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Took a friend and his nephews who were visiting from Ohio. The boys have never fished before, including worming for  panfish!

I explained the benefits about being on the water early, but none the less, we headed out about 11am. A good stiff SSW wind made it a bit bumpier than the newbies cared for so we headed  straight out the river rather than west toward Braddocks.. Set up at 150 with 2 riggers spooned with cheaters. Dipsy on lead core at 250 and a 7 Color down the chute. We worked west covering 50-80 over 170. After a couple hours of fighting boredom and the wind, we started working in a bit and marked bait about 60/120. Then bang, the oldest boy takes....a 7 lb steely on a Orage Crush 75 down.. Rerigged and swung around to hit the bait again when I hear....."How Much Longer We Gonna Be Out Here?" Needless to say, it wasnt much longer. Had another steely spit a hook after the bait pile but at that point, both kids were  green and on the floor. Back at the launch, they were out of the boat like the were shot from a cannon and never seen again!. LMAO!


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