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how do u guys prefer to store your dipsy divers and leaders. i have been wrapping my leaders fairly lightly around the dipsy itself but am not really happy about doing it. seems as i am getting very light kink marks were the line goes over the edges of the divers. ive heard of some kind of diver sleeve thats made out of rubber that u put dipsy into then wrap the leader around that. sounds really good but know idea where to get them. any ideas?


Per the advise of "Chowder" also a member of LOU I leave the whole thing hooked up reel the diver till its about half way up the rod bring the leader down around the reel body and back up and attach to one of the rod eyes and then take a velcro strap or hair zingy and go around the rod at the head of the diver and another one at the tail of the diver...just throw your lure of choice on and ready for deployment :yes:



I use diver docks. The work great. You put the diver in the dock and wrap your leader around the dock. It does not get all kinked.

I use diver docks. The work great. You put the diver in the dock and wrap your leader around the dock. It does not get all kinked.

Yup best 4 dollars you'll ever spend

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They are manufactured by H.S. Die company. Product name is H.S. Die-ver dock. I could not find it on there site though.


I take about a 2" length of copper pipe insulation (grey foam). I wrap my lead around this and store with the dipsey. Leader never gets kinks this way and stays neat and compact for storage.


Yankee Troller has them listed as a sponsor but I can't find anyone selling that specific product. Maybe they dropped it?


Why take em off the wire? Just velcro the diver's trip arm to your rod handle ,wrap the leader around the reel and attach the big snap at the end of the leader to the reel handle or reel w/ a hair zingie. No kinked wire-and no wasted time rigging and unrigging.



I take them off the wire because I am away from the boat for four weeks at a time and need to break down the rod to store in the cabin and lock them up. The boat is in a friends yard but he likes to know that every thing is secured.


This is how I store mine. I have dipsys set up for spoons and flasher flys so I like storing them in my box. Also I keep spare leaders tied up for fast replacement. I learned that from Jeff J.




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Yankee Troller has them listed as a sponsor but I can't find anyone selling that specific product. Maybe they dropped it?

We use these, and they work real nice. Let me see if they are still making them.

Here are some pics of them:






Yankee troller any luck finding those diver docks. thats it! thats what i want. i gotta have them. seems like a great clean and effective way to store dipsy and leaders. gotta have me some! please let me/us know.


Here is his response - "Yes we are and have some on hand, just been too busy to pursue any kind of sales."

I'm going to see how he wants to go about selling the ones he has. I have direct contact info, but I'm not sure he wants is a bunch of fisherman calling him randomly. I believe he runs a plastic injection molding company, and being a fisherman he wanted something to do exactly what you guys are looking for. Give me a few more days to find out how he wants to handle anyone who might be interested in buying some. I'm leaving today to begin practice for the Orleans event, so I might not get an update until Sunday or Monday.

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Yankee trooper any luck finding out if they are still being made. I gotta get me some. Nice neat and clean I love em. Let me/us know! I can't find them anywhere I've looked.

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Sorry posted twice my phone acts gay sometimes.

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Where are you located?

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Are you asking where his gay phone is?



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