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last weekend my wife and i went up for a long weekend not really planning on doing much fishing but we did get the chance to get on the water for a few hours over the course of a couple days. we fished pretty well together as she fought and landed 5 for 5. a coho, an atlantic, and 3 kings. but the wire line was epic. she got the fight of her life unfortunately she was afraid to hold the fish for a picture so i had to. it was mid 20s i had it on the scale for a second but didnt get a reading as it started gushing blood all over the deck.



Stu, Half Wired

Definitely would have rather seen your wife holding it......... :rofl:

Ill second that. No disrepect man but everyone is thinking it

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Definitely would have rather seen your wife holding it......... :rofl:

Ill second that. No disrepect man but everyone is thinking it

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Yep. you kind of ripped us off you know that right.

Nice king! :yes:

I know I know guys sorry. Maybe a frontal to come later hah. Nick she gets sick very easily on water

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Now your teasing

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