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Well my wife's stepfather is to blame for my (boat's)name. Seasquirrel. Not really my boats name however as I have no actual name on my boat. I used to have a seaswirl boat which was referred to as "seasquirrel" which has stuck even after I bought my current Searay Amberjack. Guess it will have to do until I find a replacement name.


My current boat  was purchased new in Michagan and I live in NH. So I named it Long Haul for the distance I traveled to get her.


All my other boats names came from specific reasons as well:

Sally-mon- First named boat, named because I liked to troll for salmon with it and wanted it to have a Jamacain sound to the name.

Annie- first ocean boat, wife used to think the ask any mermaid song was "Ask Aniie mermaid" So I named the boat Annie and the business Mermaid Charters.

Miss Fitz- Second ocean boat. Always heard you should name your boat a female name. My last name starts with Fitz and the two put together described my crew (misfits, lol).




I know waterlogged seems like an unlikely name for a boat but here's the story.  When we first got our boat my son went on a solo trip to Cayuga Lake VERY early one summer morning launching out of Myers.  Our friend, his son and I were to meet him at Myers after work for the evening bite.  When we got to the launch sure enough he was there waiting.  I asked him how he had done and he stated he trolled form 6 a,m,m until he came in to pick us up.  He had one small sized salmon in the box.  I said in disbelief "You've been out here since 6 a.m. and this is all you could catch? This boat must be waterloged by now!!" and the name stuck.


My 27 foot Baha Cruiser and my fishing charter business is named MADSIERRA after our 2 golden retrievers....Madison and Sierra. One of them turned 16 in january and the other one will be 14 in march. If the boat is on the water the two of them will be on the boat!...actually told a client to find another boat to fish on when he said he didn't like dogs and did not want them on the boat!

  On 2/24/2013 at 3:55 PM, madsierra said:

My 27 foot Baha Cruiser and my fishing charter business is named MADSIERRA after our 2 golden retrievers....Madison and Sierra. One of them turned 16 in january and the other one will be 14 in march. If the boat is on the water the two of them will be on the boat!...actually told a client to find another boat to fish on when he said he didn't like dogs and did not want them on the boat!




Not very inventive to my boat name but it did get changed briefly when on my first trip last year on Lake O to the "Weenie-Sea" 


I lost my favorite hat to the infamous lake gods on the first day out so my immediate job off the water that day was to purchase the first hat I could get my hands on...the local tackle store had exactly what I needed...that hat would be soon be the target of my inability to complete the task of landing a fish without breaking off and losing the battle of the kings


At the end of the weekend I landed an 18# king literally on the last minute of our trip from the last pole in the water......so the name Willy-Sea returned back.......I don't have a big weenie but the hat makes up for it.....





  On 2/24/2013 at 3:55 PM, madsierra said:

My 27 foot Baha Cruiser and my fishing charter business is named MADSIERRA after our 2 golden retrievers....Madison and Sierra. One of them turned 16 in january and the other one will be 14 in march. If the boat is on the water the two of them will be on the boat!...actually told a client to find another boat to fish on when he said he didn't like dogs and did not want them on the boat!


I too don't mind dogs on boats.....Good choice....


I generally have both my dogs, weimaraner and german short haired pointer. I think the weim is good luck because we have caught the majority of our larger fish with him on the boat. Would he qualify as a tournament observer?

Posted (edited)

I had a friend with a very impulsive personality.  The first time I drifted the Niagra Bar, and told him about the fantastic lake trout fishing we had, he literally went and bought a boat the next day.  It was in Cheektowaga, the guy that sold it to him was named Something-ski.  The motor crapped out on him that first year, and he had to buy a new one.  By then he was disappointed with the boat, naming it the "Polish Curse".  Hhe used it for trips to Canada for a couple of years (never even taking it to the Bar), then offered it to me for a cheap price.  I bought it and didn't use it much because I was enjoying the fly fishing so much. 


In the mid summer there aren't many places where the fly fishing is very good.  I knew the Finger Lakes had good fishing, so I started taking the Polish Curse out to teach myself how to get lakers and rainbows.  I started enjoying it so much that I was flyfishing much less, taking the boat out in spring and fall besides.  My second summer of fishing the Fingers, the Polish Curse tried to sink with me, my wife and my dog aboard.  Miranda was pretty calm about the whole thing.  The old aluminum boat from the '70s let go of its rivets, and my fishing vessel was now a big sieve.  Polish Curse indeed.  With the bilge pump wirking double time, we made it back to the launch.  Miranda let me buy a replacement.  I sold one of my guitars to lessen the financial hit.


To name the new boat, I thought of my time living on the coast of Maine.  I worked on the Passamaquoddy Bay, farming salmon among the scallop draggers and lobstermen.  A lot of the captains worked their wives' names into the names of their boats.  Crazy Avery Kelly called his 43 foot lobster boat the "Queen D'Anna" and the boat that brought us our pallets of feed was called the "Freida C"  (which I thought was the "Free to Sea" until I could make out the rusted lettering on the stern).  So I combined Miranda's name with the fact that I learned to fish the Fingers on Canandaigua Lake and called my 16 foot deep Vee the "Canamiran".


Pete Collin

Edited by Pete Collin
Posted (edited)

Our two boats are named " LIVEWIRE "  because we love to run wire and divers  with LiveWire Spin Doctors and Atomik flys.

Edited by bigblue

My first boat was a doozie...........1959 fiberglass monstrosity. 19 feet of the most uncomfortable seating you coud imagine. Hence the name:

MIAKNAZ.....you should have seen the looks from the passers-by whan they finally decoded it!


a couple boats ago my wife was getting tired of wet feet and wrote "plug in?" on the transom with a sharpie. my boats have all been "plug in?'' since and i never sink at the launch anymore


I like this thread,' Fast and Silver ' is the name of my boat and it sure isnt cause my boat is fast, heck it cannot get out of the way of a seagull crapping on it,but I tend to troll faster than most and we target silver fish, once they get dark I am all done, hence the name 'Fast and Silver'


My friends since College always called me Pd boy since my intials are P.D. and my first name is Pete. So the name of my boat is PD BUOY. It evolved from a 19 ft Starcraft to now a 25 ft Baha Gle. Can't wait for the start of the new season. LOU Rocks


This has been great! I am so glad I started this thread! I am definitely closer to a name for my rig! :yes:  :yes:  :yes:


I used my wife's name as well, She had been planning and saving for a vacation for quite some time while I was shopping for a boat, At the time we couldn't find the rite used boat for us so we took a ride the boat show and that was it , Found what we were looking for but I didn't have enough for the down payment saved so she tossed in her beloved vacation money and knowing that must have killed her I named it Breaking Dawn! And in turn we've taken more small trips camping ADK's and finger lakes with the boat than ever so were both happy!


I too have a new (used) boat It's an old starcraft 20 footer. This is an interesting topic, I'm enjoying reading peoples stories on how they named their boats. I still have to come up with the name for mine. I was thinking of incorporating something with ghost or about ghosts in it as I ghost hunt in my spare time, Does anyone have any ideas?

  On 3/4/2013 at 11:35 PM, howboutthosemets said:

I too have a new (used) boat It's an old starcraft 20 footer. This is an interesting topic, I'm enjoying reading peoples stories on how they named their boats. I still have to come up with the name for mine. I was thinking of incorporating something with ghost or about ghosts in it as I ghost hunt in my spare time, Does anyone have any ideas?

By looking @ your name on the forum and your ghost hunting hobby you should name it "THE BILLY BUCKNER" because there had to be a ghost or something that made that ball go through his legs!...from a die hard sox fan!

  On 3/5/2013 at 12:49 AM, madsierra said:

By looking @ your name on the forum and your ghost hunting hobby you should name it "THE BILLY BUCKNER" because there had to be a ghost or something that made that ball go through his legs!...from a die hard sox fan!


LOL! That happened when I was 5. That was my earliest memory of baseball and possibly the only championship I will see them win. But nothing wrong with the red sox anyone but the yankees!

  On 2/15/2013 at 8:36 PM, bout time said:

Mine was easy.....I was in a stage of my life where I realized I wanted different things out of life than my wife at that time. Things just didnt work out between us and I decided to move on with my life and be happy. I have since found a new Wife and couldnt be any happier. So for me it is simply 'BOUT TIME I am happy and living my life for me.

I got my first great lakes boat this year, a 23' hydra sports with a hardtop. I Love "Bout Time" and finally have something to name  after many years wishing. I had "bout time" in mind, but i will keep thinking for something unique...

I'm still with my first wife...

  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a boat with my two sons and our last name is Hayden so was thinking about menhaden. What do you think...too corny?


howboutthosemets...apparition fishin?

Posted (edited)

I didn't choose the name given my boat it was other fishermen way back when I had my 13 ft. Boston Whaler with 15 ft outriggers, 4 ft. booms on my downriggers and always at least half a dozen rods standing in the rod holders (during the Lake O derbies people would even come up and take pics of it  :>). The guys said I looked like a WHITE PORQUPINE and the name stuck so I kept it for this boat too (18 ft. Whaler Ventura with 135 Optimax) :)






Edited by Sk8man

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