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heard a good story from a fishing buddy of mine today and it makes me wonder if anyone feels the way i feel about this. He went out with his girlfriend for an afternoon fish this evening after work and was approached by the border patrol. (he has a 22 foot center console which he has the name of his chater on the side and the town in which he charters) the officers asked him for some identification, so they gave it to them, then they pulled away and then came back and started questioning them. They asked what their relationship was too each other, which i think is bs, what port the lauched from and what the are doing out there. they told them everything they asked and then they asked if they could board the boat. they boarded the boat and went thru every compartment on the boat. they asked if he had any knifes on board and he told them he had his fillet knife and then one of the officers piped up and said there is a "box cutter over here" like he was lying about it.

Call me crazy but does anyone else think this is a waste of our tax money, they are running a 30 foot raft with tripple outboards on it, plus we are paying for 3 or 4 guys to be on it. I cant understand why every time i go fishing i have to worry about wasting an hour getting boarded by some form of law enforcement. I can see being boarded by the dec to check fish or the coast gaurd to be out checking for life safety issues but i dont think you are going to find many people running drugs in a 22 foot boat with downriggers and a 115 horse mercury motor.


Thank the terrorists. I understand your gripe but they are just doing their job. Unfortunatly this is going to happen more and more. What port did this happen near?


I got checked by the State Police marine patrol near Oswego last Monday for what they called a safety inspection. For whatever reason I think they were looking for more than that. I had failed to replace this year's registration in my wallet so they telephoned to make sure I was legit. Gave me a directive to get visual distress items on the boat and left. They could have been hard for all of that. I think it was my 16 foot boat that interested them out there all by itself on the big lake. I saw them a long way off and they came all that way to check me out. I had a Coast Guard Zodiac slow down and look hard as it passed a bit later on. I waved. I saw those boats and a bigger State Police boat Tuesday. All were on the run to somewhere at different times of the morning.

As GAMBLER says, they are just doing their jobs.


Thry approached me a couple years ago, on my favorite pier. 4 or 5 officers toting automatic weapons. they asked me what I was doing, couple other questions. I understand they were doing thier job , but I don't see the need to question a lone jetty jockey. :D


When you give small bureaucrats a little bit of power,they will suck it for all that it's worth.Remember they are not rocket scientists,that's why they are in the coast guard.

About just doing their jobs. Their job description is about 50 bureaucratic pages long and doing their job requires no intelligence,all they do is follow the pages of the description.

If you have a passport you should read the first page and then compare it to what they do..

Here is what it says:

The Secretary Of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all the lawful aid and protection

  rolmops said:
When you give small bureaucrats a little bit of power,they will suck it for all that it's worth.Remember they are not rocket scientists,that's why they are in the coast guard.

About just doing their jobs. Their job description is about 50 bureaucratic pages long and doing their job requires no intelligence,all they do is follow the pages of the description.

If you have a passport you should read the first page and then compare it to what they do..

Here is what it says:

The Secretary Of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all the lawful aid and protection

Spoken like a true LIBERAL. Your European social/political beliefs have surfaced again :no:

BTW, the passage you quoted from the passport was enacted before the Libs allowed radical Islam to run wild in the world and make the world the dangerous place it is today.

Peace through MILITARY MIGHT!! that works for me.

I hope there is a Coast Guard/military member here to defend the comments you have made.


My brother was in the coast guard , I thank him for his service and everyone else no matter what branch they were or are in.............thank you one and ALL !!!!!! :yes:


On The lam.....couldn't have said it better myself. Look guys The day that those terrorits took down our planes and attacked us was The proven point We need to attempt to square our borders away. If a hour long boarding can possibly prevent another act like 9/11, I will happily comply and Thank The agents for the jobs they do.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] mobile.png


Maybe we could take some of the Boarder patrol & send them down to the southern border to do their " job". Arizona had to make a law stating that being in the country illeagaly is illeagal and it is being challanged . The political powers at be to me have no clue of what they are doing to protect this country. I agree peace by power & play to win the game or we look like a bunch of pussys.If terroists rellay wanted to get into this country easily , go to Mexico and walk across. And when they get here you call a phone number to get fair pay, health, education , food & housing benefits , all courtesy of the American taxpayers while you plot to blow up what ever you want.What a country!

  on the lam said:
  rolmops said:
When you give small bureaucrats a little bit of power,they will suck it for all that it's worth.Remember they are not rocket scientists,that's why they are in the coast guard.

About just doing their jobs. Their job description is about 50 bureaucratic pages long and doing their job requires no intelligence,all they do is follow the pages of the description.

If you have a passport you should read the first page and then compare it to what they do..

Here is what it says:

The Secretary Of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all the lawful aid and protection

Spoken like a true LIBERAL. Your European social/political beliefs have surfaced again :no:

BTW, the passage you quoted from the passport was enacted before the Libs allowed radical Islam to run wild in the world and make the world the dangerous place it is today.

Peace through MILITARY MIGHT!! that works for me.

I hope there is a Coast Guard/military member here to defend the comments you have made.

Good opinion,but missing the point.Today's law enforcing coast guard is completely forced into a straight jacket of bureaucratic rules created in order to prevent any hint of profiling.This creates robots, not soldiers or marines,or coast guard personnel that is allowed to differentiate according to the situation.This system makes the perfect breeding place for bullies.

Whatever system turns soldiers or coast guard personnel into mindless enforcers is a bad system.

Blaming the "libs" for everything that went wrong or not to your liking is simplistic.

By the way,I appreciate your gratitude for those who served.I served four and a half years in active duty and 50 to 70 days each year in the active reserves until the age of 47.


This activity is a total waste of the border patrols resources; they belong on the Southern border of the US, not burning gas checking out cute young girls!!!! Are they still flying the big coast guard planes in tandem along Lake Ontario's South shore? It is sooo comforting to see them, not! Cha Ching from the Taxpayers pocket!

The Quote below is very appropriate!

Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty

to purchase a little Temporary Safety,

deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Plus it is reported that Obama said that he would not close the Southern US border until he gets his plan for immigration reform, which is make all illegal’s now in the country US citizens, with full rights & benefits. This way he and his minions are assured another 20 million votes from these free loading criminals. Obama will never close the border, as he will continue to build/buy support base from these illegals. This is sickening!!! Our Law requires that the POTUS as his first duty protect American citizens.

Obama's Aunt is living on the public dole in Boston Mass. even though she received notice of deportation over ten years ago for overstaying her visa, nice, huh!

The second amendment is the first ever Homeland Security!

This same type of Sh!? goes on at the airport when I travel with my father, he is routinely pulled out of the security line for further investigation due to his knee replacement (alarm is tripped). He was a former World WW II prisoner of war for nearly one year (in Nazi Germany, his B-17 was shot down after 18 successful missions bombing German bearing factories); he was also wounded & received the Purple Heart. A young man of Middle Eastern decent walked right through ahead of us with not as much as a glance from security, as he did not set off the alarm. This is just industrial strength stupid in my opinion. As far as I know a good percentage of the people who want to hurt Americans are young men of Middle Eastern decent, however we cannot look beyond our nose due to political correctness. Please hand me the sick sack from the airplane seat!!!


There, I feel better now!!


I don't think the C-130's you see flying the southern shore of Lake O are Coast Guard planes Iceman. I believe they are C-130's from the National Guard base in Niagara Falls, NY. Not sure where you got that.....


The planes I saw were orange in color, hence my assumption CG, well if not CG, it is still a waste of our tax dollars for sure, no matter what agency!

Paul if you are correct (you probably are), the money to support it comes from another government budget line supported by the same US taxpayer!

We all get to bend over deep!

  rolmops said:
  on the lam said:
  rolmops said:
When you give small bureaucrats a little bit of power,they will suck it for all that it's worth.Remember they are not rocket scientists,that's why they are in the coast guard.

About just doing their jobs. Their job description is about 50 bureaucratic pages long and doing their job requires no intelligence,all they do is follow the pages of the description.

If you have a passport you should read the first page and then compare it to what they do..

Here is what it says:

The Secretary Of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all the lawful aid and protection

Spoken like a true LIBERAL. Your European social/political beliefs have surfaced again :no:

BTW, the passage you quoted from the passport was enacted before the Libs allowed radical Islam to run wild in the world and make the world the dangerous place it is today.

Peace through MILITARY MIGHT!! that works for me.

I hope there is a Coast Guard/military member here to defend the comments you have made.

Good opinion,but missing the point.Today's law enforcing coast guard is completely forced into a straight jacket of bureaucratic rules created in order to prevent any hint of profiling.This creates robots, not soldiers or marines,or coast guard personnel that is allowed to differentiate according to the situation.This system makes the perfect breeding place for bullies.

Whatever system turns soldiers or coast guard personnel into mindless enforcers is a bad system.

Blaming the "libs" for everything that went wrong or not to your liking is simplistic.

By the way,I appreciate your gratitude for those who served.I served four and a half years in active duty and 50 to 70 days each year in the active reserves until the age of 47.

Rolmops, Thank you for your service to the country, but what I don't get is how do arrive at the opinion that service personnel are mindless robots?? What modern day experience do you draw from?? Is this based on personal experience?

The only rules that are a problem in my opinion is that profiling is not used as a tool in boarder protection as well as law enforcement. If middle eastern men blow up planes, then stop every middle eastern man at boarding until the facts prove otherwise. If it were single white men, then stop them. Its about protecting the citizens, not satisfying liberal lawmakers or the ACLU.

I have been boarded by the Coast Guard and was impressed by the young men. They did a great job and conducted themselves like law enforcement asking all the right questions.

BTW, I work with a young officer who served in the Coast Guard doing boarder protection in the Pacific Northwest, specifically marine interdiction. He is an extremely well rounded young professional with a college education, not a mindless robot.


Maybe this pic will get you thinking about government waste 009-2.jpg here's 100K worth of Merc's parked next to 75K worth of Merc's 008-1.jpg so the port of Rochester doesn't get attacked by the Cuban navy :swear::swear:

Does 1200 hp make a 30 ft boat go faster than a radio ??????



I would love to see how fast they responded in 6'-8' waves! That much horsepower would do nothing for them. Oops, I forgot, the cuban navy only works on calm days.


I guess i got some opinions as i asked for....... I guess the point i was trying to make is that i think there definately needs to be law enforcement out there but i was under the impression that the coast gaurd has obviously done a very good job handling things on lake ontario seeing how we have had no major issues. I just dont understand why one agency cant handle it, i dont think we need 5 different agencies checking 10 different things. The coast gaurd men and women have been very courtious to me out there, and they have always given me a paper showing that they checked me and when i see them again i show them the paper and they send me on my way. I gues i will just leave earlier in the morning.

Good luck out there this weekend, i hope the kings are still hungry!!


I believe coast guard & border patrol are under same agency (correct me if I'm wrong).

I have no problem being checked/boarded by any law enforcement on the lake. (before or after I catch a big fish - not during the battle)

Stories of H.S. boardings prove that the Lake is a border that the Feds believe needs active patrolling and as such also shows one more way how "un-smart" NYPA is for wanting to put X% of NYS power generation out in it.

Tom B.



the people who never served really know how stupid those who did really are. never had a bad chat with the law." If i wasnt doing anything wrong." thanks for great thoughts pete.

john :)


Although Coast guard and Border Patrol both fall under homeland security it seems as if they have little to do with each other in the real world. If you are sinking I wonder if the border patrol would lift a finger to help you? I know the coast guard has my back and they want to make sure you are safe out there.

Still the fact is some of the 9/11 terrorist came in from Canada so extra hassle by the BP is to be expected and they are not going away any time soon.

  LongLine said:
I believe coast guard & border patrol are under same agency (correct me if I'm wrong).

I have no problem being checked/boarded by any law enforcement on the lake. (before or after I catch a big fish - not during the battle)

Stories of H.S. boardings prove that the Lake is a border that the Feds believe needs active patrolling and as such also shows one more way how "un-smart" NYPA is for wanting to put X% of NYS power generation out in it.

Tom B.



r b - CG will come out if you're life is in danger, otherwise standard procedure is to ask for "all vessels in vicinity to keep a lookout & render assistance."

Also - CG motorboats all have machine gun mounts W/ weapons out of sight. Back when Fast Fairy pulled out, CG escorted it from dock with rifles unslung and border patrol was around. (I remember "fondly" being told to sit on launch dock until it left - at rifle point)

Tom B.



(". I can see being boarded by the dec to check fish or the coast gaurd to be out checking for life safety issues but i dont think you are going to find many people running drugs in a 22 foot boat with downriggers and a 115 horse mercury motor.")

How do you think it gets across the Lake? A few hundred pounds of dope goes in the cooler's from Can in one fishing boat and hits the US shore in the second fishing boat, the same with guns and cash. With the Indian reservations on both sides of the border its a never ending flow. The Coast guard bording officer bording your boat is always looking for the mother load, and they should be. Its no different than a traffic stop. Sean


hey sean who you calling a 200 lb dope, i are a marine too guess i missed all the mindless guys cause i was in du airwing....thats it the spare tire stays on shore and i ant sleeping in the cooler no more on them hot days... Iwas lucky enuf to be the service in peace times and all them wasted tax dollars spent on my fruitless hours of flight training had me ready to do any mission my helocopter could performe under any conditions ,and i can guarantee you i would of laid my life on the line for poeple like some of the military bashers on this site and so would thoes kids on the patrol boats or aircraft.

If you ever need a air rescue or boat rescue Ill bet they would still give it their all to save you despite you having both fingers in the air ,and i dont mean peace sign..

Think of it as car inshurance you pay every year never hoping to use it but if a accedent occures youll be pretty darn happy have it...

Thank You To All Men And Women in ANY uniform who serve what is left of this GREAT NATION!!!!!

  rail bird said:
Although Coast guard and Border Patrol both fall under homeland security it seems as if they have little to do with each other in the real world. If you are sinking I wonder if the border patrol would lift a finger to help you? I know the coast guard has my back and they want to make sure you are safe out there.

Still the fact is some of the 9/11 terrorist came in from Canada so extra hassle by the BP is to be expected and they are not going away any time soon.

Greg, when I encountered a problem last June coming across the lake from Canada (a cabin full of water IS a problem) it was the Border Patrol chopper that showed up first. In fact, things could have gone horribly wrong if the chopper pilot had not vectored the CG to my position. Apparently the radio operator in Youngstown had some trouble hearing me and understanding basic GPS positioning. I, for one, was VERY thankful the Border Patrol was there!



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