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Go Get em Dave, if you can bundle that squad's energy and enthusiasm there will be so much radioactivity in the air waves the King's will tuck their tail fins between their pelvic fins and float to the top, all while Big Gene scoop's em up with his eyes closed and without Nog ever losing his grip on a 12'er. It'll only be your job at that point to keep the MEGA Screamer Vessel on course while Young Gene packs the cooler the way he does best with the HEAVY'S !!!!


Maybe its not so nuts Kev-O, maybe its "compacted forced ram-sacked" energy being released for future west end competition, derived from not getting what we want on the east end !!!! We love the players from the west end and highly regard many, but the east boys now finally get to portray a love that has been slighted from us for quite a few years. If we have to travel clear across the lake and even into Canada to compete in a way we have often dreamed of then count us in, were on our way !!!! When the Primetime Pete's of the crowd say "I'm there lets play" you will know the stops are getting pulled and some of the most serious players there are will be ready to lay it on the line and rank themselves up against anybody who is ready to take them on.



Tom, I noticed you said no hucklebucking in one of your statements? I did not read that in the rules!! :lol: I have Thursday and Friday before the event to do what I am famously known for! :lol: However I cannot agree with you more on the no communication! Every team for themselves!!! Love it!!!

This will be a tournament of friend making! Blood pumping! Evenly spaced competition! It's an honor to fish a tournament like this against some of the biggest guns on Lake Ontario!!! I remember coming to Lake Ontario on weekends with my dad when I was 11yrs old, sliding our 14ft v bottom with 9.9 mercury down the bank at the Nuke Plant to catch browns on the bubble! Always looking up at the big charter boats troll next to us! Going back to school on Monday and drawing boat pics in my notebook of charters I have seen that weekend! The point I am getting at is that even a weekend warrior (SCREAMER) from Pa. can fish against these big guns! Doesn't matter boat size! You need 3 different items! #1 Good friends,# 2 Atommik flies, #3 Your love and heart for catching Kings!!!!!!!!



I'm talking to your Ol' man Dave! No way he can afford to let you have both of those days off! IF he does allow it I'm sending in Cold Steel's Casey Prisco to prime you Friday night. Roofies in your drinks! LMAO!!!!


This is probably the most anticipated high stakes and respected event on the great lakes for 2011 hands down. The class of talent..experience ..and fun is off the charts....is it may yet???

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Thanks Kevin for putting together an awesome event! Finally an event that will test your angling skills and not your "texting" prowess.

I began fishing these types of tournaments over 15 years ago because I wanted to see how my fishing skills matched up against the likes of "Thrillseeker" and "Hot Line" I was reading about in the old Great Lakes Fisherman magazine. The early no comm. days of the pro am's gave me an opportunity to fish against the very best captains on a even playing field. Once these events became open comm I felt I had no way of truely knowing who I was fishing against.

These guys are tough enough to compete agianst alone and even tougher when you give them a unlimited source of information from a network of other fisherman. The pro am shifted away from testing my skills as an angler to rewarding my skills as a "network builder".

Looking foward to once again fishing against the very best the lake has to offer on a even playing field!

Let the game begin!!!


Hey Rick if your not talking a "sticky" there was a tournamnet thread that was in the high 9000's started by Del a few years back, I belive rules was a common topic. I also think there was yet anther No Communication thread that has since been removed due to the rather strong content/feelings that may have been up there in hits

This is the real deal man, its where the interest is at and where its been, Kev-O just reiterated its life !!!! Hope it sinks in as our somewhat platued existing tourney base needs a heavy IV of reality


  Yankee Troller said:
I want to see this thread hit 10,000 views! I wonder if Chad knows how long the longest thread was?

Adirondack Salmon Chowder in the Recipe Section has well over 11,000 views & still growing. ;)


Anyone doubt if Tom Allen's excited over this event :o

"Thanks Kevin for putting together an awesome event! Finally an event that will test your angling skills and not your "texting" prowess.

Once these events became open comm I felt I had no way of truely knowing who I was fishing against.

These guys are tough enough to compete agianst alone and even tougher when you give them a unlimited source of information from a network of other fisherman. The pro am shifted away from testing my skills as an angler to rewarding my skills as a "network builder".

Looking foward to once again fishing against the very best the lake has to offer on a even playing field!

Let the game begin!!!"

Well put Primetime Pete. Altho I don't go back nearly as far back as you on Lake O. (thus the deletion of the copied post), I feel the exact same way regarding the comm. networking etc.. It's tough enough to roll in to dodge after leaving Lake Erie, practice fish a day or two, sift thru the B.S., find a program that works and then go head to head with some of the best of the best (you included). Combine that with major networking and open comm., one finds himself at a major disadvantage if "not connected" as well... Its tough enough to beat the fish in their element let alone 15 to 30 boats connected via the CELL PHONE...

I often said, the purest and most rewarding "W" is one that the captain and team did themselves without outside influence.

We are really looking forward to the one day "show down" and format that the WHI has put together.

See you in May.

Vision Quest


A question to the committee. Does the no- comm. rule apply on Friday as well?



Well I'm not so sure a thank is warrented thanks SHOULD go out to the anglers that have come out to play and the generous sponsors such as yourself. There are many that make this possible and everyone involved including those fishing should stay on top of things and protect it. Above all I'm looking forward to seeing everyone together having a drink sharing a bite just as it should be........as friends. I'm excited and I'm not even fishing! Shade comm is open friday but why would anyone? Make it yours Sat earn it and enjoy all that comes. Thanks to all info will be coming soon. In planning for the banquet be advised space is limited and this isn't a y'all come event and will be limited to those involved in the tournament. Obviously 4 tickets are included but for those that have additional team members or a spouse extra tickets will be $35 and well worth it!

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Just feel a need to clarify a couple of the above posts. I have never, and will never, take part in a network of communication in any Tournament. Was completely disheartened when it happened. I can remember standing next to you, primetime pete when it was announced at a Niagara event. I'm sure the look on our faces would say it all. I was outspoken and ended up not invited to anymore committee meetings.

I did continue to fish them and support them. We and many of our clients are hopelessly addicted to ALL the different formats of Tournys on Lake O and quite frankly it became an extreme challenge to try to win the Cup going against open comm. From day one, I knew the open format would end up with skewed outcomes, ended friendships and not the tremendous camraderie that we have all grown to appreciate.

We have from time to time, attempted to work with a couple of amateur boats, feeling like we were up against different armies out there on the water during the events. Even this didn't sit well with us. Damned if you do, damned if you don't and not what it was ever intended to be.

Many of you will attest that I have always been more excited to fish the closed comm events. Now lets hope the players behave themselves and the field proves it can be this way.


Well Kevin I think a thank you is warrented. I do not know all who are involved outside of Rick, Billy V, Tom and yourself but you guys are doing an OUTSTANDING job. Not only for putting this event together but keeping the excitement and intensity at such a high level. I do not know how any of the other events can meet or exceed this tournement accomplishments and it hasn't even taken place yet.

Outstanding job........ :clap::clap::yes::yes::yes:


PS: Is there a list of all the participants available?


Vince: I would like to attest to your canning ability to stick to your guns and run with "how you perform the best" year after year. You and your THRILLSEEKER Team are in fact the single highest entity who has maintained that persona but still played the game. Hats off to you, as why your looked upon the way you are and also as to why you will always remain on that top shelf of competition. To be a threat in our loved series' of various competitions and formats will always come in various ways, your way stands above the rest even if you do not believe it to be so. My feeling of this proof is in the said fact itself of your admitted claim of "I have never, and will never, take part in a network of communication in any Tournament"

My passion runs deep and I am willing to speak at the forefront. I have been expected to keep this thread clean and watch my P's and Q's, thus coming close to the line from time to time. Hey thats just me, but I feel our once cherished Pro/Ams have such a huge potential currently being masked, it sickens me to think of how they (IMO) are currently plateauing with enthusiasm d/t the single Open Communication rule. I talk to many, I hear a lot of input, I am "on many occasions" that "greeter" to up and coming potential. All my past rants of speaking for a majority were truths, I would of never poked my head out to take the brunt of the blow from coordination if I felt non-justified.

Through many attempts to get the point across to the Pro/Am's on what a majority wanted has not come without reaction from "within" the Pro/Am, and here is where I need to be careful on what I say. If the simple fact "No Communication" was admitted it was not wanted d/t the entities adding the "blood, sweat and tears" to the tourneys did not want it, then I for one would of never pursued it the way I have. But to mask the truth (IMO) with various reasons or excuses only left room for rebuttal. As I contacted those in power as many did, the reasons often varied. Like I have openly stated on many occasions, 10 straight years of the Oswego Pro/Am (to 78 teams and the rule change) and a sell-out field in the Canadian Tightliner (for 5 years now) with ever growing interest is proof in the pudding of what us anglers want. Now with a sell-out in the WHI under a No Communication rule only nails that coffin shut once again.

The Wilson Harbor Invitational was first brought up to me with an intriguing difference in mind: Kevin had asked What if this? What about that? How about if we did this? I also recall the phrase, "What would it take to make this work?", Not that I consider myself the one who knows all, but outside of those who choose to follow suit to my rants it seems I was always heading the charge, (openly that is) anyway..... Much thought was given from Kevin, then after some initial input he moved onto the next person and asked the same, the more time Kevin put into it the more feedback he received, as he was soaking it all in the rest of our thought process never stopped. Kevin reached the likes of some of the biggest names on the net, Billy V and Rick Hajecki, more input to soak in !!! All of a sudden Kevin took it to a whole new level, "the players tournament"....... Its working, Kevin got all of our attention at this point and has sold this to us on a non-skid platter, I mean how could most of us ever say no?

Our Lake Ontario fishery deserves these kind of tourney's when high stakes are in play (IMO), but I also agree with Vince, the diversity the various tourney's bring is a sweet thing. With Closed Communication however, diversity is great but only when evenly played. Whether a Pro/Am, or a Tightliner, or now the WHI, it ranks a bit differently than our eastern basin family/kids oriented type events. But still the diversity is good, we deserve it, we love it, we live for it in some cases, we take it serious, if I heard Steph tell me once I heard her tell me 100 times, we won the Oswego Scotty and we are girls !!!!The korky little skit I made a few months back was another form of proof in the pudding. I had tons of anglers message me and say, "Tom, were you hiding cameras in our living rooms?" lol

I've been in this game an average amount of time, for some anglers much longer and hopefully many more yet to come, It's my life to date and makes up most of my thoughts year round. As why the intensity often flows hard, were looking at a few hundred anglers getting together for the WHI, somewhere in each anglers thoughts there is that desire to win, the hope to do well, or the thought to beat a friend, or rank up against a "Vince". Serious stuff with hard earned dollars on the line and with energy created along the way. To win a WHI type event will be like no other for 2011 so far, to know you did it on your own and with decisions you and your team brought into play. Unreal the feeling to walk away with, as that strut to the stage will say it all. The winning team will have done it and without awkward feelings as to how, when amongst friends who bleed the same desire.



Does anyone have a phone number for Kevin or Wilson Marina? The number on the wilson marine webpage isn't working :(



How about Hotels near by for the event. Are there any rooms left? Is there a hotel that is giving special rates for the event?

Advise would be appreciated... I've volunteered as an observer for the event and hoping not to have to drive too far for a room on the friday night.

Tom ... wow! Dude what ever you're smoking before you write one of these "rants" bring some for the after party! Love the enthusiasm you have for this event!

  fishandaprayer said:
How about Hotels near by for the event. Are there any rooms left? Is there a hotel that is giving special rates for the event?

Advise would be appreciated... I've volunteered as an observer for the event and hoping not to have to drive too far for a room on the friday night.

Tom ... wow! Dude what ever you're smoking before you write one of these "rants" bring some for the after party! Love the enthusiasm you have for this event!

Last i new the wilson house had one room left. I called them a few weeks ago to get our spotter a room. Give them a call at 716-751-9888, ask for john or caren. If they dont have a room let me no, i can find you something


I would like to extend a big congrats and thank you to the Wilson Invitational organizers from your friends North of the border! We try to participate in a few competitive events around the lake but have never tried our hand in a tourney hosted by our neighbors. Needless to say, this looks like the perfect opportunity to get involved. No communication, rich fishery, stiff competition and a well put together itinerary what more could an angler ask for??? Looking forward to making even more friends and having a blast as we all vie to be the inaugral winner of this highly coveted tourney on the Lake!

BigD over and out.


Hey Big D

Glad Team Pressman can make it, look forward to seeing you, Steve and Chris on the beloved South Shore, this event is right up your alley dude!!!! As I sit here with a sh*t eating grin and goose-bumps thinking of blast off with you guys leading the Northwest charge (HA !!!) I can only hope some of the eastern shore experience will keep up with your teams wits !!! I know the threat your teams enthusiasm brings, look for Team Pressman near the top all !!!!!

Glad to have you

As for what I'm smoking ???? No need to wait till the after party because there's a constant heavy dose of stoked blood running rampid in the veins these days, this type event is what the players want, and its been that way for a very long time !!!!

Enjoy Team Pressman

http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y40/nf ... ctions.mp4


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