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Nice video Team Pressman! However, I did notice that your a little slow getting to that dipsey rod while your sitting down in the chair! :lol: Mistakes like that can cost you in the Wilson Invitational! Our kings on this side of the border are more fierce!lol Just bustin ya buddy! Glad your coming! See you at the dock!


Well its been a little while since we updated but things will once again start to move swiftly. For starters its time to finalize those teams. In the very near future each Captain will recieve a link that should be forwarded printed etc for all team members. It will contain a sheet to register your team for dinner (how many are coming). An angler survey (this helps us identify the gear your using) and an orderform for your limited edition tee shirts that will be available in short and long sleeve. A responce all all the material is mandatory and will trim our paperwork down to just a signature once you get here.

  SCREAMER 1 said:
Nice video Team Pressman! However, I did notice that your a little slow getting to that dipsey rod while your sitting down in the chair! :lol: Mistakes like that can cost you in the Wilson Invitational! Our kings on this side of the border are more fierce!lol Just bustin ya buddy! Glad your coming! See you at the dock!



It looks great :yes: When do we need to send in the rest of are entry money? I thought it was a date in April but I lost my info. Thanks Sean

  Hookedup said:
It looks great :yes: When do we need to send in the rest of are entry money? I thought it was a date in April but I lost my info. Thanks Sean

Great question! Balances need to be sent in/postmarked by April 18th. We are working on getting packets out to the captains of each team at the moment.


This will be an awsome event abd a great time.....Thanks

Outstanding job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The event just keeps looking better and better dudes!!! We have been in intense training ever since reviewing our footage. :D But Mr. Screamer, you must realize, we are only this lethargic after eating carved sirloin and snow crab as that is our Kryptonite! :rofl: And we do realize how fierce your kings are cause we beat the hell out of of them on the north shore all summer and tire them out for you guys when they come home!!!! All kidding aside, you guys are totally awesome and a blast and we are totally stoked to party with you dudes on your side of the fence and can't wait to get over there to let the lies fly!!! Truly, this is looking VERY solid!!



Oh Dear D, your barking right up the Screamer Tree with that phrase

get over there to let the lies fly!!!
don't forget the likes of the once pronouonced "King Hucklebucker" to ever float on Lady O will be in the house !!!!!!!!!!!! and to think poor GOOD MAN Steve hasn't got a clue as to what your setting him up for come time to duo with the Screamers of the pack. LMAO !!! (:

These boys don't mind to send you pack'n after treadin space with some slippery Americans, you boy's have much proven worth no doubt, but when you hear the name Screamer best bet is to STAY AWAY !!! or better yet RUNNNNNN

He He He



I've already wrote the fishing off with that field and the other Atomik boyz have already tipped me off on Davey and crew :devil: lmao...I'm there too eat the sweet buffet!!! They can't swashbuckle my steak and seafood!!!!! Can they??? ;(

I hope Rich wins the loot cause juding by the FB banter it will be an awesome scene to see the Hucklebucker dudes move in!!!



I gave up hucklebucking for lent! :lol: It's been a long winter boys! I am turning over a new leaf! I never under estimate any fisherman, pro or am, small boat or big, resident or non-resident, Canadian or American, drunk or sober, spoon fisherman or fly fisherman, male or female, we have all had our butts handed to us on a platter by all of the above at one time! This tournament will be AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! Rubbing elbows with Ontario's finest!!! This Labatt Blue is for you Kevin and crew! :beer:

P.S. Pressman, Nog will have the cold ones waiting for ya!



The Situation?lol

On May 13th I will be the Capt. of the SCREAMER :devil: lol


Screamer :clap:

For us rookies, just to rub elbows with the top fishermen on Lake "O" is an accomplishment in itself.:yes:

Competing on a level playing field and looking over what knowledge we have obtained, as we get our gear in shape, gives us more and more confidence in our abilities. Yes, we acknowledge that what we have learned may not be enough with the experience at this level. However,having zero pressure on us our appraoch will be to work hard as a team but most important, we're gonna have fun. Ya, we paid $800.00 for a dinner but the opportunity to compete with the best, PRICELESS!!

So why you guys are blowing us off the water with those 454's your runnin just keep an one eye in your rear view mirror. YA NEVER KNOW :rofl::yes::yes:

See ya in 56 days. :devil:

Howie - Hannah Christine

PS: Once again, we thank the event committee for this memorable opportunity. Job well done :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:


I call it "T.O.ing". Remember when T.O. told Deon Sanders to "getcha popcorn ready" before the big playoff game with the Giants? What he proceeded to do was go out and lay an egg of monstrous proportions. 1 catch, 7yds. The Giants? Kept their mouths shut and went on to win the Super Bowl, despite Dallas being the heavy favorite to do so all season.

"T.O.ing" is absolutely prohibited on Team THRILLSEEKER, and there are heavy ramifications for doing so. Dave, very well put, respect any player that puts up 800 smackers. Every team is capable of a big day.

I can see with all the new posts, and a new category for Tournaments here on LOU, that IT'S ON!!!!!

Kev, great to see that you finally finalized with OKUMA. They are committed to ever improving products and are taking notice to our special needs here on the Great Lakes. They have a sharp eye for value in marketing so Kudos to you for landing them.


Shade: The experience is truly worth every single dollar, its a huge part of the reason many of us continue to be involved !!

Here is a reminder for you, I am sure you are well aware, but this can and will be anybody's game, from this type level format !!!

Team Crazy B*tch fought hard at O-Town last year in the Oswego Scotty, girls who chose to lay it on the line and give it their all !!!!!!!! Girls who took what they were doing seriously, girls who lived it with the men, who pre-fished, put in the hours, talked the talk and fought their way to the top. Some of the roughest conditions the Eastern Basin can haunt us with is what they endured !!! It was not pretty on any of us, many men were puking and a few teams packed it in early. Now that's an accomplishment some teams have never been able to do !!! Yes they were led by an experienced Captain in Werner Stenger but trust me when I say these girls fought every fish and handled every rod !!!

There will always be a Team Thrillseeker that naturally adds to the intimidation factor, or a Team Screamer to be a high hopeful, in this case some Canadian players who have already won it all abroad like the Pressman and TwoFish boys. But never count yourself out, and enjoy the ride while you play !!!

In memory of what it can be like when you give it all you got............


Part 1

Part 2

There weren't only Lady's shedding tears either

Would also like to add something that means a lot to me and to the sport we choose to love, as I watched these videos once again I noticed something. It was Vince right there ready anxiously to shake a few hands. Back in the summer of 2001 and again in 2004 during some of our first ever Team Cold Steel wins at Oswego Pro/Am's (under No Communication) who would you bet was the first to meet us as we stepped off the stage, if you guessed Vince you would be correct. Maybe that's why I look up to this man more than anyone in the sport, whoever takes the WHI win I would also rest assured Vince and team will be right there ready to send a congratulations, if it happens to be him it would be nice if each and every team was there to return the same. Just a note I find worthy of the sport and just so happens to find itself a bit more prevalent when fishing evenly amongst competition.




Actually Vince Thank You for all your hard work in landing Okuma. Persistance pays off and the credit goes to you. Actually the credit goes to everyone. Its nice to see so many anglers take an ownership in this at the end of the day if we all protect it and like Vince look for ways to lift it above the rest it becomes bigger and better than we could hope for. Lots of praise so far for an event that has yet to happen, a common thread that brings us all as anglers together again. Its great to see the energy focused on having fun once again rather than plotting and deception.

That not to say we will be without growing pains, the Olive Branch goes out to all that want to get involved. That said I feel the need to discuss the sovernty (sp) of the event. This is ment to be classy, disorder, misconduct, and ignorance of the rules will not be tolerated. This will be dealt with team by team not individually.

Im looking forward to the event myself and im dissapointed not to be fishing. Everyone knows I love it as much as anyone. More info is on itys way.

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It is the experience of the tournament, I agree completely with Tom. One of my fondest memories of fishing the pro ams is after we won the Niagara Pro and having Vince walk up to me while I was still on stage and shaking my hand to congratulate us and saying to me "I thought you guys were just brown trout dunkers from the east end." That meant more to me than the money by far! In fact I couldn't even begin to tell you how much we won that day. I do remember that moment like it was yesterday though. It was earning the respect of your fellow competitors that will stay with you. :yes:


  Yankee Troller said:
Once a hucklebucker. Always a hucklebucker!

Rick so true!!!!! ;)

  SCREAMER 1 said:
I gave up hucklebucking for lent!

Dave good thing the tournament is after Lent! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

  SCREAMER 1 said:

On May 13th I will be the Capt. of the SCREAMER :devil: lol

I Love it!!! Can't wait to see the old girl again!!!

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