretty penny

  • 2 weeks later...

Just shot one of the Savage ML2 muzzle loaders the other day....Holy NO smoke! I was impressed with the accuracy and the extremely low recoil.

Crome like you said...You only need one shot. I think that going to a Muzzle Loader will make me a better hunter Plus it puts a new spin on deer hunting.. Good luck with the Savage 20.....Mid summer I'll have the new smoke pole with a nice piece of glass on it.....

  Missdemeanor said:
Just shot one of the Savage ML2 muzzle loaders the other day....Holy NO smoke! I was impressed with the accuracy and the extremely low recoil.

Crome like you said...You only need one shot. I think that going to a Muzzle Loader will make me a better hunter Plus it puts a new spin on deer hunting.. Good luck with the Savage 20.....Mid summer I'll have the new smoke pole with a nice piece of glass on it.....

i have my eye on one of those as well!!!! with the right load they are very very accurate!

  • 1 month later...

Looks like a hellava shooter!!

Have had an 1100, with a 26" Hastings Paradox barrel, and a 1-4 Leupold, for years.

Heavy cuss to stillhunt with, and it is better suited for stand hunting.

It loves Lightfields.

Hope you put the backstaps in the freezer next year!! :yes:

  • 6 months later...

Chrome Slayer,

I was looking back at this post, as I am close to buying a 220... Have you had a chance to shoot it much more? Are you still impresseed.. What was your determination in terms of the best ammo to use in it.

Also, what scope did you end up putting on it?

Have you pushed it out to 150+ yards? curious to hear the results..

thanks in advance for the help..


yep have shot it plenty of times.. best ammo is still the Federal Barnes Expander 3" i have switched the scope over to the Zeiss Conquest 3-9x ... iv shot it out to 200yds with very impressive group.. hitting the range again sat with it


Thanks for the info... I was going to get the 3" federals and 3" Remington Accutip.. You can not find the Remingtons anywhere, so I will start with the Federals and go from there..

Always look forward to trying something new and the way I look at it, you can never have to many guns!!!


the 1 shot kill (muzzleloader) has improved my" hunting" , knowing ya ant got that "backup" shot settles ya in to a good shot..ive missed 2 times in 6 years ,,1 time i think i got buck feaver at 70 yds asfar as i know that slug is still circling the earth,dead calm ,sitting AND leaning against a tree,,,,maybe he just jumped the shot :lol:

2 nd time 120 yd dead center on a 1" oak sapling that wasnt their when i pulled the trigger them small trees move faster than a parked car... :$

back in the day my browing auto,light 12 could shoot any slug in a 5 in circle at 100 yds then those iron sights started to get fuzzy and the scope wasnt a option with the tiny recoill it delivers.

20 ga has been the old timers choice sence ive started hunting 5...10...20......25...30...omg 40+ years ago....back then my thought bigger was better and them old guys just couldnt handle the kick ..now as you and other "seasoned " or smart guys have found out them 20 ga rounds find their spot most every time.

But with that said their ant nuttin better for a good tasty gut shot kill than a 3 in mag at 50 yds..

yup i heard it hit,,humped right up and no blood for 50 yds guess i missed it...

  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I finally bit the bullet and bought a 220.. I shot it for the first time today and I am very impressed..

First 2 shots were at 60 yards and the were touching about 2.5 inches left... Made a few adjustment and shot a few more time... Now shooting dead center and about an inch and a half high at 60 yards with 3" federals...

I think my 2 favorite thing about the gun are the recoil pad and the accu-trigger... The recoil pad makes it feel like you are shooting a low caliber rifle.. Really allows you to focus on the shooting part... The accu trigger really gets you focused on squeezing the trigger.. It is so easy to say you are going to do it, but the accu trigger makes it happen...

I am really happy with it so far... going to try some longer range shooting over the course of the next couple of weeks..

Any one looking for a new deer gun, i would highly reccomend it.


For the guys that rather shoot a 12ga .. Savage replaced there 210 12ga model with the new 212 model w/accutrigger, 1 in 24" twist. should be a tack driver as well

T barb... good luck with the new gun... been very impressed with mine so far.. slug guns have came along ways!


just got one nice gun,will be shooting this weekend,no more tank,i hope,3in fed work best,nice light gun,200 yd,nice must spend 100 dollars on slugs to get it wright

  • 2 weeks later...

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