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Managed 5 pike today between 30" and 33", and one tiger we didn't measure, maybe 28", in 3 trolling passes today, in 45 minutes. Spoons off downrigger 5' down, 20ft back, f18 rapala black/silver, and f13 firetiger floater, flatlined. All fish cleanly released.

Trolling shut down, so we cast top water buzz baits And floaters, got two follows, one was a nice 40" fish, didnt connect. Trolled from 1.6 to 2.5mph, based on navionics iphone app.

Sunny, no wind , water temp 50 degrees, a great day.




Congrats on your catch, pike are an exiting fish to catch, pound for pound they definitely hold their own. As a younger lad, my cousin and I couldn't wait to go to Canada to pike fish, up there they hit all day and just about anything, but they can make a mess of things in a hurry. A 2 thumbs up on the tiger, a big plus in your day. Fall always will be my favorite time to fish. Love the pics. keep them coming!!


Beautiful tiger! pro-fish-n -c


I am a member of Muskies Inc. Chapter 69 which we started in Rochester a little over a year ago. Since we are the only chapter in New York State, we are interested in working toward improving and enhancing musky and tiger musky fishing throughout the state. Therefore we are currently working at developing relationships and collecting data as a preliminary step to realizing that goal. The waters in your area, including Cross Lake are of interest to me for that reason. Since it looks like you fish those waters on a regular basis, I would be interested in any data, thoughts, observations or suggestions that you and other local anglers may have in relation to this subject. I would appreciate any input that you can give us in order to help evaluate possible improvements for the future. Feel free to PM me with your thoughts and concerns.




Went back out today quick with a updated arsenal of spoons and sticks, sadly a rigger malfunction kept me from running spoons. Trolling a firetiger bomber took two small northerns, casting a f18 clown took a baby tiger and another small northern. Missed one huge hit close to the boat, felt like it was a real good one. Oh well. By myself today, all fish never removed from the water , excuse the crappy pics.






  On 10/30/2013 at 11:11 PM, pro-fish-n-c said:

Went back out today quick with a updated arsenal of spoons and sticks, sadly a rigger malfunction kept me from running spoons. Trolling a firetiger bomber took two small northerns, casting a f18 clown took a baby tiger and another small northern. Missed one huge hit close to the boat, felt like it was a real good one. Oh well. By myself today, all fish never removed from the water , excuse the crappy pics.






Nice catch there, it's a shame the rigger puked would be interesting to see if the spoons would of brought out the big boys, all though those pike were nice size, and I certainly didn't see anything crappy about the whole deal. great job and pics. keep em coming !!!


I'm beginning to think the bigger fish aren't hanging out in the two specific areas I've been fishing.. I have some new spots to try when I go out on Monday, that are a little bit different.

  On 10/30/2013 at 11:46 PM, pro-fish-n-c said:

I'm beginning to think the bigger fish aren't hanging out in the two specific areas I've been fishing.. I have some new spots to try when I go out on Monday, that are a little bit different.

Good luck!! and keep us posted, PAP


Back at it today for a couple hours, still can't find the big girls. Trolling only took one fish, casting the others. Put my mom on her first tiger ever, a great outing.





On otisco almost every tiger over 36" that i have caught was in at least 25 fow and down at least 15 feet. The few big fish that were shallower were caught at night.


Sent from my N9500 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


Like JT just mentioned about depth, if you read any of Larry's posts lately he has said that they are in or at 50ft of water. I don't know much about the musky fishing business but thought I would throw that bit of info in there, so maybe deeper water is the quest for now. I remember you said that you were going to try spoons with the rigger but it wasn't working, so maybe you had that thought in mind already. Try a dipsy diver or a jet diver if the rigger isn't working yet, just a suggestion. Good luck and please post with pics.


I'm getting these fish off points that stick out and make a current break or seam and near spring staging areas that are adjacent to deep water. Mostly 8 to 12 ft deep. The rigger I was only doing 5 feet down and 20 ft back , with the spoons.

I can easily go deeper on the rigger and switch to deep divers on the flat lines. Should I just hit the same areas but deeper? Or look for all new spots of a different type.

This is my first year with a boat , and trolling for pike, so it's a big learning experience.


Also, let me add that yesterday I was able to identify a couple of distinct bait balls on my substandard electronics for the first time. They were a bit deeper. Hindsight says I should have tried to pull some diving baits right through them.


The west side of Otisco, my bread and buttet, has several points. I troll them by keeping the boat off the point and use boards to run over them with outside baits being shallowest. Then i move in tighter and turn out just as i get to the point, side imaging makes this easy if you have it. The outside board will accelerate and swing right over the side of the point. Then i come back in on the next point down. The fish will usually be on 1 side of the point or the other depending on wind and current. I DONT drive up on the point to locate the fish as im certain the boat will spook wary fish. I just fish both sides with boards and let the fish tell me where they are. If the fish are big they can be seen on side imaging from a 100 feet away. Big predators are aggressive but VERY wary....you have to remember these fish arent 4 year old salmon they are at least 10 and have seen it all! Simply pulling up on a point will turn them off....imo...think of it like hunting a mature buck not fishing. Be creative...its the little details that make the difference when you target MATURE predators.


Sent from my N9500 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


If you don't have planer boards, use a large dipsy on the 3 setting this will achieve close to the same affect JT is talking about this way you wont be on top of the fish to spook them, just a thought some times you have to use what you got if you don't have all the paraphernalia needed, as you grow into the full fishing mode it take different stuff to achieve these different approaches, being as stealthy as possible is the key to catching bigger fish like JT mentioned, they are older and educated.


I appreciate the advice, Justin and Pap. I've got inline planers I could try, at least just off one side. Running two would be too complex in the river with the current, I'm usually fishing by myself or with people who are pretty inexperienced, at least at trolling.

Lots of times when trolling I lock my outboard , and use the terrova to steer, sometimes I'll lock in a heading when landing fish or setting lines. Hope to get a 1198 HD SI before spring, so I can identify structure better instead of what I have now.

Next time I go out I think I'll try a inline board on the spots I already know produce fish.


I have the 798 and love it...the inlines will work perfect...id make two deeper passes before you move in that way if the bigger fish are just inside where you have been fishing you wont spook them. The advantage to big boards or multiple inlines is you can cover many depths at once with your boat well off the structure, but if you have inexperienced guests 1 well run line is always better than 3 tangled...lol!


Sent from my N9500 using Lake Ontario United mobile app


Thanks for the advice Justin. What's your thoughts on the brand new touch screen humminbird units? More then I need , but interested on your thoughts since you already have a SI unit. Also, if you haven't seen it, check out Jason Halfen's new webinar on SI, pretty informative, especially with the style of trolling you do on Otisco.


I will definitely check out that webinar! I know im not using the unit i have to it's potential...yet! Fishing for me is an evolution of learning, and im always thinking of how to apply new strategies to improve my results. I havent been doing much research on new humminbirds as i have one and another one though useful is down the wish list a ways. If i was gonna get another unit id want a large screen...im planning on cannon digitroll units and a probe all linked to my humminbird. Running a big spread near an irregular shore is far easier with si...combined with my terrova boat control is a breeze.


Sent from my N9500 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  On 11/7/2013 at 11:05 PM, pro-fish-n-c said:

Nice fish motocross, care to reveal how deep, and I'm guessing water temp was around 48?

over about 5 feet of water...its just a big shallow weedy flat..i think the water temp that day was 52.

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