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Managed a solo outing in the rain, pretty good day on the lake fishing though ended up with a 2lb largemouth, 4lb smallmouth a 7lb rainbow and a bonus! 9lb walleye. most of the fish were caught north of and near the bluffs the two bass were in 40 fow down 20ft one on a blue red bill flatfish and the other on a boy/girl stingray scorpion spoon both on a cheater...the bow came on a kevorkian stingray spoon right out in the middle of the lake trolling east/west down 35 ft also on a cheater...the walleye was also out in the middle of the lake 20ft. down on a cheater with a copper confusion spoon...I ran into "Laker Taker" and showed him how well I did after all his advice when we fished a month ago :) I appreciate the help Chuck...he was also nice enough to snap a few pictures for me ...good fishin to all!





Tom, super nice mixed bag & great wally! You were in the right place at the right time w/ the right stuff! :yes: -Andy


hey tcon... were you in a aluminum boat with a red stripe? my buddy and I were out there in a MFG and I saw a guy fishing solo coming up the west side. We had a decent day also, 4 lakers between 3 and 6 lbs and a smallmouth that we caught with 210' of wire out!!!! a siggs bluegreen hyp. behind a white on white spin doc was our best producer for the day


Thanks guys yeah that was me Turp forgot my phone and forgot my radio...actually it was kinda nice :D without either..



Yes it has I only wish I could get out more :( Thats a beautiful rainbow you guys caught on Canandaigua for sure.


Good with the rods and reels, good with the camera...man of many talents...again Chuck I appreciate all the advice It's nice when things sorta come together once in a while...gonna try and get out again on Sunday.

Take care,


  lyteline said:
Is Eskimo's hat for sale yet???? :lol: Zeke & Cyn.............And WTG Tcon....awesome fish.

:D hats note for sale , but EJ is for rent.....



I dont really know what I do know is that i've spent quite a bit of time trolling hemlock not really targeting walleye but that is the first one ive caught.


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