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For those who aren't from the area, the Town of Webster, and surrounding communities suffered a great Loss today....In a nut shell, there was a call for an active structure fire early this morning...When the first responding Volunteer firemen showed up , a suspect was laying in wait across the street with an unknown weapon....At the firemen pulled up in their truck, they took several rounds into the front of their rig. They Bailed out, only to meet more rounds from suspect. Two Volunteers were Killed , 2 others sustained serious injuries. While the PD was attempting to make the scene safe, several homes became engulfed in flames.....

Unbelievable that such an event would take place....on Christmas eve no less....

One of the deceased Fireman, was a Lt. with the Webster Police Dept. The other Fireman was a young man who also worked at 911 dispatch center.

The West Webster Fire Department, Webster Police Dept, and the victim's family need some good thoughts in this trying time.......


Thoughts and prayers are with all involved. What a senseless tragedy.


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horrible. as a firefighter from a neighboring department i spent much of the day at the scene. words cannot describe the things i saw and will never be able to remove from memory.

What sticks with me the most though is the creepiest part. Back in june or july me and my buddy had seen the suspect a few times, at the pier on the webster side and also at shipbuilders creek. I remember that face and that beard, and i remember my buddy saying he looked like an axe murderer. the few times we saw him at the pier you got a wierd vibe from him... As soon as i saw his mugshot on the news, i knew it was him. what a creepy feeling.

please keep our brothers and their families in your prayers... the two still at strong are doing better and should recover.


Many sad feelings from within for this and the Newtown situations do not keep feeling of good thoughts and prayers to all most directly, and indirectly, affected. These are very bad occurrences. At this season, they are truly devastating. But not so much as to not allow thinking and sending only the best .....for the best.... Am out on the west coast and caught this on the local news here. Went online and saw this posted on world wide news...... All the best to the best.


These volunteers came to help and found death instead.

May their names and memory be blessed and never be forgotten.


God bless them all, except the murdering bastard that should have never been let out of prison! But whait he was rehabilitated what a joke.

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Just the thought of this brings me to tears. I don't know how we avoid these senseless tragedies. My heart goes out to the family and friends...I hope that you find strength in the support of your communities.


Just as Shaun said....Why was this person released?Our thought and prayers are with the family's that lost their loved ones....Zeke & Cyn

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Amen. I grew up less than two miles from there and know that fire hall well. Pray for the families...


Thoughts & prayers to all involved in this tragedy. This is a case for the death penalty on the first murder!!!!!


This is very sad news. Our prayers go out to the victims families and friends and supporters of Webster Fire volunteers.

My brother is a member of FDNY 9/11 and it hurts to see our brothers lose their lives like that.


Many thoughts and prayers to the familys and friends of thoes fallen and injuried in this attack ,and also to our brothers in the fire departments involved and in the areas near,our prayers are with you as well. Keep your heads up and your fallen brothers in your harts. : BURNIN DAYLIGHT

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I was also informed the Westboro Baptist "Church" that protests at military funerals is in Rochester ready to pickett and celebrate the deaths of the firemen :@ There is a counter protest to keep them away planned, come on fishermen, we are creative :lol:


Westboro Baptist Church To Protest Webster Firefighter Funerals

Posted: December 27, 2012

The Westboro Baptist Church, who picket the funerals of dead soldiers and murdered children, is planning to picket the funerals of the two firefighters who were shot in the line of duty trying to put out a fire set by William Spengler. Spengler set the fire then started shooting at the first responders who showed up to the scene. Mike Chiapperini and Tomasz Kaczowkan were shot and killed when they showed up to the fire on December 24th. Firefighters Theodore Scardino and Joseph Hoftsetter were also shot but survived. Spengler shot and killed himself before being captured.

Prior to this incident, Spengler had spent 17 years in prison for murdering his grandmother with a hammer.

Westboro Baptist Church spokesperson Margie Phelps tweeted:

â€They died for idolatrous worship-of-the-dead.â€

Phelps included information about the funeral arrangements and the hashtag #PicketFunerals.

Hundreds of anti Westboro Baptist Church citizens are planning to show up to the funerals and form a human wall around the funeral processions so that the families will not be bothered by protests. Twitter user @donna­_STFU made it clear to Phelps the town of Rochester would band together in the same way if Westboro Baptist Church attempts to picket the funerals for the slain firefighters.

The Inquisitr is also reporting that the infamous hacker group Anonymous recently upped the stakes against the Westboro Baptist Church by hacking into their website and posting the details of all their members online so that people could target the individuals who support the church.

A petition is currently posted to the White House website to recognize the Westboro Baptist church as a hate group. The petition is the most popular one ever posted to the site.

Do you think the government should recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group?

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/456104/westbor ... wwjbJLO.99

Not sure how many of my fellow fisherman feel but this makes me SICK.


church my ass... the whole thing that theyre all relatives and a church is a farse. theyre nothing but a group of bored lawyers who do this to incite lawsuits to line their pockets... Best thing to do is to give them zero attention and let them be forgotten like the scum they are. Dont let them take the limelight away from what tens of thousands of people will be comming to webster to do this weekend... pay respects to our fallen brothers.


I agree with ignoring them. However I think about 800psi of water out of the deck gun of one or more of the hundred fire apparatus that will be on scene at the service showering these idiots in 25 degree temps will be suitable :lol: I will be attending the services with my fire department paying respects to the fallen, still lose sleep over this crap, what is wrong with people?

  blueghost1 said:
I agree with ignoring them. However I think about 800psi of water out of the deck gun of one or more of the hundred fire apparatus that will be on scene at the service showering these idiots in 25 degree temps will be suitable :lol: I will be attending the services with my fire department paying respects to the fallen, still lose sleep over this crap, what is wrong with people?

well be there as well... if nothing else, this has shown how strong of a sense of community webster has, and has shown to the entire world why they call the fire service a brotherhood... Its something that those on the outside- with the exception of maybe combat veterans and police officers- would have a hard time understanding.

  frm03064 said:
church my ass... the whole thing that theyre all relatives and a church is a farse. theyre nothing but a group of bored lawyers who do this to incite lawsuits to line their pockets... Best thing to do is to give them zero attention and let them be forgotten like the scum they are. Dont let them take the limelight away from what tens of thousands of people will be comming to webster to do this weekend... pay respects to our fallen brothers.

I agree and disagree.

Yes they are scum,a family of mentally sick and deranged scum.

No they cannot be ignored,because allowing even one funeral to be disturbed by these sick creatures is one funeral too many.


Does anyone know if volunters are needed to form a protective circle so the families can grieve without interference from these idiots.Any info would be appreciated. Count me in! i feel the need to do something in the wake of this sensless tradgey.

  c.bonaffine said:
Does anyone know if volunters are needed to form a protective circle so the families can grieve without interference from these idiots.Any info would be appreciated. Count me in! i feel the need to do something in the wake of this sensless tradgey.

at this time, no, in fact several motorcycle gangs have already offered to do exactly that, and the families asked that they not. They want the attention to remain on our fallen brothers and not be placed on a sideshow instead. From what we were told state police have given protesters a 'spot' to protest IF they show up, which they might not even show up, in a parking lot over a mile from the school. Their permit is for that 'spot' only and if they go anywhere other than there they will face charges.

If you feel compelled to help, consider making a donation to the West Webster Fireman's Association or go into a local ESL branch and ask to donate to the family of the firefighters.. Making a donation to either will be a great way to help out, as the families of both firefighters have a long road ahead of them and they will need as much support- financially and emotionally- as they can get for the road ahead of them... Food, drinks, cookie platters, six foot subs, coffee, and all sorts of other things have been flowing into firehouses, ambulance stations and hotels everywhere for the tens of thousands of visiting first responders that are staying in town for the services, and at this time as far as i know we have more than enough food and drinks to last. Really money for the families is the best donation that can be made.

Of course the other donation that has been incredible is that of trucks/men from out of town fire departments. Fire departments from HOURS away have been sending crews and units up here to cover monroe and wayne county firehouses so that we can attend the services.

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