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Has anyone tried fishing dipseys with the Berkley FireLine? It has very low stretch and 30# fireline is the diameter of 12# mono. I've got it rigged on SG47LC's for other throlling that I do. I didn't want to bother to rig up with wire as I will only be fishing for 3 or 4 days. Just wondering if there were any issues I might run into. I'd think it would get me down in the same depth range as the wire. Any thoughts or experience?


I ran most of my rods on 30# Fireline this season, works great with dipseys, only problem you may have is fleas. I have switche over a few reels to 30# big game and that has helped alot!


Is there anything that one could "treat" the line with to prevent them from sticking on the line? I would hate to throw away all the fire line that I have on my reels. Thanks



not that I know of, I think the problem is maily due to diameter. I fished yesterday with wire dipseys and 30# mono. THe wire was a mess and the mono was clean.


Mickey Finn:

I have not used the fireline, but am using the Power Pro...that has

been very durable and I am very happy with that for here on 'erie.


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