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Which Port on Lake Ontario do you feel offers the most consistent fishing action all season long?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Port on Lake Ontario do you feel offers the most consistent fishing action all season long?

    • Henderson Harbor
    • Oswego
    • Fair Haven
    • Sodus Bay
    • Genesee River
    • Sandy Creek
    • Oak Orchard
    • Olcott
    • Wilson
    • Niagara Bar

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Browns, Cohos, Steelhead, Kings, Lakers....In your opinion which port offers the most consistent opportunity to hook up all season long? I was limited as to how many ports I could list, so if your favorite isn't listed tell us about it!


I fish out of Olcott for the most part (which is pretty darn consistent too, one you learn the water), but I voted for Oak Orchard. It seems like there is great fishing there from the start of the season to the end, every year.



I wonder who the lone soul that voted for FH? :roll:

I voted for Oak Orchard too.....from what I READ those charter captains catch A LOT of fish EVERY time they go out. :lol:

  jimski2 said:
The Niagara River offers a great winter fishery with its open waters that other ports can't.

Yeah, but on the open lake, after the May King season, the bar doesn't typically have anywhere near the T & S fishery that other ports do. since we're looking at all season, I don't think the Niagara even comes close.



Yea, the Niagara is awefull!!!! I would not waste your time there either. Rumor has it that the red and green cans were actually placed in the water by aliens and emit a strange vibration that repels fish. You best not fish there. I, however will keep an eye on these strange objects in the water all season long and report any strange happenings.


didn't say it was awful, but, for instance, the bar fishing in July doesn't even come close to the Oak in July. Most of August either for that matter.



Every port has it's time of the year but I have lived around Pointe Breeze since I was born , and have caught all the major species in the lake at some time out of the Oak. (Never a Muskie Though) - I wish. The Oak is full of great fisherman, and fish. -Mick


Sandy Creek (the one in Hamlin). I have fished all over Lake Ontario and think Sandy is the top port. Awesome brown action from March to September, the kings are there in great numbers from early May to the fall run, Steelies from May to late October, Lakers anytime. The Oak is close but they don't have the laker fishing like we do off of Sandy.


I don't know Tim...

We had a pretty good couple days off the Bar at the end of August. No tanks, but lots of matures hooked up as well as teenagers. Also nabbed a laker and a couple steelies. It was HoHo city down there in early May.

  Storm Warning II said:
I don't know Tim...

We had a pretty good couple days off the Bar at the end of August. No tanks, but lots of matures hooked up as well as teenagers. Also nabbed a laker and a couple steelies. It was HoHo city down there in early May.

Yeah, but I said July and most of August. I also specifically excluded May. Once they start staging at the bar in late Aug, all bets are off. What I was saying is that for MOST of the summer, the fishing is much better at the Oak. They also have pretty darn good fishing there in April, May, June, July, August, September etc. Since the question was most consistent all season long, there's no comparison IMO.

Honestly, Olcott is probably just as consistent as the Oak, but it's a lot tougher to get any info on the fishing there, so unless it's your home port, Olcott is tougher to fish out of. That's why I voted for Oak Orchard.



For the past twenty years I have fished all over Lake Ontario. I docked for 13 years in Olcott before moving to the Oak 6 years ago. In fishing the ProAm Tournaments I have been fortunate to have fished from Port Dalhousie, CAN. to Oswego, NY and most of the ports in between.

I can honestly say that, day in and day out, OAK ORCHARD is, BY FAR, the most consistent port on the Lake. And I will agree with Tim, it is one of the easiest ports on the lake to get info about. "Most" of the captains there are among the most helpful you will find anywhere. But, then again, I'm a little biased since that is now my home port. I still travel both west and east for the tournaments but I LOVE coming back to the OAK!


Free Spirit


LOL....Why would I mount a 13# steelhead from Erie when I catch much larger steelies every summer out of the Oak? It was a nice fish but really wasn't that pretty. I didn't do anything with that big wallyeye either (other than fillet it). It too was sort of an ugly fish.

Most all of the fish I do any more are reproductions---certainly any fish I do for myself are repros, although I am planning on doing a skin mount of a brown my wife caught for some upcoming competitions.

See ya on the water!



Most good taxidermists can give you a reproduction with length and girth measurements and a decent picture. If no pics are available its not a big deal,with me anyway--I just need to know when (what month) the fish was caught.

Prices for repros are (or should be) comparable to skin mounts. If the taxidermist is doing the amount of detail work he "should" be on a skin mount he will be putting in almost as much time as he would be in prepping and painting a repro.

I won't post my prices (for anything) on Forums because it always results in an argument and does no good to anyone.

What you need to keep in mind when looking for taxidermy work is that you will be looking at the mount for the rest of your life. If you actually "care" about what hangs on your wall or sits on your shelf you need to remember the Golden Rule of Taxidermy:


That said, you can email me through my website and I can send you some rates and pics of recently completed client fish. These pics aren't on my site yet so I'll have to email them to you.

Have a great Holiday!



The Oak is close but they don't have the laker fishing like we do off of Sandy.

Brian I just changed my vote to the Oak for that reason :lol:

I fished primarily from Braddocks Bay to Webster Park for most of the last 12 years until this past year when I fished 90% of the time out of Sandy Creek (Hamlin) and think that that's the best as far as I am concerned for all around species from spring right on through to mid-late fall. Maybe there are more fish there because Jax's drops so many :shock: :P:lol: and there are more out there to be grabbed. Hi Jeeeeewwwwwweeeee!

I know that the past few years out of I-Bay it didn't seem as good for me personally. Never fished FH but it seems from what I have read it's more brownies in the spring with a VERY FEW kings, then in come the kings later towards the start of summer.

Billy very interesting topic though. I also think that from this site there are less guys that post from that neck of the woods too.



FH is all about browns & cohos in the spring....lots and lots of them. Last year the brown action was incredible all spring! There are a few Kings & steelies mixed in there too. Then around the middle-late part of June the Kings start showing up in numbers and then we turn our attention there. We have very consistent action out of FH in my opinion. Do other ports take more Kings throughout the year? You betcha. Especially the western ports. But we catch silly amounts of browns all spring which is just fine by me.

I would also put Oswego and the Oak on my list of consistent ports too.


Bill, I'd love to have the brown fishing in Olcott that you have in FH, unfortunately, so few of our resident browns survive the pathetic yearly bloodbath/slaughter at Burt that the numbers just aren't here. Every year I'm amazed that ANY browns make it back to the lake out this way.




You should make a point to get down our way this April and spend a day fishing browns with me. Let me know what your schedule is like and we'll see what we can work out.

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