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I know some have already started. Opening this topic for success stories. I don't start till Sat and the wait is killing me. Start the body count!!

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Looks like rain and gusty wind. I'll have to wait till Sunday after noon before I can get out... got to attend an out of town wedding, wifey's orders...

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I'm missing my first opening weekend EVER due to back problems but I'm hoping to be out starting the following weekend.


Looks like mother nature is throwing us another curve ball for opening day. Looking forward to another season. Lots of prep, just hoping it pays off. I have a couple of sets I cant wait get into.


50 mph gusts........ might go fishing instead. The Catt should be rocking with 9' waves pushing fish in. An overlooked hunting opportunity occurs soon after a steady rain. Those bucks laying down rublines and scrapes will feel the urge to retouch their "fire hydrants" after getting washed. BE SAFE :yes:


Agreed. Although it doesn't look like we're going to get more than a brief reprieve from the rain over the next week. I hope you like your venison well marinaded!


For what its worth, my season began October 1 st and we wwre blessed with 30 mph winds, rain and 45 degree temps. I was convinced that it would never happen but 45 minutes into the hunt and i was 18 yards from 2 bucks. One already in tye freezer thanks to the new Mathews Z7 extreme. Dont pre judge based on forecast because ya never know.

Good luck everyone and be safe


had a thick 6 pt and a 4 pt cross in front of me about 8 am nice to watch but not enuf antler for a good bowl of adrondack antler chowder...Ill bring the camera tonight..


Well...between dodging raindrops and hanging on for dear life 20 feet up in a tree, I did manage to see a few deer...they were actually moving better than I anticipated given the conditions. Had a decent buck walking around the field in front of me first thing, but he wouldn't wait for enough daylight to come around. Saw a couple of smaller bucks and 5 does as well...but nothing to get a shot at. Of course my son has a football game in the AM...so my morning hunt is shot...but I'll be back at it tomorrow night. Good luck to everyone!


Took the video camera first am planned on recording the wife. Saw several deer before daylight. Around 8 am taped the wife shoot a real nice maple tree with a doe behind it. She did manage to smoke a doe in the pm hunt without the camera . Her first deer ever. Woohoo Then today I saw few before sunup. But no shots. Dusted a skwerl before coming home.

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HMM, MAPLE CHOWDER ????? Ive got a few broadheads stuck in trees over the years..and quite a few fieldpoints from the old 3d days......but bow technology has come a long ways in 42 years :o

Congrats to the misses !!!!

sometimes when ya make the decision to take a deer ,with a gun its "buck fever"

With a bow we call it "Coming Unglued"



Middlesex, NY 10/16/11.

Picked up a "new to me" Hoyt Ultratech about a month ago. Gotta say it's a definate improvement over the Bear Whitetail II I've been using for 25 years. Thanks to my dad (LandingZone) for finding the bow, Guerin-teed for setting it up, and to Dale Copey for cutting it up (the deer)!



Congrats on the buck. Every deer shot with a bow is a trophy. Got one question.....did you club it over the head with your new bow?.........I don't see an entrance or exit hole :lol::lol:


What a great Sunday afternoon it turned out to be! After sitting through a miserable, rainy, windy opening day...and not being able to hunt Sunday morning due to my son's football game, I decided to head out into the woods to take advantage of some surprisingly decent weather conditions Sunday afternoon. I was hoping to get something into range, but more than anything, I wanted to see when and where the deer were moving in the absence of hurricane type weather! On my way in to the stand, as I was passing another of my watches, I looked up and noticed a doe making her way toward the stand. I decided to scrap my plans of sitting in my planned location and try to cut her off. After climbing up into the stand and thinking it over for a few minutes, I decided that I really wanted to go up and see what was going on in my planned afternoon stand in the absence of 40 MPH winds and driving rain. I quietly climbed down and made my way up to the other stand as originally planned. I made my way up into the stand and pulled my bow up and began to get everything ready. As I was pulling out my gloves and getting ready to put them on, I noticed a three does making their way out of the woods. I quickly cast the gloves aside and nocked an arrow and got my release on. Apparently the does weren't in quite as big of a hurry! They played around in and out of the corn for about an hour and a half...never making much progress toward me. In the meantime, I watched as a doe and a spike horn crossed behind me. As I waited for the three does to come closer, all of a sudden they turned and bolted across the field behind me, apparently spooked by something. As I cursed under my breath and watched them leave, I looked back out into the field they had been in and saw another doe coming out of the corn. Come on...you were REALLY afraid of her?! No matter...I was just as happy to take aim at this doe as the others, and waited to see which way she would head. As I watched, I noticed more movement coming from the woods. Out came a deer that I immediately recognized as a nice shooter buck...and buck fever number one of 2011 began to set in. Just as the does before him, this buck meandered into the corn and grazed...not making much progress toward me. The doe that had been out in the field decided she wanted no part of it, and walked away, never coming into range. SOB! I continued to watch him, and put the binoculars on him to validate that I wasn't hallucinating..and I began to wonder if there was any chance he was going to come my way. My mind began to turn to how I was going to get out of the stand at dusk without spooking him so that he would come back again. As I continued to watch, a doe and two fawns came out of the woods and walked across the field in front of me at about 20 yards...sonuma****! I decided against the temptation as I knew it would drive him away. Suddenly, the buck looked up and took notice of the sudden guests and decided to come out and greet them. The does wanted no part of it and continued into the corn, vanishing as quickly as they appeared. He, however, kept coming toward where they had been...and buck fever #2 started to set in as he came closer and closer. I waited as long as I could bear...and until it appeared he wasn't going to come any closer...and drew back on the Mathews Z7 at about 35 yards. I took a deep breath, put the pin on his vitals...and let her fly. He took off down the edge of the corn about 40 yards, stopped, and toppled into the corn head first. The Rage had done its job! I got down out of the stand...after a few deep breaths and under the breath screams of joy...and went to where I had seen him go into the corn. Sure enough...there he lay in a pile...and there was no case of ground shrinkage! This is the biggest buck that I have taken...not only with a bow...but overall. Ironically..the taxidermist has my buck from last year ready to pick up....looks like I'll be dropping one off and picking another up! Now it's on to doe hunting and scouting for shotgun season! Good luck to all!!




Nice bucks guys! I took a nice doe Saturday night after getting rained on for 3 hours. Good hunting to all! Tank

  Gill-T said:
Congrats on the buck. Every deer shot with a bow is a trophy. Got one question.....did you club it over the head with your new bow?.........I don't see an entrance or exit hole :lol::lol:

I shot it on the opposite side as it was quartering away. No pass through, but that Rage 2-blade sliced the top third of the heart right off. The arrow did come back out, but through the hole it went in. He didn't go far.


Nice. I'm using them for the first time this season myself. Look forward to seeing the results.

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