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Hey Everyone,

I have a questions about running "down and outs" off downriggers. Last year we ran 4 riggers (no wire/dipseys) and did run into the occasional nightmare tangle. Last year I read a brief description a running dipseys off of outside downriggers to help get the lines away from the boat to reduce tanlged lines, and more importantly get out to fish by widening the spread. We may have one wire dispey set up in the boat this year, but it still seemed like the down and out was a good idea, so I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with them. Any advice about sets our how to run them would be greatly appreciated!



LJ, I Ran stacked dipies all the time and when the fish were hitting them it was great some days they wern't.I ran the smaller ones on a three setting out about30to 50ft. With spoons and the big ones with dogders and what ever. I stacked them about ten ft. above the weight. You still can run the wire divers without any problems most of the time. Use a good release or you will spend to much time reseting lines.Give it a try Also try the slide divers they may work better on the days the fish won't hit a standerd dipsie. Good luckand good catching.

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