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Regulation question

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Looking at the regs for each species I see that black bass are catch and release artificial bait only until 3rd week in June. With Walleye they just say the season starts the first Saturday in May. Can you catch and release walleye before then or are you prohibitted from fishing for them. If prohibitted what prevents you from catching them incidentally when fishing for other species?




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You aren't supposed to target walleye specifically until the 1st weekend in may.  If you just so happen to be trolling for trout and hook up with some walleye then it isn't your fault and cannot be fined (unless you keep them).

Edited by Chas0218
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Tim - Back in the 2nd or 3rd ESLO, I remember taking some fish in to be weighed & these 2 guys had a cooler with some beautiful Browns caught off Russell.  As I had just spent a couple hundred on some fancy lures, I had to ask how they caught them.  Their reply - Nightcrawlers.   :)


Tom B.


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Great Lakes regulations ar supposed to be similar in all Great Lakes waters. Ohio has a four walleye limit in an early season fishery and New York never reaches their sport fishing quota so there is no reason to restrict walleye fishing on the Great Lakes except some bean counter who wants to keep the regulation book cheaper to print every two years and regulations that take a year to change instead of quickly as needed. 

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