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Anyone know where the area office is located for the DEC fish survey that is in the oak orchard office. I need to speak to someone about one of their duche bags they have taking surveys.

I was waiting for a launch to open while these 2 numb nuts sat in the middle of the launch to take care of there boat. My client (i did not ask them to speak to them) went up and asked them to move and the one guy's response was when we're are done. After about 5 minutes I said to them come on could you move. Same douche bag waves and says (in his feminine voice) hi whle waving. My blood boiling but decided not to push it. Then another 3-4 minutes later super bag waives and in his girl voice say bye.

I then got out of my truck and confronted this a$$ but he would get out of his truck. I told them to give me his name and their office number. At fish he did not want too but then he did. I don't trust it as he put a 315 area code.

Anyone got a number or a person that I can contact about this because he was very closed to being knocked out in the parking lot.

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[ Post made via iPhone ] iPhone.png


Call the DEC dispatch or the Tip line. Before you do, you might want to tone it down a little. A level head will get you further than swearing.


I honestly don't understand what the DEC crew did to warrant such ramp rage. You've outlined 8-9 minutes of delay, and I know it can be very aggravating to wait on hangups (and slow, inconsiderate boaters) at a launch, but in my opinion what you've described here hardly warrants the threat of violent confrontation that you admit to making. Also, getting into a fight at the launch would not have gotten you on the water any quicker, and I'm sure that any boaters waiting in line behind you were not appreciative of the extra delay due to your attempt to confront the crew.

You have every right to call and complain if you feel you have a legitimate gripe. However, I agree that calling in and using the same tone of anger and insults that you've posted here will likely not result in a productive outcome for you.


They do get supervised by Fisheries Biologist in the Cape Vincent office. That is where the Lake Ontario unit is. You can find the number on the DEC website I believe. It would be a 315 number.


Was the fishing any better than the launchin?

I wasn't there so I will not comment about what happened to you. I am here reading your post, however, and my only recommendation is that cool down and refrain from name calling and other demeaning phrases and words. You only lose the power of your argument and give it those you are frustrated with.

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