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Biden should be a prime candidate for a brain transplant....even an opossum brain would be an improvement :lol:

Posted (edited)

Im with ya there.  I hope nothing happens to Obama because I think he would be worse.  Biden is the biggest idiot to walk the earth, truly a unless human being.

Edited by Chas0218
Posted (edited)

"If Congress won’t act, we’ll fight for a new Congress.â€

Nice!...more like a dictatorship every day and every time he or the other baffoon opens their mouths. Never mind the rest of the country or how congress is placed in legislative positions.

It's beginning to sound like executive order is one man one party rule...never mind we the people! Possum brains would be a waste on Joe.

Sent from my PC36100 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

Edited by skipper19

Colorado just recalled gun control advocate Angela Giron in a state with a horrendous mass shooting less than a year ago. Biden and his party better be paying attention.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/13/2013 at 11:46 AM, Chas0218 said:

Please lets not get into the debate whether guns are good or bad just thought some would like to read about a proposed bill about control control.



So you do not want a debate, but you think that we should all read it ????????

Me thinks that executive actions are very much protected by the constitution and are very much better defined than the second amendment.

If you feel that your second amendmentment rights should be protected,than you should also feel that these constitutional executive rights should be protected and respected

Edited by rolmops
Posted (edited)

â€There can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or body of magistrates,†or, â€if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers,â€

So far as I can tell, there has been no debate on guns here, and the OP stated it would be intresting to "MOST" not all readers. When Joe talks, he inadvertently sticks his foot in his mouth, which to most people listening, is just normal and expected.

What's intresting, is seeing what kind of government we could have when an executive officer, inept as Joe is, states executive order and then in the same venue, states getting a legislative department in power to enact every executive order into law, like he just said.

Executive orders can be abused and set negatives against the constitutional rights of Americans, because they are never clearly defined under one meaning, as is an amendment.

All we have left is judiciary to protect us when Joe wants to find that one party rule. I wouldn't want to guess how long it would take to have all three branches be one and the same when the government owns all the firepower and force to do it. Definition....tyranny.

I know...I must be paranoid. Castro was a sweet talking saviour that freedom seeking people believed in too.

Sent from my PC36100 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

Edited by skipper19

The Preamble to the Declaration states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Our founders believed that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights come from God or mother nature if you prefer and the Constitution guarantees those rights. So I ask, how can something given to us by God be taken away by executive order? Those rights limit the power of government and guarantees it to us as individuals.


Man you fellas awful hard on ole Joe...He's committed to find away to try and slow down gun violence in this country..I think most people would agree with that.   Close to 10,000 give or take a few murders by gun fire pretty heavy number and been going on for years, thats 100,000 in 10 years..Pretty sorry state of affairs..

  On 9/14/2013 at 10:33 PM, 3feathers said:

WOW:   Brilliant come back Tim...

Sorry, it was the politest response I could think of to the nonsense you posted.


3 feathers, Chicago has the highest gun murders in the country , and also the most restrictive gun laws. Criminals don't follow the law, and no amount of propaganda can change that


ALL the studies prove gun control does not reduce violent crime. Even the one Obama had the CDC report on last year has proven so. Make no mistake gun control is only about control. If you don't see this then you are part of the dumbing down of society that has gotten us where we are for the last 5 years.

Posted (edited)

If Joe, Mr. Vice-president, really wanted to reduce the gun crimes, he would find a way to treat the symptom of humanity called murder, suicide, and homicide.

A statistic I have read, states 2/3 of deaths by guns in this country are by suicide.

The Vice-president, calling out a particular rifle such as a WW2 relic, such as the M1 Garand as a deterrent to gun crimes is disingenuous.

The M1 Garand is heavy, fires 5 rounds semi-auto, (just like my "legal" deer rifle)... can hold 8 rounds if useing the en-bloc military clip for warfare. and has major drawback, the loud cha ching of the spent clip ejected from the magazine, letting your, in this case,"enemy" know you were out of ammo, and free for countering attack with a few quick rounds back.

Now I've let myself discuss a rifle,..gun...one just like many of Americans own, that functions exactly the way the Garand does, except for the auto-ejected clip. No features, including that one of the clip make this an "assault weapon" even under the over imposing NY SAFE act.

It is this step by step process of finding backdoor reasons to disarm law abiding citizens that should concern everyone including those who don't own guns or hunt or enjoy peaceful shooting sports.

The President, is Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy..AND Malitia...we would be a joke, and dead, if he ever had to call upon the citizenry, armed with a slingshot to defend our home front.

No amount of registration, and regulation on any inanimate object is going to deter a murdering mindset. It is a symptom of humanity and needs corrections. The disarming agenda is disingenuous, period. Otherwise those 2/3 who were so distraught, felt so self damned, and didn't seek help, or have access to help medically, or physically, vowed to take their own life by any means, commited suicide anyway would have acted out using another way quick and painless, regulated or not.

It is a symptom the government ignores, and throws smoke and mirrors on a mentally deranged tragedy of society to their advantage, as they push the agenda. Removing focus on themselves for failings of their own.

Not trying to change anyone's mind....unless it is hurting...but maybe opening some up. Love thy neighbor, and live.


Sent from my PC36100 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

Edited by skipper19

Hey if you feel this country will be better off when every one has to carry a gun for protection then so be it..Looks like we'er heading that way now..Can understand where ur coming from..But then be prepared to arm your wives mothers and children when they reach the age to travel without a parent guiding them..Maybe all u intelligent men have a answer to control gun murders,,Instead of just saying thats the way we are..Because its not that way in most other developed countries..Give me a clue what this country will be like in another 25 or 30 years if this keeps up..I presume most of u fisherman are also gun hunters and know how to take care of weapons..But how bout the dudes that don't know how, or worse yet don't care how or who gets their hands on their guns..   Good luck....BTW  the m 1 is a 30.06 calibur 8 round clip fed semi auto matic rifle not a 5 round semi..And newer model M-1 cabine is the M2 can be fired fully automatic with 30 rounds or 30 cal. ammo...Guess in the hands or amateurs u guys would feel ok...God help us..What a future.

  On 9/15/2013 at 4:50 PM, 3feathers said:

Hey if you feel this country will be better off when every one has to carry a gun for protection then so be it..Looks like we'er heading that way now..Can understand where ur coming from..But then be prepared to arm your wives mothers and children when they reach the age to travel without a parent guiding them..Maybe all u intelligent men have a answer to control gun murders,,Instead of just saying thats the way we are..Because its not that way in most other developed countries..Give me a clue what this country will be like in another 25 or 30 years if this keeps up..I presume most of u fisherman are also gun hunters and know how to take care of weapons..But how bout the dudes that don't know how, or worse yet don't care how or who gets their hands on their guns..   Good luck....BTW  the m 1 is a 30.06 calibur 8 round clip fed semi auto matic rifle not a 5 round semi..And newer model M-1 cabine is the M2 can be fired fully automatic with 30 rounds or 30 cal. ammo...Guess in the hands or amateurs u guys would feel ok...God help us..What a future.

God help us if our guns are taken away.  The criminals will bust in your house, take everything with them (or do horrible things to you or your family) and you will not be able to defend your own home!  This is the path we are heading down...... 

  On 9/15/2013 at 7:43 PM, 3feathers said:

who's taking away u guns Gamble..Name the guns u lost to government..

Lets see....  I can only have 7 rounds in a clip now.  They have not taken guns away YET but this is the beginning. 


Gee lets see mister three feathers. What about the government that made it so I cannot hand down to my child what was handed down to me. Or the fact the same buffoons tell me to register or sell,what I rightfully owned legally a year ago. Nothing like taking a few thousand dollar loss because a bunch of morrons told me I had to. I am a vet and like many on this site defended the constitution and live by it. What a slap to the face of all vet past and present let alone the forefathers of this great nation of ours.


It's hopeless, the future is here. 40 years ago we carried guns openly. Had them in racks in the window of pickups. Police didn't care. Might ask if you had it loaded. Today the airlines have Marshalls on them. The very professional people you speak of so your family can travel with a sense of safety, because some kooks with box cutters killed over 3000 of us in one day. One man, out of 300 people still doesn't make me confident to fly. The future is here. Read the post again about the Garand, it functions exactly like what is a legal firearm today regardless of the clip capacity which I already said held 8 rounds. If you start discussion of modified later versions, you are leaving the path of the original post, but thanks for becoming educated on the weapons that kept our freedom intact during a very disrupting time in America. No professional firearms training needed, just a desire to carry on a life in this country without oppression, like we should today. Unless we chose to forget...the future is here.

Sent from my PC36100 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


Not to mention, I might be wrong here. I thought drugs where illegal in this country. Man you wouldn't know it with all the drug related problems in this nation. Crooks will always be able to get what they want. They get it in prison what makes you think they cannot get it on the street. But hey what do I know I'm just some morron that signed up.

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