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New to Captain’s Cove is InvisaSwivel (MADE FROM FLUORO CARBON)

These Swivels are great to use with leaders. Available in sizes: 12lb, 25lb, 35lb, and 55lb


Invisible in Water

Self Lubricating

Slow Sinking

Flexible Durability

Corrision Proof

Protects your Guides

Order yours today by calling or emailing us (also will be available in the shop).

Here’s a little more about this NEW product!

InvisaSwivel is a clear fishing swivel that was developed for the avid fisherman who wants to catch more fish. Their stealth design is invisible in water so fish cannot see the swivel like conventional swivels that are made of metal. Also metal swivels are heavy and corode which effects their ability to properly remove line twist.

Another great feature of the InvisaSwivel is its ability to self lubricate due to the space age material they are made of. These swivels will also protect your guides from nicks by gliding softly through causing no damage like a metal swivel would cause. No more guides cutting your line!!

A conventional swivel (made of metal) can only be bent 3-4 times before they will break. InvisaSwivels can be bent hundreds of times and show no signs of fatigue or memory. Corrosion (H2O) plays a huge part in metal swivel failure, because it eats away the metal the minute the swivels hit the water. InvisaSwivels are not affected by salt or fresh water so corrosion is not even a issue.

Increase your odds and catch more fish using an InvisaSwivel; it’s the clear choice.

(information provided from http://www.aquatekO.com)

Captain's Cove Resort Inc

14339 Roosvelt Hwy

Waterport New York 14571


[email protected]


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