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I fished on a long pond tonight from 3:00 till just after dark. It was hands down the worst wind I have ever fished in. Built wind blocks for the polar tip-ups from slush. Had 5 flags and managed 2 northerns and one burbot. Just about every car that went by had someone hanging out the window yelling how nuts I was. Oh well now I can say I ice fished in 40 mile hour winds on purpose ;) Oh and the fish, northerns both around 6 pounds and the burbot around 4 pounds.


wow u gots balls lol, nice that u did get a few, did you keep the eye? just wondering what they taste like out of there, I catch quite a few in this area, tried them a couple times. do not taste good at all... strong lake and fish taste, think it is from all the alewives they eat.. have seen a few come through the ice at long pond.. never got one out of there.. good job, pike kinda surprising


Kappy lots of northerns now. The burbot can go either way. This will sound strange but if you open there mouth and smell them you can tell how they will taste. If they smell like mud they will taste like it, most likely a local fish. If they smell clean they are from the lake and ok. By may they are all crap. Dont smell them out in the open, hide when you do it!! :D Oh and my balls blew away!!!! :o:o:o


thanks bloodshot, I don't want to get my face torn off.. lol, I get them in the spring opening day, in the lake, they are just bad tasting, I don't even keep them anymore,

DH the bay was good ice on friday who knows how it is after yesterday, I am sure it is going to be muddy no doubt.


See now the burbot that come from oak orchard are great. I realy think that the genesee river has alot to do with how the burbot tast. A good number of them burbot use that river for a good part of the year. Dont know but yes most around here are crap!!! Bradocks and long pond were ok. The bay will prob be muddy though.


There will not be a fish left in that pond after people read this thread. A group of guys were fishing from Buffalo on the pond yesterday because of fish reports they read on the net. Hope you enjoy fishing in a crowd. :no:


I've fished there 3 times and haven't seen an eye yet. Just a few average perch. I think the rumor. Mill gets started with someone catching an eye, then telling his buddy and that buddy tells another buddy that his buddy got into the eye's. Then it grows bigger and bigger with every rumor. Everyone knows that there are a few eyes in long pond and cranbo, but its not loaded by any means. And yes, too much info on the internet can be a bad thing.

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Gambler if people want to come from Buffalo or Florida for that matter to fish that pond for some muddy tasting burbot then I say good. You act like that pond will be fished out in a day. People including yourself have no problem posting the great day that they have on ontario for the trout and salmon along with the depth, color of lure, speed, temp and so on. Get my drift. This is the ICE FISHING forum for this site, I clearly posted some ice fishing information that stated ONE (1), burbot was caught. I posted a few weeks ago about the smelt in Canadice, met some really nice people and was able to fish with them and catch some smelt. Hope to meet a few more before ice out. When you hear that something fishy is going on I can bet that you have no problem traveling to another body of water to fish it.

Diehardiceman I sent you a PM about them smelt, My offer still stands for saturday evening, if weather is good.


There are eyes in the ponds? :o

I can understand Gamblers concern about naming small bodies of water on here. It is really no different then naming small tribs (I think most are in agreement about using careful judgement and the consequences that may result) with the exception that I believe 90 % of icefisherman are catch and keep vs. the majority of stream anglers are C &R. To think all waterways can handle constant pressure is foolish and not reasonable. Some are large enough that can (Ontario, Fingers, Onieda, etc.) others...no way.

I have seen results of cherry topped whipped cream reports on the 'IcePanty' forum and it seems rediculous, but the truth is that there are actually guys on there will drive an hour or more to fish a puddle if someone tells them they are catching them. You would think perch shat gold or something. It is not so much the concern of overharvesting always that is bothersome, it is the disrepect many of these anglers bring. I see more fishing violations and disrespect for our waters. in one season on the ice than I do in 5 seasons fishing open water. garbage left on the ice, fish left on the ice, 4 wheelers cutting through private property, undersize fish kept, fish kept over the limit, cheating in contests, etc. etc. etc. I am by no means stereotyping, but this has been my personal experience.

A prime example was the debacle at Cranberry a couple years ago when word got out that there was a decent perch bite. Ask the residents that live there what they think of icefisherman. I bet they have a sour taste in there mouth. Guys had the nerve to park on peoples front lawns disobey the posted signs to access the pond, and the refuse left on the ice from some of the jerks found its way onto these peoples waterfront in the spring. Wasn't until the Greece police showed up a few times until things got in order.

Like you say Bloodshot, there are a heck of alot of great guys and gals on the ice and I believe them to be the majority, but there are also a bunch of jerks that disrepect the resources. The ponds are in no way equivilent to the size of the fishery that Lake Ontario is. Won't be long before access to the pond is lost due to situations like Cranberry.

Just remeber....The internet doesn't filter the respectful fisherman from the disrespectful ones. Whatever you post gets read by EVERYONE, so if you don't want some of the rift raft in your back pocket, or ruining it for the majority, just make generalized posts and not specifics. Leave specifics for the PM feature...

In regards to the perch, There are some there. But like some of the lifelong residents have told me...they have always been there. One of the reasons why word has never gotten out is that they aren't many. They are primarily a by-catch and are usually only caught on occasion while panfishing or for bass etc. Anyone thinking they can go there and get a couple quick limits won't be back by there 2nd or third attempt at catching one I guarantee. So many better perch waters around to be too concerned about a couple of undersized marble eyes swimming in this mud puddle.


Fish junkie, very well said. Ice shanty has created a monster. Passing along info to help other guys is very cool, but you must have a little discretion for the ice fishing crowd. As for the big lake, tell all you want.

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I just want to clear things up right now! This Bloodshot guy is a PANZIE! When I pulled up he was huddled in his WARM car waiting for me. I had to tell him he had a flag. I think he knew it was up, but he didn't want to go outside! LMAO

On a side note. The Tipdowns this guy makes are AMAZING. We had a lot of compliments on them this weekend. He really put some thinking into the design, and the sliding counter weight is a great idea. I'm grabbing 10 more from him in the Fall.


But it is ok if they are Northerns on Conesus in someone else's back yard ?I have only fished Long Pond a couple of times but doesn't it flow in to Lake Ontario where fish can replenish ?

But it is ok if they are Northerns on Conesus in someone else's back yard ?I have only fished Long Pond a couple of times but doesn't it flow in to Lake Ontario where fish can replenish ?

Apples and oranges..... 3400 acres vs. 130 acres....

Yes the ponds flow into Lake O. but the fish spawn in the ponds. Picking off the breeding fish where they spawn will hurt the population in a hurry. Haven't seen a truly good year class of fish in these ponds in about 5 years, much of which is the result of the mayhem brought on by the internet.....


How's this;

I did not ice fish last weekend, or ever, for that matter.

I have never caught any fish, whatsoever, in any waters in the US, or Canada, on any type of artifical lure, or live bait.

I never fish, ever, anywhere, and know nothing of that sport.

I think I thought I saw a fish, once, but was mistaken.

Hope no one reads this and goes fishing, just because I don't. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


That was Great Bud!!!! :yes: I cant stop laughing :rofl: I, in my 36 years on this planet have not cared about what any one person has thought about what I do, if I truly in my heart know that there is nothing wrong with it! You know who said that? ME :yes: Scott when I am having a bad day after "TAKING THE TRASH OUT" I will go to that post and guarantee myself a great day, thanks bud!!


Honestly, it looks like everyone has a little spring fever, huh? Winter needs to be over.

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