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Fishing east end question

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What are the good winds and what are the bad winds when fishing Oswego and Mexico bay area?

At what wind would the inshore fishing be effected? For example would a west wind of 15-20 be bad inshore or could you still fish it in tight? Trying to get some general information on what to expect. I'm also assuming the Mexico bay may be a little more protected from a west wind due to the lake contour?

Thanks for any insight. I am hoping to fish Friday and it looks like they changed up the forecast to blow from the west, in the am anyway.


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hmm kinda pushing it for a sustained 20 mph west ,more like diehard fishing...if their is any south to it ya might get enuf protection out of little salmon launch near shore but if it shifts a tad outa the n/w ya might have a little 3 to 5 ft wave issue....

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