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Hello fellow Great Lakes and Salmon fishermen and woman. My name is Richard Doolin. I am an out of stator that loves to fish Lake Ontario. Last year I took on the task of acquiring donations for the Fair Haven Challenge. These donations go on a raffle table. All the proceeds go to the net pen project in Fair Haven, raising several thousand salmon for us all to catch. These net pen projects all along the shore are vital to the great fishery we have. This year and for the last few leading up to today, donations are very low. I have sent out over two hundred letters to various companies. Does anyone have any connections for donations to help or can think of someone I have not contacted. Any tackle stores want to get rid of some old stock for a good cause? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Being over two hundred contacts I will not list them here but if you suggest someone I will let you know if I have already contacted them. Please PM me if you do not want to put it on this thread.

Thank you all for any help




Please post an adress to send donations to and I will send a gift certificate for a free guide trip. I am always willing to donate my time for a good cause.

Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


The current address for donations if interested is,


Richard Doolin

72 Short Street

Middleboro, Ma. 02346


Direct e-mail is Doolinbr@msn.com 

Please put Lake Ontario or Fair Haven Challenge donations in the title so it inadvertently does not get deleated.


Thank you all.




That is so very gracious of you not to only donate an item but you own time as well.  :yes:


I thought the economy was getting better but this year has been especially tough for donations.


Thank you so very much.


I just enjoy being on the water and if I can help people out even better. Plus I have found tips are normally better on donated trips lol.

Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


Only one person can help out of this great group. I am very surprised.




Thank you very mush for your help. I enjoyed our conversation the other day and looking forward to more.


Again Thank you

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