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  Paul Czarnecki said:
This same incident occurred again today in Whitby. Matt Leclair was questioned for a length of time and,despite having all his paperwork in order, was slapped with a $1000 fine by the Canadian gov. The reason? He did not report to customs BEFORE docking in Canada. Three years ago I was reprimanded by Canadian customs for calling in before I had a dock number to give them. Now you have to pay their $1000 extortion money on the spot or they confiscate your boat. I hope the US gov sorts this mess out soon or I can see the end of American involvement on Canadian tournaments.

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That sucks! We were thinking about fishing the last KOTL tourney, but I think I'm all set now. This is ridiculous!


My wife and I just obtained our Enhanced drivers licenses so that we could take a couple over nighters to Canada this summer.

We're now rethinking our plans for Maine and points east. Canada, you blew it!


  ray koziatek said:

Does Nobama hav a twin running the canadian gov.

I think Obama is running Canada. This is just a thought but not too long ago there was supposed to be a thing set up called a North American security zone. Basically the US told CAN how things were going to be. Maybe CAN is now enforcing the laws that the US told them to? To protect the borders and follow the laws that they were told to follow. That is more than my little brain can figure out but it usually how the government(s) mess things up.


hmm...interesting theory. i did think it strange that our state dept was so quick to speak for the canadians in confirming the intent of their law and appropriateness of their actions

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I live in Niagara Falls, NY and usually launch at the Fort. Other times at Wilson. I have possessed a Canadian fishing license for many, many years.

My fishing exploits have always ignored the border, since I'm licensed in both countrys. Unless I learn this policy has been rescinded, looks like I will have to monitor the GPS and stay out of Canadian waters. However, in the river you never know for sure which country you're in at many locations. The story is that the boundary was formed by floating a barrel down the river to mark the border's location. Therefore, some VERY nearshore waters on our side are Canadian and some on their side are American. Very perplexing! I've never seen their guys patroling the River, but what if they start? Anchoring is rarely done by most, but what assurances do I have that I won't be hasseled if I decide to?

Come January, if this reporting situation is not worked out in the fisherman's favor, Ontario has lost a non-resident license sale. I wonder if this attitude is part of the French/Canadian wish to secceed from Ontario.

Fishing for me is for fun and relaxation. This fiasco will keep me on "our" side of the boundary. It's just a matter of targeting American waters ONLY, and we have plenty of good waters to fish in.


Which one of us has the nads to drive a piece of crap boat& both licences totaly leagal over the boarder just enough to get harrased by the Canadian Boarder Patrol, put up a stink, & get hauled off to jail for just fishing?

  Has Been said:
Which one of us has the nads to drive a piece of crap boat& both licences totaly leagal over the boarder just enough to get harrased by the Canadian Boarder Patrol, put up a stink, & get hauled off to jail for just fishing?

Come on Has Been find yer pair....I got an old 1963 alumicraft row boat ya can try, one split oar, and it has a leak in the front somewhere. I need to get rid of some junk too. broken fish finder, broken VHF, broken rods and some empty beer cans, non retiurnable came from C ehh N ehh D ehh.

wait... aluminum is worth something....OHHH and don't worry, we'll find a way ta gitcha back. Obama will appologize for you invading their country with such a threat to be fishing in their waters...how dare you! :lol:


I talked with Rod, They docked and had a big fish to weigh. They went up and did that and I think they had big fish for the pay everyday tourney.They called and checked in with the BP. They got back to the boat after all that 25 min the BP was on the boat. Went thru the whole thing and held them for 3 hours doing this crap. After all was said and done, either $1000.00 or your boat. Reason, they said they didnt call the min they docked. So fish Canada at your own risk, if they want your money not much you can do. Sounds like some of the TSA agents at our airports on there little power trip to me, BW


Nothing more than extortion (crime) with a pen. These BP people are most likely carrying out what a higher up has ordered and signed on. Why now is the big mystery. After all the years of sharing the border the Canadians decide to act like North Koreans? Are we hearing of the US doing the same and requiring Canadians to call or report ahead?

Like everything else at this f^$%#d up address we arrived at you need to dot your i's and cross your t's on everything. Here and abroad.


I could say something derogatory, but I'll just keep my money here in the USA instead. After 5 years of crossing the border twice a day with the big truck, I can say that since 911, we (Americans & Canadians) have put up with some really stupid ridiculous, politically correct nonsense from both sides of the border. I'm just glad I never go there anymore.

One word wrongly spoken and you are subjected to actions that make you feel like a real criminal for nothing. To bad the exchange isn't better for the US dollar, I'm sure it would really matter about the tourism and trade then.....oh well...run to the end of your chain and bark, ...no sale, not even internet....haaaaa...

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well canada is not north korea. as for u.s homeland security and border crossings its rude and very non tolerant period. . u.s. homeland security wanted this. canada did not. now the laws are being upheld we ALL canuck or american can see who is running the u.s.. sadly sportsmen feel it.

i am in windsor ont. its not a picnic here either. .

instead of pointing fingers at folks who want to fish. we should be asking our goverments if this is needed.

maybe in the south u.s. thats where it seems to have 25 million illegals from mexico.

did you know theres only 25 million canadians in all of canada..

. its sad to point fingers at canadians .. hillary clinton stated terrorist came from canada.

maybe the u.s leaders should do there homework. . the aforementioned were from florida..


I am on my way home and will post a report tomorrow. I am still at a loss for words as to how we were treated.a grand or the boat....all cause the 4 of us walked to the phone to call in,instead of just the captain...little did we know?

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Be a little kind and count to ten ,my favorite "buffy grounds" is the 30 pluss line and my boat is aluminum not armor plated.. :o ...............................

Pegasus,Pegasus ..this is the canadian customs... we see the whale in your boat what is your intent.......over....

Captain we better call the mainland i think i see a bear on the boat too!! :lol:


Dear Fishtails,

I would sit down as soon as possible and write your Congressman about this unfair treatment & $1000 fine. Send copies to your local newspaper also. The Canadian Government should be ashamed of such conduct by their officers. I always took everyone to the phone when calling customs in Cobourg.Port Credit. Scarborough etc. because of all the data they asked for. Do not let this incident go unoticed! ......I have always been on my best behaviour when going thru customs. Our Bill of Rights ends WHEN YOU SUBMIT to customs inspection. AND YOU CAN BE DETAINED INDEFINITELY. Seems like the latest $1000 fine for "reporting process errors" is very bad. Let's give the Canadians the same treatment when they arrive here!!

................Jet-X Boat Bill



rather than starting a senseless border war, I think it would be preferable to get this issue resolved diplomatically. I'd rather let the political critters do their jobs and get this fixed than start hassling a bunch of people that have nothing to do with the issue.



Rod, you are going to have to rethink those new Burka-style tournament garments you had made up this year. The Big Weenie logo does not really show up too well against a black background anyway.

  MyTurn said:
  NitroMusky said:
Canadian officials are expected to release a statement today clarifying how they plan to enforce their regulations on the St. Lawrence River


Has anyone found a link for the statement that was supposed to be released???

Nope, apparently hasn't been released yet...And based on Rod's unfortunate incident, it seems to be a generally more vigilant approach to enforcement along the border, not a rogue agent. Them collecting money without spelling out exactly what to do and how to do it is BS...issue the statement already!!! Quit holding people hostage!


My new checklist for when I travel to Canada....


5000 page booklet explaining all the laws of Canada...check

Credit card with AT LEAST $1000 on it....check

The book, an idiots guide to dealing with Canadian Customs....check

My lawyers cell phone number....check

Bolt cutters to free the boat once customs chains it to the dock....check

Vaseline so the screwing Canadian customs gives me hurts a little less....check

What ever happened to the good old days when my list only contained worms, a fishing pole, beer money, clean underwear and a tooth brush :(

Extortion is probably the best word to decribe what happened to us, but mainly to Matt and Steve, as it was their boat and they got the worse of it and had to pay the fine. The ordeal took almost three hours, and I will explain what happened in the reports section under Oh Baby's Whitby Experience.




why would you think you'd have any better luck keeping them out of the strip clubs than you would keeping ME out of the strip clubs :lol::rofl:;)


Let the politicals do their jobs? Anyone who thinks they would do the right thing for the American people given the track record as of late is dreaming.

I knew we were in for a bad time when O, O & Mrs O were sent packing ,to not even get to the second round for the Olympic bid. THAT was a statement.And we take it . Get ready for more of the same ,boys.

Time to start drinking Genny again. The fishing is just fine on this side of the pond, so I will stay in the good old USA & urge you all to do the same. Watch the Yanks when they come to Cleveland.

The Chinas want & need the nat resources Canada has. And whats more important , has the $$$ to pay for them . Learned that money talks & sh-- walks.Welcome to second fiddle.

If you attempted to do the right thing & were still "fined" & not just warned ,that was a stay out message in my book.

If we don't get a USA FIRST at all cost president next election, I fear we are toast. Hope it's not to late already.

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