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Formations on Lake Ontario

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I flew over Lake Ontario on Monday evening and saw some clearly formed boarders around large areas of water in the middle of the lake. Basically you had the middle (core water) encapsulated by a very slick (smooth) boarder. There were about 3 or 4 areas that had this complete boarder around them. It was a little choppy inside and outside of the boarder.

Is this the cold water meeting up with the warm water and the boarder being a vertical thermocline??

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Anytime you see this on the lake, it is an area with a temperature difference.


It may only show up on the surface as a couple tenths of a degree, however down a ways there will be some interesting temperature changes. If you check out the article section, I posted a few interesting pictures years ago where the temp change (density) actually caused some waves to break as the areas collided.

Tom B.


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