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If you could only carry 10 trolling spoons on your boat all year round, what would they be? Pls list spoon brand, name and size.


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After fishing for BT's this past week over the course of 4 days, we took fish on every spoon Andy mentioned except just one

Chicken Wing

As I didn't have one of those

Guess you can tell where I get my info from





Lol.. Thanks guys. Only fair that I share mine (been off the water for a few years, thus the reason for the post)

In no particular order....all NK unless stated differently


Glo frog


Kevorkian (mag michigan stinger)

Five of diamonds (make your own silver pirate 44)

Green dolphin

NBK (stingray)

Orange crush (dbl tape)

Chicken wing

Monkey Puke (orange)

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My top ten spoons this year so far have been

Gold belly Spook - Stingray

Gold 42 Mag- NK

Stingray Gator

NK 28 green Nuke/glow ladder

Gold belly Stingray 42

(get the hint anything green and glow)

NK purple nuke

stinger Raspberry Dolphin

DW SS Tranny (Black/glow green tape)a little glitter

of course DW and Stinger NBK'S in all sizes

and The DW SS Pink Panties caught it's fair share of Steelhead on my boat so far. :lol:


According to my source it may very well be your location on the lake that makes the difference. My source did tell me that the the Stinger Gator was the hottest spoon a couple of months ago. ;)

My only complaint is I wish Michigan Stinger would come up with a way to keep the paint on their spoons.. 8)


Jack here are my favorites spoons for 2010

Stingray Nuclear Killer

Stingray NBK

NK Mag Raspberry

NK Mag Black green/glow

NK Mag Glow Froggy

NK 28 Silver orange stripe

NK Mag 42nd spoon

NK Mag Purple Thunder with special double ladder back silver and glow

Stingray Carmel Dolphin

Stingray Green Glow Alewife

I went out tonight for a few hours with my neighbor and we did some brownies on Nuclear Killer and NBKs...... Nice night on the water........ Dale


NK Sea Sick Waddler

Stinger Gator

NK Copper NBK

Stinger Glo Green Alewife

NK Lazer Spook

DW Shiznit

DW Green Eye Ghost

DW Orange Slurpee

NK Coyote

NK 42nd or DW Midnight Special


Stinger NBK

Dream weaver SS NBK

Stinger Gater

dream weaver Gater

Stinger green dolpin

Stinger blue dolpin

Stinger 42nd

NK die hard

Stinger Glow frog

mixed brands of Alewive's with scale tape & black eye's


DW SS Midnight Special

DW Shiznit

DW SS Glow Frog

NK Die Hard

NK Copper NBK

NK Lazer Glow Spook

DW SS Feelin' Erie

DW SS Gator

NK Seasick Waddler

DW SS Green Glo Alewife


Billy, no "that spoon"?

How about the top ten names for spoons that have yet to be created!



1-no shorts

2-the buffy


4-speedo special

5-no see em :lol:

6-holy shart !

7-dicky doo

8-hairy back waddler

9-the baldy

10-O.M.G. hookinballs spoon= left on seat and sat on in buffy mode and how do i get to hospital and explain my emergency.....


YT's right - THAT spoon kicked butt in May but then it's faded out for us. I'll give it a whirl a few more times this year before officially deciding that it's over with on my boat!


Hmmm , Ray here's my list

Ray K - 27


Rebel Fat Hat

21 spoon

bloodshot evil eye

sammy unpac


husky musky jerk bait

spin nurses

billy V-8


Top Ten so far:

Carmel Dolphin-Warrior

Green Dolphin-Warrior

Blue Perch-Warrior

Blue Dolphin-Silver Streak

Double glow Spook white back-NK

Double glow Spook silver back-NK

The "Whale" Mag-Warrior

Karnel Dolphin-Silver Streak 8)


Hot Lobster-Fuzzy Bear


great lists guys...

geeze, my wallet is is spasming... been a while since i bought spoons - sticker shock - yikes!

Seriously, these have been a great help...keep 'em coming.

Also, when I get a chance I will compile the Top-10 of the Top-10 for 2010 and repost


Jack "watermelon" is 3rd? What about the time you emptied the shelves of R&R mag watermelons a few years back?

Jack "watermelon" is 3rd? What about the time you emptied the shelves of R&R mag watermelons a few years back?

Tom, i guess we did carry a few of those onboard 8)

FYI, i am trying to get some of the old crew together for a trip to Bacelona for walleye... lmk if your interested



DW SS Tranny


DW mag Tranny

DW Gator

DW SS death wish (i think thats what its called)

DW SS glow frog

Stingray NBK

DW lazer spook

Stingray chicken wing


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