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Some of you do a great job in your tweets, but most of you don't. Is thier anyway of giving a general area of where your fishing? I don't think the particulars is what we want, just some sort of idea other than telling us every time you get a fish, how on fire it is or shark attacks. Even if you just say your offshore or inshore would be good enough. The rest of us can figure out the rest. Now go ahead and beat me up. I just keep hearing the same thing from other guys, so I felt like speaking up.


Scott, to a lot of guys defense there are tournies going on.

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when the tweets first came out they said its was designed to help everyone. by letting guys know ball park area, depts, temps, and the flavor of the day, also to help tackle companys. now all i see is a buddy system bragging on who catching what, what trips they go on other then fishing. they're some guys who dont even post. so i dont even waste my time with it.



Thanks for speaking up. I find many - but not all - of the Tweets useless and nothing more than a bragging board as well. FWIW, it has nothing to do with Tourney time.



Sometimes it is hard to tell what port they are fishing at also. If the map part is showing them on shore it is useless. Some of the captains go west in the spring and their home port is east. It gives a false sense of where they are doing fish.

  ScottB said:
Some of you do a great job in your tweets, but most of you don't. Is thier anyway of giving a general area of where your fishing? I don't think the particulars is what we want, just some sort of idea other than telling us every time you get a fish, how on fire it is or shark attacks. Even if you just say your offshore or inshore would be good enough. The rest of us can figure out the rest. Now go ahead and beat me up. I just keep hearing the same thing from other guys, so I felt like speaking up.
  momay4000 said:

Thanks for speaking up. I find many - but not all - of the Tweets useless and nothing more than a bragging board as well. FWIW, it has nothing to do with Tourney time.


  jason said:
when the tweets first came out they said its was designed to help everyone. by letting guys know ball park area, depts, temps, and the flavor of the day, also to help tackle companys. now all i see is a buddy system bragging on who catching what, what trips they go on other then fishing. they're some guys who dont even post. so i dont even waste my time with it.

UT OH Scott gonna make some people very upset and they will become super defensive :o but very well stated guys :yes: When some of us do look, it's just to laugh at who's patting themselves on the back most of the time :no:

Don't get me wrong there are a "few" that do a good job and for that we do appreciate your time :clap:


Personally I usually hold my tongue, but as long as it was brought up :lol: Another thing that would be very helpfull to a guy that has very limited time (4 children) and usually cannot plan ahead is a quick tweet about the lake conditions as we all know how spot on NOAA is :lol: . Just my little bit of imput.



Not to get off topic, but for lake status use the Rochester bouoy information, just dont forget to double the wave height as they measure from mean lake level.

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You mean you guys actually read them :lol: I applaud you for putting your head on the chopping block and calling it the way it is Scott. I can count 10 guys that contribute next to nothing, why not replace them with people willing to report? I highly doubt any of them would care.


You're not the first to feel that way guys. I've been involved with it from the beginning and I tend to agree with you. I will be speaking with rick about it tomorrow and with bill as soon as the series ends. But, please understand it is VERY hard to get an accurate tweet in when trying to run a charter. Personally, the fishing has been so good out of the oak so far I didn't see the need for dispensing much more info but I will try to be more specific in the future.

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I guess my take on it is a little different than most guys...Twitter is, as the name implies, not a forum of substance. It's yet another way to have some fun with the fishery, and so I don't expect to glean any useful information from the LOU instant reports/Twitter feed. Actually, I don't look at them much anymore, but I would imagine that the out-of-town visitor to the area might get really pumped-up for a trip reading through the instant reports. To me, it's more of a marketing tool than it is a source of intel; active captains are undoubtedly increasing their exposure through frequent posts. And I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. Although it's nice to have some follow through with reports on the main board for those of us who aren't so easily excited ;)


My intention for posting about it was to possibly make it a better resource for guys to get info about the lake. This is not a bash fest. The main reason for Rick and Bill's idea was to give everyone instant fishing info for that day. Take a look at Chromeslayers posts for today. He nailed it, but I have got no clue where some of these otherguys guys are fishing the last few days.

Kieth, the tweets on lou were meant for fishing reports. If anyone wants to know which finger I just picked my nose with then go to the regular Twitter.lol. we can argue about this on the boat tomorrow if we have time.lol.

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  bigweenies said:
Jason tweetered me this morning with a phone call ;) The oak is rockin BW

I got that tweetered phone call to, along with some big fish pics while I am home with the kids :lol: . I think I heard him yell fish on two times while we were on the phone along with Choot-em Choot-em he watches to much swamp people :lol: I still have yet to jump on the face book or tweet band wagon. I could see how some guys could get some good info from it if it was used correctly.


Tweets are fine but I just dont think for a min that most charter capts are going to let people know to much. Nothing against them or most fisherman but you always have those guys that will then come out and run over your stuff that you just helped out. BW



I think the social aspect is in large what Twitter itself is about, but I do think LOU tweets has swayed heavily from how it was first marketed. When you market one product, but then deliver something different, you would expect a certain amount of unrest. It's fair to say some tweeters have gotten off track. For example, a tweet that just says "doubled up", with nothing else and no follow up? It's a pointless tweet that happens more than it should, so it's not an isolated case of forgetting or getting sidetracked, etc, etc.

At the same time, I guess we need to keep in mind that tweeting has to to be fun and purposeful for the "tweeter" as well, if they are to be expected to continue their tweets. Marketing and socializing are part of it, and many of the tweeters have to promate their sponsors within their tweets. They should be allowed to market themselves, their port and their sponsors. However, while doing so some seem to forget the purpose of LOU tweets, which I thought was to give valuable real time fishing reports and water conditions....first and foremost.

Personally, I don't read them very often because most all have the same sponsers and it's just become a big advertising format. IMO, To make it more useful, it shouldn't be so "clicky". A more diversified group of tweeters would be refreshing. I read one last time I looked and all the tweet said was "paddles and A-Tom-Miks doing the damage". Another said "custom DW blades and Siggs Flys". Those are just adds. At least include the pattern of the fly or paddle. I don't use either of those brands of flies, but It would be nice to know if it was green, blue, purple...something of value...lol

OK...that's my rant for the month :lol: Guess I'm just grouchy because I'm here in my shop working and not fishing the Pro Am :rofl:


I agree with Jason also Paul great tweets. I really do appreciate them when they first started I thought to myself how on earth is anyone gonna have time to tweet out fishing on lake ontario, so in that asspect I appreciate you all taking the time to do it.



There should be some basic guidelines as to what a tweet should have.

1 -- The first tweet of the day should include where the boat is fishing

1a - lake conditions

2 -- Where the temp/bait/fish are

3 -- What colors/lures are working

If you want to tell us about your fish, last nights date, how drunk you are, what kind of food you are eating do that in tweets 4-10


I agree with scott. We dont need to hear shark attacks, started with a triple, coppers on fire, no thanks. How about 200 to 275 water is hot with spoons, 3 to 5 out of the west today, temp is at 75ft in 180 today, etc, etc.


Bruce....no question! Evertime I need a good laugh, I Just go to the tweet boards to see the latest techiques in chest pounding, back slapping, and product comercials.....hilarious.

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