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Well here's the story. I actually knew the first guy who posted. The second guy I sent a decent tip and got no response.

To tell you the truth a "thank you" from him would've made me feel better about helping, but how do I know you won't be as rude as he was? But at least you have a sense of humor!

Sigh... We need rain. Most of the storms from the past 2 weeks have gone East or North, most of the Finger Lakes haven't received much water. Figure out where it's been raining and there are a few fish around. If it doesn't rain all week I'd guess the weekend won't be too hot. The USGS streamflow site can be quite helpful. Good luck!


I was out of town this past weekend - I thought maybe they finger lakes got some nice rain...guess not. I was thinking about heading down to check out Trumansburg/Taguhannock Creek, and then head down into Ithaca. Gotta get those water levels up!

Do you usually get large fish in these creeks? This is my first year trying the tribs and up in the Salmon river for fall run fish. Not sure what the size difference is down here compared to up north


The forecast sounded good but it didn't produce, we had more rain the week before. There are a few good sized fish but the average size is much smaller than the Ontario tribs.

Also, if you're used to fishing up North it's a bit different here, nowhere near as many fish run the streams, and the runs seem to be pretty quick, fish in, fish out, timing is everything. At least that's my take, I've only been at this regularly for 3-4 years now. Not trying to be discouraging but that's how it is, every time I go to the Ontario tribs I'm amazed at how many fish I see, they're everywhere.


Not much going on. There was a small run of fish after the rain on fri. They are pretty much gone now as the creeks are low and clear again.

Need another good rain event to jump start it.

IMHO its not woth the trip if you have to travel.


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