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  zach said:
Ronix- Good ideas but I bet there isn't a chance in heck about Onieda. I swear they stock that lake just to feed Syracuse. So many walleye guys that would just kill the muskies. Anyways- I just went by Gander and spoke with this lady Monica again. Same girl who I talked to like 2-3 weeks ago and back then everything was cool. Stop in today and she says that they are tearing down the "lodge" and turning it into more retail space. I 'm like WTF? She says that it just came in from corporate last week that they are tearing it down. She sees me pi$$ed as he// and says- Go by Dicks "they have a conference center". I pack my butt up and go over to Dicks. Talk with Mark Castaldo and he is cool as heck. Saying anything we can do for you guys and good stuff like that. I travel upstairs to check this room out. Its a room that can maybe hold 20 people, it does have a dry erase board and tv but seems small to me. He gave me his card and told me to call him and let him know when we want to hold a meeting. He said that week days would be best and that we could stay until 9pm if needed. I am down to have it there but I am just worried about the size of the place. If we want it, its ours- anyone got a better place to hold a meeting or are we doing our first one at Dicks? I dont care either way I was just surprised by what Gander told me after just talking to them a couple of weeks ago. Guys- let me hear your thoughts and if we do roll with Dicks for now- lets decided on a time that works. I am trying here guys, I promise that.

pures are already in onieda lake there fellas. nobody kills them. im a walleye fisherman have been since day one. what kind of fool would practice club and release on a fish of that stature? doubt they will stock them there but theres already some there...big ones. the one i seen while bowfishing carp at night was at least 56 inches probably much bigger actually. thing looked like a wwII naval torpedo. also the onieda lake hachery netted one in there nets a few years back, a pure bred great lakes strain bout 50 inches even. if you can make it into some of the swampy shores at night with a spotlight you can see juviniles. dunno how fishable there numbers are but the species already exists there.


I have heard of tigers getting in there and have seen them on the baitshop walls but I didn't know about pures. Is it on the stocking list? News to me.

  zach said:
I have heard of tigers getting in there and have seen them on the baitshop walls but I didn't know about pures. Is it on the stocking list? News to me.

probably news to anybody who travels to fish onieda. onieda is my backyard. they dont need to be stocked there. they were always there. no they are not on the stocking list. if you need proof the dec has an article posted at the scriba creek walleye hatchery in the main lobby with a picture posted on the wall with the fish they caught in the nets a couple years back. natural reproduction exists for them in onieda lake...obviusly. that is also why there are many tiger muskys in onieda, they are not stocked anymore but yet they are caught now and again. ive not heard on record of anybody actually catching a pure bred though...just seen a few lurkin around, seen a few juviniles up in swampy areas adjacent to the lake and the dec caught and recorded a fairly large specimen.


interesting...I have no heard of that before. I know tigers find there way in there but as zach said and as you echoed thats gotta be a suprise to anyone. ...tell all your walleye and bass buddies to keep letting them grow haha


I will bring Chuck Battaglia Lakes Manager, Cassadaga Lakes Association and owner of Musky Itch Too Guide Service to the Muskies Inc. Chapter startup meeting.This is a very important meeting May 9th at 7:00 pm at Dick's Sporting Goods,300 Hylan Dr, Rochester, NY 14623 We need a good turnout to get the WNY Muskies Inc. Chapter started.We must have at least 6 people willing to take a Board Position to get a Muskies Inc.Chapter Charter from Muskies Inc. International.Some of the Muskies Inc. Board Positions can be done by people that live a good distance from Rochester,NY,we will also need Liason Persons for different lake area's through out WNY,also for tiger muskies as well as purebred muskies.Membership Director could be from anywhere in NY state,collect membership dues by check made out to the M.I.Chapter.Bring a friend,tell as many people as you can about this important Muskies Inc. Chapter startup meeting!


I just want to throw my 2 cents in about the name of the group. I am not a fan of calling this group the WNY Musky Inc. chapter. I feel that the name will make others feel like it is limited to WNY waters only, which could deter people in other parts of the state to join/participate -- let alone many people still struggle to what part of NY western new york actually is (I know many people that only consider Buffalo, Chautauqua and surrounding counties to be part of WNY...not even the Rochester area, and that completely leaves out the finger lakes).

One important goal of this group is to get the membership numbers high. With higher numbers of people, it will be easier to talk to NYS about our projects/topics. The more people, the more interest they will show...since that a big part of the politics. Also, more people will show Musky Inc. that we are serious and will make it easier to keep them involved with what we are doing.

One more thing about politics -- as I have lived in NY all of my life, I have noticed that western new york (funding, interests, and changes) is normally low man on the totem pole. Even if the majority of the group's work is related to WNY, why should the name reflect that and potentially turn heads (the wrong way) for politicians and state groups that we will want to meet with?

Another thing that I noticed just in this thread is that we have mentioned the Tiger Musky hatchery along with a few fishermen from the Albany area. Since we are looking to cover areas beyond WNY, shouldn't the name of the organization reflect that?

Personally, I am a fan of NY Musky Inc. I feel it will cover every project we are looking at, will cover future endeavors of the group, and cover all of New York States fishermen and the waters they are fishing in.



I do not believe Muskies Inc International will let us use NY Muskies Inc Chapter,they may not even let us use WNY Muskies Inc Chapter.Because both names cover such a wide are and one of the other areas in NY state may want to start a Muskies Inc Chapter in the future.We can try for NY Muskies Inc Chapter 69 and see what they say!There is a Penn-Ohio Chapter!

Capt. Larry


I feel it is worth a try to get a broader name. I know the following currently have chapters:

- New Mexico

- Michigan

- West Virginia

- New Jersey

- Penn-Ohio

- Kentucky


Nitro: Upstate NY is a good one also. I feel it is a term that most people understand (all of new york except NYC and their surrounding suburbs) and I believe (but would want to check with Ronix...I call him the research authority!) that all Musky and Tiger waters are in the Upstate area.



Most important is getting enough persons willing to take a board position to the meeting May 9th,7:00 pm at Dicks.Need at least 6 Persons on the Board of Directors to get a Muskies Inc. Chapter Charter from Muskies Inc. International!

Could be Empire State Muskies Inc Chapter as well!

Capt. Larry


Please do not forget the May 9th NY Muskies Inc Startup Meeting 7:00 pm at Dick's Sporting Goods,300 Hylan Dr, Rochester, NY 14623 We need good atendance to talk over starting the NY Muskies Inc. Chapter!


I will bring along a couple Beckman Magnum Fin Saver Nets with 6 ft handles,as I do for the Niagara Musky Assoc. I will supply Nets at a very good price to the membership of our New Muskies Inc Chapter.The purpose is to put a good landing net in the hands of every muskie fisherman,for good safe handling and good catch & release!See everyone Wednesday night at Dick's!

Capt. Larry


I`ve been off the the radar lately trying to get my boat seaworthy(blacklake trip friday)and talking with nitro earlier brought me up to speed on what`s been taking place...i`m impressed-good job guy`s.I`ll be there wednsday.

Bob S


We need a good turnout tonight at the NY Muskies Inc. Chapter startup meeting,everyone that is coming bring along a friend as well!

See everyone tonight!


Hey guys, Lex moved out today and my world has been flipped up side down. I am not going to this meeting tonight, just not in me. I have all the paper work here and if someone wants to pick it up and bring it, awesome. Sorry about this guys, to me it was unexpected. Address is 24 Post Hill Dr Rochester NY 14623 ph # 585-414-0138. Just called Dicks and made sure everything was still good for you guys tonight. I live a mile from the meeting place if someone couple grab the paperwork. Tonight the guy to take to is named Lee, he has been informed that the upstairs conference center will be used by you guys. Call me about anything. :no: Like I said, sad day and it just ain't in me to do it.


Just a quick recap for anyone that was able to attend...

Last night was the first meeting to start organizing a Musky Inc. chapter in New York State. Eighteen people attended the meeting, and all were eager and excited to get this club lifted off the ground.

Topics discussed at the meeting included (sorry, I am sure I will miss one or two): stocking programs, catch & release, bringing together a group with a common cause, season extensions, working with other musky groups nearby, and size limits.

The group will be meeting again next month on June 4 at 7PM at Dick's Sporting Goods in Henrietta (Rochester), NY. Board positions (at a minimum, 7 positions need to be filled for chapter recognition) will be voted on at this meeting along with accepting membership dues and discussing anything else needed to finalize the paperwork for the chapter.

I had a lot of fun last night seeing old friends and meeting new faces. I am excited to see the projects we take on as a group and what we can do to help inland lakes in New York become better for our fishing now and in the future.



I will contact HQ and tell them they have the interest needed for this.


Good recap Joe! Thanks for posting that. It was great to have a chance to see some old friends and meet some new ones last night - I enjoyed it and look forward to future meetings. Good start guys!!!! :yes:


Zach, Chad, Joe, great start on this Muskies Inc. New York Chapter meeting. If you can post a member application that can be downloaded, it might save time filling them out at next meeting, also show the membership fee's and maybe post a next meeting agenda. Looking forward to the No. 69 MI Chapter," how cool is that number to have ". HERE WE GO..... :yes:

Chuck Battaglia Lakes Manager, Cassadaga Lakes Association

Musky Itch Too Guide Service


I talked to Toothie last night and since he's not online, I will relay what he told me: he has a call into the folks at HQ to get detailed info on exactly the we need to do and the specific process we need to follow. He's asking them to send any/all paper work we need to fill out to formally submit the application for chapter formation so that we have that for the meeting. Once we have that detail we will be in a better position to know exactly what needs to happen at the next mtg (beyond nominating/electing board positions) and we can put an agenda together for the meeting and be prepared to identify and discuss the next steps for each board member.

Toothie will keep me updated on his progress and I will relay any and all info. He is calling them again today. Stay tuned...


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Zach,Did you get ahold of Musklies Inc. Int. for all the paperwork needed to submit to Muskies Inc Int. to get the Charter to start NY Muskies Inc. Chapter 69? We need all the paperwork for the June 4th meeting! Everyone else bring a check made out to Muskies Inc. for $35 for your membership dues. Jim Renyolds has shown interest in being the chapters 1st President as well.

Capt. Larry


I was not able to make the meeting last week but I will be there June 4th. I have at least one other guy interested in this also. I will continue to spread the word.

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