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Fishing Report

Your Name / Boat Name:





Time on Water:


Wind Speed/Direction:


Surface Temp:






Total Hits:

Total Boated:

Species Breakdown:

Hot Lure:

Trolling Speed:

Down Speed:

Boat Depth:

Lure Depth:




The fishing not as good as the week before but still caught plenty of fish. Water is warming up fast now and there is plenty of bait. For catching, for fishing only the 2 weekends, we caught more fish than any derby I ever fished. Just had a hard time with size. Kings going from 8-16 lbs, biggest steelhead caught was 9lb 2 oz. Our best fish was a 14 lb Atlantic. Most of the lakers we caught were in the slot limit. Browns were from 8 lbs & down. We even had a super slam last weekend. There's a lot of bait around if you look for it. Most of my fishing was from the Nose West. Just follow the birds. Deep water produced a lot of fish.

I have a 18 1/2 ft Scout and I launch out of the State Park and I'm handicapped with MS and other problems. It's a long walk to the launch as it is but when people park in the handicapped area and don't have handicapped stickers and can walk, this makes it hard on those who are handicapped. Along with people hitting your trailor. It's just too bad there's people like that in this world.

In all, caught a ton of fish but just had a hard time catching anything with size. We lost a few. Hope it wasn't the big one. We'll be out again soon and will be fishing the summer derby too. Congratulations to everyone who put a fish on the board.


i to have been handicapped past 50 yrs. i only applied 5 yrs ago after another accident for a placard.

i only used it haft dz times. why?? there are people that truly need access to these spots. what gets me is i see people with placards that have no business having one. doctors just sign off on the appl and people take advandage.

i know its hard to tell if someone needs acess to hp parking, but when you see them running to the store etc. it makes me wonder what type of people they are.

if you see car parked w/o a placard call the police and report it. if need be go to the township manager. dont sit by and let people abuse the system.

when someone gets nailed with a big fine word travels fast!!!!!!!!!!!!

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