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I Am Ashamed......


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Last Thursday when I went to Riverside California, for my youngest sons wedding. Life hit me between the eyes at 64, when people have to live with bars on there windows and steel front doors with rod iron fences with barbed wire on top of that, to feel safe in there own homes.

These gangs are not different than Joseph Stalin, Adol Hitler,Sad Hussein or Ho Chi Minh. There little countries with in a city with a dictator running that piece of real estate they think they own.

Keeping people in constant fear and from walking down there streets they live on, is no different than what the above men did to there countries.

Why does life have to be this way for these people, no matter what race they are. No one should have to live in fear in America and I am a Vet. This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats but we as Americans

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Well I am proud as hell to be an AMERICAN. NO shame here. I'm proud of all who have fought and died for this country. Bars on Windows doesnt change the fact that this is the best country on Earth. Alls that is is a reminder to me. Everytime I go to a city , it just reminds me how fortunate I am to live in my lil hick town. It's not a perfect world, but try finding anywhere closer than the good ol' U S of A

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I am a vet with 3 tours in Nam, I took the same oath as every politician who has taken office.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

the enemies are the gangs and they are Domestic Mike, The politicians have all failed in there oath to us. So how can you be proud when people are suffering, right here in the USA

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I would think that you would be more ashamed to be a Californian, than an American, as this is where some of the worst trouble is. This country needs to deport all illegal aliens, starting with Obama's Aunt who was scheduled for deportation over 10 years ago, but she still lives on the public dole in MA!!!!

We need to take our country back & the day we do that is much nearer than you think. The warped political system, especially in Calif. & NY are the biggest problem we have, as the current & past powers that be have trashed the constitution, & broken about every law on the books, & gotten away with a slap on the wrist, all the while maintaining their benefit system provided by the US taxpayer, well we are damn tired of being screwed, & need to make this perfectly clear as we vote.

Any career politician (that is an oxymoron, for sure) should be voted out of office no matter which party they are affiliated with. There should never be career politicians!!!!! :devil:

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It's all over America, where people can not walk down the streets at night, not just California cities. To pick one race over another is crazy. There are gangs of every nationality across America. Some of the gangs have more members than some countries have men and woman in the military for there country.

After some research, Oakland Ca. alone has one gang with over 8,000 members. Now that is not a gang in my mind but an army.

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I live in upstate NY, & there are no real gang concentrations here, that I know of. Our city police broke up a couple of street gangs & put their leaders in jail on RICO charges, along with murder & narco trafficing. True about the safety on the streets in downtown Syracuse, as they have at least a couple of shootings a week, but it is usually turf wars by drug dealers. So, it ususally doesn't effect the normal folks too much.

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Sorry to hear that your son can not live the good life "out in the sticks".... I was stationed in Jacksonville, FL... lived in Houston,TX,. and Greenville,SC both with EX girlfriends... but came home, because I needed the four seasons, and this is where I was born...

I have recently bought my first house in a very rural area,(at 34) and thank the lord every time I think of some of the "city life" that I experienced for nearly 10 years....may your son come home to where he was born and bred, and not have to worry about gangs, and etc......Jeff

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