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Sorry Yankee. I'll be more politically correct.

A coho being held by a talkative, sometimes loud, foul mouthed young male caucasian. :lol:

Wearing a PINK HAT. :shock:


The hat is actually a faded red, but pink was funny too. It did however come with a Red Ranger.( not faded yet )


If you wana be completely correct? It's a coho being held by a outspoken, always loud foul mouthed guy who loves being that way. As for the people that second that, how does it look when a charter captain goes around prop spraying people in a bass tourny?? Sometimes actions speak LOUDER than words. 8)


I knew you were lying when you said you only knew how to look at please no on the internet Marcus! AND, you bought the hat WAY before the boat. So, it never came with it. Another tidbit is........your first post shouldnt be derogatory. I would make friends on here first before you go smashing people. Have a nice day! :lol:

By the way......lets get some guys together so we can drive the heck out of everything this weekend! Bring your muzzleloader if you want to shoot it too!


The only reason i found this site, is cause i googled fish stories and Spankme Troller came up here. :o Further more i only bashed you and corrected Steve.

I will be down as long as im not plowing!!!!!!!!!


So you were looking for please no! Huh.....At least I got pictures to back up my stories! You just got stories...... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



Please refer to the top of the page. If im not mistaken that is a picture of me with a fish, no story to be told you took the picture.


I've never been pissed at anyone for calling the kettle black. Im a loud, outspoken, ball bustin, foul mouthed guy, and i really just don't care.

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