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Fishing Report

Your Name / Boat Name:Bahtenda





Time on Water:6:30am-4ish


Wind Speed/Direction:c


Surface Temp:






Total Hits:18

Total Boated:6

Species Breakdown:Kings and Steelies

Hot Lure: Green Fly

Trolling Speed: 2.2-3.0 on the GPS

Down Speed: na

Boat Depth: 170-300

Lure Depth:30's




Setup in 150 FOW and began trolling NW, had a steelhead hit a Mag Hawg Wild 40 down off the rigger before I had the 6th rod in the water. Once all the rods were in, the NK 28 Lazer spook behind a 000 moocher LJ silver flasher with green tape in the middle of it 70' down and a mag candy corn stacked above it at 50' down fired at least five times, all of which there really wasn't anything there by the time we grabbed it. We weren't slow about it either, not sure what was happening there. After that we had a screamer peel off about 200' of line on mono dipsy back 120' with a hawg wild SD/NK28 NBK on it, only to have it break off taking all of it but the dipsy. The rest of the fish came off the dipsy on the other side with a NBK SD/and an atomik Green Hammer fly. Ended up with two kings 15 and 18, and the rest steelies. Most hits came around 240' FOW. Wish I didn't leave all the flies at home on accident, probably would have had a few more bites if I had more than one out. Against my better judgement I taught myself how to snell and retied a battered hammer fly I found in the box with 30lb mono....and it took a hit and didn't break. It was also the first day out using flea flicker....I am so glad I switched up! That stuff worked great.

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