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The Army Corps of Engineers is seeking public comment on stopping the Asian carp. (There is a shortcut from the Miss Riv into Lake Erie via Alleghany.)

http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other ... 306522.ece


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are collecting public comments from December 15th through March 31st on their Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basin Interbasin Feasibility Study (GLMRIS). The study focus will determine if we implement a permanent solution (hydrological separation) to stop the Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes.

What GLMRIS is: A study authorized by Congress in 2007 mandating that the Army Corps of Engineers determine how to prevent invasive species from moving through the Chicago waterway in both directions. It also will look at preventing invasive species movement through all hydrological connections between the Great Lakes and Mississippi basin.

Why GLMRIS is important: While there is little debate that we need to act fast to prevent movement of Asian carp, until this federal study is successfully completed, there will be no authorizing or funding the construction needed.

Go to this site & you can send in comments on how you feel about it:


All you have to enter is your name & zip code. All other info is optional. (I’m #65)

Tom B.


Great Lakes good!! Carp Bad!! What else do they need to know?

HB - They need to know that you, me and all of us feel that way!

Tom B.



LL , I'll go on and do it but if they don't know the obvious by now, they are either lying or they are idiots. The Army Corp wants my / our comments ?Like those comments mean anything. It's feel good stuff. Come on Man! Do they have the same forum for windmills? Says the study was authorized in 2007. It's 2011.Says we need to "Act Fast". Glaciers move faster.More BS. But I will do my duty.


Why speaking out is so important:

· The Corps was mandated to study ways to “prevent†invasive species movement between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River. Deplorably, the Corps has decided to spend precious time and resources to also study ways to “reduce the risk,†not just prevent. This was not authorized by Congress nor is it a credible strategy that will protect our Great Lakes. We need you to tell them this is unacceptable and only options that will “prevent†invasive species movement and stop the Asian carp should be studied.

· The Corps study takes too long. The Chicago portion of the study is not predicted to be complete until mid-2015, or nearly five years from now. The Corps must acknowledge the urgency of finding a permanent solution, condense the timeline and produce final results for the Chicago portion of GLMRIS within 18 months rather than mid-2015 and we need you to send that message.

· The Asian carp are knocking at the back door to the Great Lakes. Corps should study and provide a solution for the Chicago Waterway System first regardless of the need to prioritize and act on other aquatic pathways.

How you can speak out:

· Please attend a public meeting and make sure you register to speak before the meeting so you will be given preference – see the full list of meetings and how to register to speak here: http://glmris.anl.gov/involve/pubschedule/index.cfm

· If you can’t attend a meeting, submit written comments on-line here: http://glmris.anl.gov/involve/comments/index.cfm

Comments will be collected until March 31, 2011.

More information and talking points have been compiled in a factsheet by our allies at Freshwater Future, Alliance for the Great Lakes and Prairie River Network, and can be found here: http://www.freshwaterfuture.org/userfil ... 0Sheet.pdf

You can download the Corps’ Project Management Plan (PMP) for GLMRIS, the Federal Register notice of the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement and other documents here: http://glmris.anl.gov/documents/index.cfm.

Thank you for all you to do protect the worlds largest freshwater resource from the Asian carp!

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