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Just wanted to know what works best for everyone. I usually run the fly 20ft of the cannon balls and it works good sometimes.


I run my flasher / fly about 8 feet off the balls. Seems to give better action when it is closer to the ball.

...also, that is what the instructions say on the spin doctor package :)


yup, 8-10 off the riggers with flasher/flies here also, never more than 15. We take a lot of kings on F/F's off the riggers on short leads, much more so than with longer leads.

Spoons, usually 10-15 feet, though I will sometimes stretch them back 20-40 feet, and some times pulling them in really tight to the ball (5-6 feet) works really well also, epsecially for steelhead.



Good info guys. I dont know, sometimes I would run them longer if I was fishing them higher in the water column. I will try them a little shorter to see what happens. Once again thanks


I run my flash and fly as close as 4 feet and no farther than 10 feet. When the fish are deep I catch alot on the 4 foot lead. When the rigger is around 30-40 a little longer with the flash/fly but no more than 10 feet. Spoons at at around 10 feet also when deep ,and 15-20 when a little shallower. works great for me.

  mcds7 said:
on the spin drs,is that 8ft,no matter which action hole is used on the fin?

thanks :)

Yes, I have some set up either way with the fly leader running out of either the close or the far hole and really haven't noticed a significant difference in fish catching either way, both holes take fish.



to get this back on topic :lol: I usually run my spinnes close to the ball 6-8ft with good results. But I have noticed if they are firing on the dipsy and not on the rigger I will stretch them back 15-20ft and can make a big difference. I don't play too much with that back hole, I do it the same every time. If its not working then play with it a little. Something will make it work.


So you guys are sending you flasher/flies 8-10 ft back behind the boat before hooking it to the ball, and thats it? I never would have tried it that close. Hoping to get up there in a couple weeks. Guess i may make some changes.


8-12 feet max...

We limited out on kings 4 out of 7 days last year that we were up on the big O.

Most of them were on the dipsy- but the riggers usually we set them pretty short to the ball.


I see alot of mixed info here and most everyone is right and will catch fish with these set ups, but one thing you can do from day to day to better your catch is start with short lead's and if nothing's going on with them and you'r stuff way out back like dipsys and or copper's are taking hits in there stealthy ways it time to start lengthening your leads off the rigger's so they become stealthy also. good luck & i hope this sheds alittle light on the topic.


well it took some time for me to learn and i was tought by a laker or 2,,,i was killin (catchin) 10 to 1 lakers in seneca on dyspys to rigger hits then the pea pod started smokin and i got thinkin the lakers like the tighter circle compaired to the 12 to 15 ft lead on the riggers....after shortin the riggers they were getting as many if not more hits than the dyspys 5 to 6 ft back so its gotta be the circle size thing.. yea the boat calls in the steelies to the spread but its not uncommon for me to run em back 40 to 100 ft in steelie waters ant nuttin better than seeing a steelie jump behind the boat 4 ft in the air with all 4 rods still locked in the release ,,,,for about 2 sec if you want to see some major air time the long leads are a fun way to do it... i dont do this in derbys or serious fishing just when i want to see fish fly and the best part is sometimes they shake the hook so you dont have to mess around pullin them in...and if they do shake it, they almost always jump 3 or 4 more times,... for that added enjoyment..maybe ill do a video its better than fightin them


Wow. This is very interesting stuff. I have been running 30 ta 50 feet behind that ball. Always figured the ball spooked them. :o Wondered how you boys were making such tight turnes.



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