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You know ...I never cease to be amazed by the brazen disregard for common sense and good judgment shown by Emperor Cuomo and the so-called legislators. They pass legislation without ANY regard for the 2nd Ammendment but are totally paralyzed to tackle anything with the 1st Ammendment such as the portrayal of violence in movies and video games, and then even want to create an exception to the SAFE ACT for the movie industry. Some of the video games are used by our own military to train the troops and our "government" is afraid to tackle the movie or gaming industry regarding the issue of exposing KIDS (some of whom spend all day playing these "games" without any supervision) to violence and direct training in killing because the movie industry is in bed with the liberal left and it might affect "contributions" and "votes". Some of the most popular movies are extremely violent and in fact glorify violence and killing and yet these baboons wonder why these mass murder situations come about from adolescent or young males acting out the parts....yes ban firearms of legitimate owners that is the answer.....parents choices and supervision are another issue but I'll leave that one for some other time.


Can anyone get me the link for the website that tells what is classified as an assualt rifle in NY now?  way too much stuff to go through to find it. 


I feel so much safer knowing how well the police are trained. The sight is mounted on back wards. How could he have possibly sighted that weapon in. But then again I'm just an untrained army vet



Wow - that's a great pick up. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like an EOTech Holographic sight in the picture which indeed would be on backwards. Wouldn't it be impossible to sight in a gun like this b/c the holographic sight wouldn't work backwards?


Spot on! Maybe that's why he needs the 30 round magazine. And you're right you cannot use any eotech sight like that. Or any other sight as a matter of fact.

  On 3/18/2013 at 12:49 AM, skipjack said:

I feel so much safer knowing how well the police are trained. The sight is mounted on back wards. How could he have possibly sighted that weapon in. But then again I'm just an untrained army vet

That right there is funny.  I can't believe they are supposed to  protect us. By the way anyone get that e-mail about the elderly couple and a few burglars breaking into their tool shed? That is a prime example of the crap we as "civilians" have to deal with.


Heard on the radio this morning that Counties against safe act are trying to find ways to circumvent the safe act (legally)and that followed by reports that Governor (aka emperor) Cuomo considering revising parts of the bill naming clip size as one example.


I also heard on the radio that he is considering a rebate for families between 40K and 300K incomes of $350.  I am guessing this is to drive up approval ratings but I will take it.  Gas isn't cheap.

  On 3/20/2013 at 12:34 PM, BSmaster said:

Heard on the radio this morning that Counties against safe act are trying to find ways to circumvent the safe act (legally)and that followed by reports that Governor (aka emperor) Cuomo considering revising parts of the bill naming clip size as one example.


I also heard on the radio that he is considering a rebate for families between 40K and 300K incomes of $350.  I am guessing this is to drive up approval ratings but I will take it.  Gas isn't cheap.


   Yeah I read about the gun legislation tweak. They want to go back to 10 round clips being legal to make it more consistent with range rules.

    It appears it's getting a little too hot in the kitchen for some legislative guys or maybe they are starting to run a little scared. A small 

    consolation, but it's a start.


Thanks Rob. I sent it to everyone I know  who has been following the issue.



  On 3/21/2013 at 1:18 AM, Legacy said:




Interesting, gun legislation aside, doesn't this map summarize the fundamental problem in New York State....


Yeah if it wasn't for all the shipping that comes through NYC it could be chopped right off the map....and LI and Westchester have never counted for much anyway in our world....they consider Rockland County UPSTATE and probably don't even know we exist :lol:

  On 3/21/2013 at 12:00 PM, Shorthanded said:

Interesting, gun legislation aside, doesn't this map summarize the fundamental problem in New York State....


:yes:  :yes:

Been saying for decades we should cut the head off the snake and give part to CT and part to NJ and then we don't have to deal with them or their backassward ideas...  My apologies to people in CT and NJ who deserve better.


Gun manufacturers refusing to sell to New York government agencies


Guns and ammo manufacturers are refusing to sell to government agencies in New York. Here is what one announced:

Olympic Arms is a staunch believer in and defender of the Constitution of the United States, and with special attention paid to the Bill of Rights that succinctly enumerates the security of our Divinely given Rights. One of those Rights is that to Keep and Bear Arms.


Legislation recently passed in the State of New York outlaws the AR15 and many other firearms, and will make it illegal for the good and free citizens of New York to own a large selection of legal and safe firearms and magazines. We feel as though the passage of this legislation exceeds the authority granted to the government of New York by its citizens, and violates the Constitution of the United States, ignoring such SCOTUS rulings as District of Columbia v. Heller – 554, U.S. 570 of 2008, McDonald v. Chicago – 561 U.S. 3025 of 2010, and specifically the case of United States v. Miller – 307 U.S. 174 of 1939.

Due (to) the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity – will no longer be served as customers.

From EFI:

“We refuse to recognize law enforcement exemptions on gun control. If a product that we manufacture is not legal for a private citizen to own in a jurisdiction, we will not sell that product to a law-enforcement agency in that jurisdiction.â€


Read the statements of five other companies here: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/15/group-of-second-amendment-supporting-gun-makers-now-refusing-to-sell-arms-to-law-enforcement-in-new-york-and-other-gun-restricting-states/






Great video in the above post... anyone know the name of the song / music that was used ??

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