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Name is Brandon. Fishing out of Mex Pt. been out a lot and getting skunked frequently. Lots of bait and fishing the thermal climb. Marking fish, no hookups. Wtf?


Thanks. Last year was amazing and this year is a bust. It's tough to see everyone else doing exactly what I'm doing and catching fish and I'm taking the poles for a boat ride. Is 2.3 too slow this year?


This is my first year and struggling a bit too. I am out of Mexico but also have a camp on sandy pond that I have been able to navigate for the last 2 weeks. It has been very tough for us as well, with a lot of boat rides and a lot of money spent on fuel. We have landed only 1 salmon, and hooked 4 or 5 total. All on green echip  f/f. We have found some 46 deg water in front of the north dunes in 130 down only about 70 down. Every time we go through that spot we hook up or get knocked off. We have also landed a few steelhead on free running sliders. Have run the whole gamut in my spread, but thinking about spin dr's and meat this weekend. I am also going to try a torpedo diver for the midday.I am trying to be patient waiting for them to come home, august is just around the corner and I know things are going to improve greatly soon.


Thanks. Last year was amazing and this year is a bust. It's tough to see everyone else doing exactly what I'm doing and catching fish and I'm taking the poles for a boat ride. Is 2.3 too slow this year?


Definately need to play with speed, and direction.  I dont know if you have a probe for down speed, but as you are now in a time of the year when currents 40,60, 80 feet down can be in a different direction than currents on top you really have to adjust and watch carefully.  I would say you want to be more around 2.6-2.8, but that is at the ball or where your "lures" are running.  You could be going 2.6SOG on top and be doing less than 2.0 or over 3.0 down below. And it is directionally based, so watch your lines, the angle of your downrigger cables...etc.  Vary speed during your troll, especially if your passing fish on the screen and they arent checking things out or hitting.  Keep varying colors and your depths.  Sometimes I move a rigger 5 feet up or down and all of a sudden its getting hit, where before it was dead.   And like Just Fishin' said, you are now on the side and let recent reports help guide you to correct depths and speeds and colors, to start....if that dont work, start changing out. 


This lake can be very humbling at times. People hooking up all around you and you can't do anything. Been there, many times. Read this site religiously and you will learn a ton. If still not working for you go out on a charter in your area....guarantee you will learn something and it might be the difference. I have never met a charter captain that you can't get talking about what works and why. I know you may not want to do it since you have so much $$$ tied up in your own stuff, but it will be worth it.

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