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i recently bought an elite 5 dsi lowrance.    I'm thinking i bought the wrong one   i cannot seem to mark a fish with it. the gps side of it works great. The speed and temp work nice   it reads the bottom great  but i cannot get it to mark fish. its irritating to spend that much money and not have it do what it says it will.  any advice would be much appreciated  or it may end up in the bottom of lake O   :@   :headbang:  thankz


A little hard to diagnose it withoutt seeing the settings. Did you ever see fish with it? If the transducer is ticking and its marking the bottom I would say it works. I would reset the unit to factory settings and go from there.

There is a bunch of videos here on how to set them up etc....can't remember where now, maybe somebody can pitch in.


I have the elite base, had to play with the kHz and trolling settings before I got it dialed in. One thing though I always got the down balls to show when I started. Do you see them at least?


I'm not a fan of DSI for finding fish. Great for structure, but not fish. Unfortunately the Elite 5 DSI is DSI only and not regular 2D sonar. I'd have looked for a unit that offered DSI and 2D sonar.

Posted (edited)

I have the elite 5 dsi. And had the same concerns at first. The fish appear as a group of dots almost resembling the shape of a fish (rather than hooks), if you mark any. Smaller fish show up so faintly you'll need to put your face close to the graph. I rarely mark browns in shallow. I seem to get a lot of interference in shallower water. Go out deeper and you'll know when you mark a king or school of baitfish. One plus to this graph is you don't have to decipher what a bunch of over-lapping hooks represents. You'll max out marking bottom in about 320 fow. I like to use the white background. Seems easier to read.


Shellback is correct. When using DSI you will not see the typical fish arch, but instead you will see dots or specks. The brighter the dot/speck generally signifies a larger fish. I would think a better unit for you would have been the Elite-7 HDI. You would get the traditional 2-D sonar as well as DownScan imaging and the charts. If you're not networking with Ethernet or require full NMEA network-ability, this Elite-7 HDI is the hottest unit out there.




If not marking them AT ALL try turning up the gain/sensitivity way up and see what happens if too much turn back a bit until you get something .

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