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Very sad news. Not to many Arimas around I would hate to see it leave the area. Mine will be for sale in my estate.,,,, For its size I havent seen a boat that rides or handles rough water better.

Chaos Ive been racking my brain trying to find someone that would buy your boat. Most everyone I know is broke. Inc.me...

BTW Stinger did you get his termination dues?


Oh Chaos! I just bought a 4000 lb lift and had to go all the way to Chamot to take it apart and rent a flat bed to haul it down! Ifn I only knew.

Good luck with your endevors and if you ever want to fish the LOU Cayuga, you are welcome on my boat anytime. I'll even let ya hold the trophy! :lol:


By the way, Stinger said I have some due's coming back to me but he has to wait on you paying your last three months worth of membership dues. Pay up so that I can get paid out...

We normally pro-rate the dues by the month Chaos.......now that it is already December 10th your out of luck on any dues refund for 2007 :shock: . On the other hand `stix said he was going to cover my launch fees for `08 ;) , so I credited his account those 3 months. Right `stix?

When you told me you may leaving the area I was hoping that things would change and you would be able to stay here. This was not vary good news at all.....I'm sure a lot of the other guys think the same. You know we all wish the best for you. You you come back to the area to visit family call ahead and I'll take you fishing.

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