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The 2012 Orleans County Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Pro-Am Tournament will be held June 9th and 10th. We are planning for this year's tournament to be bigger and better than ever!

Captain's Cove has put together a 3 night package (Thursday, June 7-Saturday, June 9) deal together with Wiley's Riverside Marina. Please see the details in the flyer below. Don't wait too long to call and make your reservation since we only have 14 rooms total and can probably only accomodate 6-7 teams.

However, Wiley's will have additional slips available, all with water and electric hookup. At Wiley's there are fewer steps to the docks than at the County Marine Park, they have an electric lift available, and a party deck with picnic tables and grills. And, their bath house is the nicest one at Point Breeze. Check them out here: https://sites.google.com/a/wileysmarina ... arina/home


Thanks for looking!

~ Michele

Captain's Cove Resort, Inc.


[email protected]


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