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If anyone can"t find a place to hunt in this state other than someones elses posted land then they just plain are stupid. There is more state land in NY than anywhere. Adirondacks, catskills and about a 1000 other sections throughout the state. Its seems it is some hunters natural instinct to think there deer are bigger, better and more of them on the other side of those posted signs when some of the biggest deer in the state are harvested season after season on state land. I look at this way we all own a large amount of land and then some of us own a little bit more that we pay large amounts of money for so we can have some for ourselves to hunt and do as we please with it. I bet I hunt state land just as much as my own private land and why not its our tax dollars and license fees paying for every acre. I can say that 15 years ago down to camp you could barely find a place to sit on opening morning of gun season on the state land that surrounds my camp. In the last 3 to 4 years you might see 5 or 6 other hunters and man if the weather is crappy half of them stay home or leave well before noon. Then after opening weekend I will see just a handful of hunters rest of the season, come late muzzloader no one at all. So heres my answer, Unless you have a private landowners permission to be there either OWN, LEASE OR HUNT STATE LAND its pretty f-ing simple.


The farm we lease has a 0 tolerance for violators, and the perpertators have been dealt with quickly, and firmly.

When he has found tree stands on his land, the chain saw is used to drop that tree so it destroys the stand, and is left right there, until it is ready to be cut into firewood.

When a person is found, he is physically escorted off, and trust me, this farmer, is NOT someone that you want to fool with.

We too have his permission to do the same, but don't have to, as his, and his fathers attitude, over the years is known far/wide, and folks give that property a wide berth. :yes:


Pete, were can I get the long fuses you are talking about? Also, remind me not to piss you off! Andy, AKA CHOWDER, spreading liquid manure on the guys truck has got to be the funniest thing ive heard in a while! I can imagine the guys look on his face. :rofl:


Hey squirrel,if you think thats funny you have to be there and see it. About 20 years ago I was hunting a farm that was open to anyone but the rule was you didn't drive to the top of the hill if it was warm and the road was soft. It was cold that morning and four of us drove up and parked along the edge of the woods and went hunting, got a nice 6tp within an hour and drag it to my old Jeep wagon and went party tagin. One guy left and one kept driving in and out about 5 times and mudded things up. I had a feeling so I backed the wagon into the woods.(the back window didn't go up).Well that left me and the other guys CJ5 ragtop. The best part of this is the year before he got the thing stuck in the corn lot and tore the lot up pretty bad.That afternoon I heard the tractor and spreader coming up the hill,I could pretty much tell by the sound what was going on, I came out after dark and needless to say the front of my truck was quite fertile but when I saw that jeep I busted out laughing and sat in my wagon till he came out and grabbed the door handle,then I allmost pissed my pants laughing. He pulled his hand back and just stood there looking at it, like what the hell!!! That farmer laid about 3" of **** all over the side of it. I laughed all the way to the car wash. And thats a true story. :lol::lol:

  chowder said:
I agree w/ Pete on the issue of inevitability w/ respect to leasing becoming the predominant hunting access rationing dynamic.

As far as dealing w/ repeat trespassers I've found that coating the offender's vehicle about a foot deep with liquid dairy manure works wonders ( I've also been taken to court for doing this, so be careful!) -Andy


What did the judge say??


here is the link to posted land right from NY DEC


Here are some tips from both sides of the fence! If you are going to post your property use quality sings and keep up on maintains to show that you are actively pushing the issue of NO TRESPASSING, it’s definitely gets the point across better then the 5y old paper sign faded and hanging on by it last staple!

I ordered mine online from http://www.vosssigns.com I ordered the aluminum 100pk with my name and address and phone # screen printed on every sign total cost shipped to my house was $110 I used 84 of them to post 81 acres and have the spares for years to come!

Unfortunately it is an eye sore bordering your property but I can guarantee that it is very intimidating when you approach my property I make it very clear, and it works I have not yet had any problems I have had people call and ask if they can track a wounded deer and I say yes I will meet you up there and drag it out for you. and trust me this is a very high pressure area with plenty of assholes

You can also ask the sheriff department for posted sings they carry them in their truck and usually give you 2 of them if you are having problems I have one on every corner of my property



Just arrest a few of them and the word gets out. The DEC, State, or County police can all enforce the same laws. It just depends on if you get a cop that knows some game laws. ENCON laws are my bread and butter this time of year and the DEC are a good group of guys to work with. They are busy now and are getting calls at all hours even off duty. It does tick you off to see the same dirt bags hunting all day while you work to pay for it. Word of mouth will work better than any posted sign.

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