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The time is drawing near, just chatted with Scott Prindle from the DEC and confirmed our fish delivery for mid to later April

Oswego will receive its normal amount of kings for our pens as well as rainbows

Several have contacted me concerning help readying our pens, I haven't taken a look at them yet but after our mild winter they may be ok with minimal mending

I will post info here as I receive it to keep all informed, if your interested in help on any level, mending, feedings, cleaning pens once fish are in etc. please drop me an E Mail


Also as a reference for me, as to what help we'll have this year, please enter a response to this thread so I can keep you in mind as I'll check this thread often

Feedings are obviously crucial as well as weekly cleanings (we just use a pool brush to scrape down the sides of the pens from growth) any help you are willing to offer will go a very long way to see our baby kings do as well as possible, its our future !!!!

For past help and support from the beginning and through the years I would like to thank the following people for our Oswego Net Pen Success:

Don Rufo (Lil Flipper Chartres), Gerry Bresadola (Dixie Dandy), Mike Conroy (Proteus), Old Hickory, Terry House (More Marvelous), Bob Poultorak (TK Charters), Oswego Marina from Bob Walters (Water Wolf) to Bernie Bacon (American Dream) 1fish2fish Jim, Birddog Eric, Tommy Germain (Little Whip), Crazy B Steph and my kids Tom and Mik














Hi Tom,

I'll be available again for pen net mending and fish food bagging. Just let me know the date and time and I'll be there.



Tom, I talked to Steve Lapan on Monday. the warmer weather could have an impact on the delivery schedule. They are having a meeting on Friday to discuss this, we could be getting fish sooner than you think, be prepared!

Bob S.


Tom, just got an email from DEC we may see Steelhead early next week!!!!!



Got the call as well Bob, THANK YOU

Saturday the 31st is the day we will need some help from those who have contacted me

At the Oswego Marina, plan on 9 to 10 o'clock, I'll grab the ties we need, please bring small side cutters if you have them to snip off plastic ties

I have not had the chance to even see the pens yet as they are locked up behind the gates with nobody around, they may only need minimal mending

We will stage the pens Friday, Bernie Bacon has been kind enough to do this for us on short notice, no help will be needed Friday

Very sorry for such short notice guys, due to our odd season so far we need to get the fish in and the time was bumped up a few weeks

Water temp as of today is 52 degrees, our fish are released around 60-62 degrees.

Monday am we will drop the pens in the river, again if you are available I'll need a few guys to help


  A-TOM-MIK said:

Monday am we will drop the pens in the river, again if you are available I'll need a few guys to help


I can help on Monday. see you then.

where is oswego marina from the picture it looks like the one down by the hotels but Iam not sure. I can help on monday if needed just need to know exactly where and what time.

JJ 315 224 8919


East side, end of route 481, around north side of marina

We staged the pens today, they look pretty good, minimal work is needed

We did have some of the steel mesh come loose from the end of 1 pen, not sure if we can zip tie it up or if we may need to screw it back in place, its 1/4" aluminum, maybe drill some holes and screw it back together, ie drill needed, 1" screws that would suffice for aluminum? We had used some self tapping screws 3 years ago, they lasted 3 years

Honestly not a lot needed to be done, please do not drive from any lengthy distance, unless your just looking to get out.



i'll be there bright and early tom. was planning on working on the little whip and fishing the harbor in the afternoon anyways. i'll have a drill and screw gun with me. i'll check my parts cans and grab a few different nuts and bolts.


The Oswego pens are ready to go into the marina starting Monday

Thanks to 1fish2fish Jim for beating us all there and having the end mesh tapped/drilled and fixed ! Sweet

Rich Demong from NY Guide Service, bigbrookie Greg (New Little Whip owner), Hot Wires Lynn and Tom all brought their tools and helped fix a few holes, sturdy up the float supports and readied our pens for Monday

Can't say enough for the help that "keeps the future of our loved sport alive" for another season to come

I'll see those of you who can find the time to help once again when the pens start going in the water on Monday.

A def date on fish delivery is not set in stone as of yet, word tells me this coming week is the plan however

Thanks guys


Monday 4/2 tentative time 9ish to drop pens in water

Fish delivery TBA, also could use help to bag the first 175 bags of food for first week (to be done the day of delivery)



Guess I missed the start. Sorry I didn't check the thread. I was thinking everything would start mid april. Anyway I wanna help. If you get a earlier notice when you need help please email or facebook me. Adam alexander on facebook and adamalexander2000@yahoo.com

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  adam2000 said:
Guess I missed the start. Sorry I didn't check the thread. I was thinking everything would start mid april. Anyway I wanna help. If you get a earlier notice when you need help please email or facebook me. Adam alexander on facebook and adamalexander2000@yahoo.com

[ Post made via Android ] Android.png

Fish are being delivered Friday. :)


Just wanted to extend another THANK YOU to all who helped with our pens already this year, as the labor intensive part of maintaining our fish continues with feeding them, bagging food and cleaning pens, Daryl "Raaven" and Greg "bigbrookie" have been a great continued help, Jim 1fish2fish also and the Thomson's when the fish were delivered. It's what its all about guys, THANK YOU. Still much to do for the next few weeks but the fish are looking great and lively as H*LL !! Water temp 48 degrees NICE for our fish !!


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