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There comes a point when we need to open up our faith valve and realize what is in our best over-all interest has been fully addressed. These decisions aren't made over-night, much thought and concern has been put into this and varying outcomes weighed over many months. Kevin conversed with the powers who are liable and spent endless hours hearing opinions from quite a few. He only wants what is best for all and what is legal.




This descision did not come easily.  The committee has been discussing this for some time now. Every angle was looked at and personal feelings had to be put aside.  In the spirit of the rule this is the correct course of action.  Nobody wants to be DQed or worse stopped and have an issue. See everyone very soon! 


Good decision for the people in my opinion , now there should be no story's of people having too pay outrageous fine's with threats of having there boat seized or tarnish the Wilson event name. Hats off to kevin on doing his home work.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/24/2014 at 7:48 PM, Tall Tails said:

This descision did not come easily. The committee has been discussing this for some time now. Every angle was looked at and personal feelings had to be put aside. In the spirit of the rule this is the correct course of action.

Nobody wants to be DQed or worse stopped and have an issue. See everyone very soon!

I'm sure it was not easy! Thanks for the information a lot of us have been thinking about this issue the last couple years. So just so I am clear no team should fish outside of US waters, since we are all starting from a US port? I was going to get the Canadian fishing license tomorrow but I'll hold off on that. You can see how digging into the issue opens more cans of worms. Even an observer from another team could get ya jamed up if he is on board and has issues with a bad pass port or enhansed licence. I know my guys dont have warrants or weed on them but who knows about the guy im getting from some one else. All stuff you can deal with on US side but may not go so well for customs check. Thanks Sean Edited by Hookedup
Posted (edited)

Thank you again for those who understand the situation and for those who are disappointed but still understand where we are coming from. At the end of the day no matter where we fish someone is still walking away with alot of money. As everyone arrives there are many cool things going on this year beginning with our Salmon Pollooza events and the addition of the Salmon Showdown crew being in town. For those would like to make the changes necessary for travel next year I will plan for some time before the captains meeting. As I have always said if change is supported by the majority I will not stand in the way as long as the integrity of the event and the tournament committee are not compromised. At the captains meeting I will ask for a show of hands for motion to begin the process. At the captains meeting I will not debate the above topic as it is better dealt with privately to remain diplomatic. We have operated in the spirit of the rule since we began and we have reserved the right to make the necessary changes to maintain the events integrity. Further we are picking up steam not slowing down and wherever it leads I hope to see you all there reaping the rewards of the journey! See you all in a few weeks! Tight lines!


Kevin Jerge 716-863-1001


Edited by Wilson Harbor Invite

It was never an issue in previous WI, every year the tournament has gone downhill. Another step in the wrong direction...... Many good points it's seems like you caved into the good ole buddy system, it's a shame, time for a new tournament that cares about the anglers. I remember when it first started the WI was for the fishermen and what they wanted now it's turned into a bunch of political bull crap.. It's not your liability if someone goes to Canada, that's international waters and I doubt Canada cares about the WI. So much bull crap here it's laughable.....protecting your buddies that don't wanna run to Canada and are to cheap to spend money on the fuel? Be honest please......


Y not. You are way off base. Who's to say that when I get a half a mile from the border that I pretend to call the canadians and call my buddy and he gives me info on a good pod of kings!.. Kevin is protecting the integrity of the tournament. I'm not too cheap to make the run. In fact I'll beat you there.

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app


No just the WHI as far as I interpret the rules. Look fellas the canadians have really clamped down on coming into their waters by boat. I have been on the end of their wrath. You need to follow their rules which can vary from official to official.

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app

Posted (edited)

Hey rusty what you are saying is your worried somebody could call a buddy from Canada? That could happen anytime someone uses restroom goes under cabin ect...... This isn't a new law bud, your claims don't hold water. Laws vary based on officer? Your really cracking me up now don't stop now, I will beat you there to boot? What does that matter? another ego maniac with a fast boat, I guess I should just hand you my money because your boat is faster lol? More bull crap, what did I really expect smh....

Edited by Y-Knot

You must call at time of entry. That means you have to use your cell phone during tournament fishing time. What don't you get? No communication period. Who's to say I'm telling the observer I'm calling Canadian boarder patrol when I call my buddy who's down below Olcott. Pretty simple. And if you have followed the

thread you will see that have been hassled and threatened with boat confiscation just for being close. Kevin is making the proper call. I understand. The playing field is level. That's what this tournament is about. Insulting me and making innuendos towards others is classless.

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app


Why wasn't this issue ever visited before? Pretty simple question nobody has answered and you know damn well people have won $$$ fishing in Canada in WI past years. Anyone can sneak on their phone at any point, that's the worst excuse ever. It's the captains choice to weigh risk worth reward. Maybe we could all troll around Wilson boatyard to level the playing field and protect the integrity of the WI.... Give me a break, your bull crap is insulting to me. I bet your the guy who's dog ate his homework in class my goodness

Posted (edited)

No they can't "sneak on their cell phone at any point".  The observer that is placed on your boat collects all cell phones before you leave the dock and has them sealed in a ziplock bag the entire time you're on the water. 


The only one being ignorant and insulting here is you.


why don't you stop being a gutless wonder and identify yourself?  Sniping at your superiors while anonymously hiding behind a screen name is pathetic.

Edited by Tim Bromund

Keep it classy Y-Knot. Phones are open and my email works. Not sure why you have made this personal but it happens from time to time. Regardless of your ramblings its not as easy as you claim it to be. I did the research countless calls with officials on both sides to find out the real deal. Obviously with a few rule changes and requirements we can move past this and I have provided the platform to do so. No matter what has taken place in the past 2013 provided some real world scenarios that forced us to take another look. Presently as in this year there are only 2 tournaments out of 10 that allow border crossing its hard to believe that the WHI is susceptible to so  much criticism while trying to maintain the integrity of the event. Im sorry Y- Knot if I have disappointed you we have tried to meet or exceed everyone's expectations and will continue to do so by providing a level playing field. In the the future this might include educating and preparing our teams and observers to cross the border legally. At the end of the day most of the people that know me realize I dont belong to a Good Ole Boy network in fact quite the opposite. In fact it might be that good ole boy network that led you to make the response you did. As I have said in previous posts please call or write wilsonboatyard@yahoo.com 716-863-1001




I guess everyone wants to hear you state the final ruling kevin. I understand as many others do as well on this double edge sword...but this is the "on line experience everyone has a voice on "..and that's a quote!. So simplify this and put it in writing..don't side step it. Answer it in writing as asked... you can fish the canadian water..however you may not use your phone during tournement hrs to make the call in to Canada..pretty simple request. All that's needed now is for you to write that rule for 2014 and support that rule for 2014..and yes we will also have to manage that as well and take action against boats that may have crossed the line...

Sent from my SM-G900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app


I spoke with Kevin multiple times since the start of this and there are multiple rule changes coming. The one about if you fish either side you and people on your boat must have both licences. The other is you can fish all open water of Lake Ontario, and I think theres another.

I think the big issue is change and he is struggling with this. I don't believe for one minute he wants to close the border but there are some issues with going either way. The liability is not one. We could sign a waiver. Observers can be sorted out on Friday at registration. A lot of issues can be resolved but the fact remains that their are many fishermen not observers that can't cross the border themselves because of DUI convictions. That's not just for tournament fishing that's cant cross period and this yr those guys are at a disadvantage.

Make no mistake that there is NEVER a level playing field in any tournament. I don't buy that!!!! On calm days the faster boat has it, in skinny water a smaller boat has it, on rough days the larger boat has it ect....that's why we buy what we buy for equipment. We choose to fish against local guys as competition. .

When I hear about no com and how you might go down to make a call to your buddy, are you serious?? If you need to make that call in thin event on a one day tourney you shouldn't fish it. We have no com and it has changed our tourneys for the good for sure. But we allow guys their phones for work related and stuff that is outside fishing. We have never had an issue. Also this rule is no different than fishing with extra rods. You just dint break the rule How many guys smoke weed on board. That's tournament violation under same rule, or how about expired flares or safety stuff all under same rule. This can get soooo ridiculous.

Bottom line is this in my opinion, it hasn't been an issue for past yrs and now need to change it. Not only change but 2 weeks before. I hear guys are asking for money back. There are some teams that are not happy on different levels and time will tell as to what happens.

Hopefully we get it in writing soon maverick, I have asked for the same as well.

Ps. I do want to say that Kevin is working on this pretty hard and is caught between a rock and a hard place and this shouldn't be personal. He's running a business and whatever rule changes he makes he has to live with whichever consequences come of it. Don't question his heart and desire to make this a success.


I don't understand why so many adults don't read the rules of this and any other event before signing up? Yet they make a stink afterwards to get rules changed to suit them and cry unfair. Life is not fair and their is no rule book on what fair and not in life. If someone knows of one let me know so I can pick up a copy. Just a note I don't fish any tournaments.

Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United


I get that this is a big decision but give Kevin a break.  How many hours of time do you think he has spent to put on the great event that WE all love to fish. Countless im sure, between coordinating the sponsorships, food, tent, rentals, docking, etc.  Meanwhile come game day he sits at the dock and doesnt even get a chance to fish the event.  While were competing hes running around getting everything ready for us.  He has given alot of his time and efforts to us in the form of the event.  Now that a potential legal problem has arose everyone wants to point fingers and put him down.  Pretty Sad!!  Let all be honest the world has become a get rich by lawsuit place.  Everyone is sue happy.  I cant blame Kevin for wanting to protect himself and his family, we would all do the same thing.  Fish where your allowed to fish and fish your best.  At the end of the day the scales dont lie!!  Cya on the water  Dirty Goose!

  On 4/29/2014 at 5:02 AM, maverick said:

I guess everyone wants to hear you state the final ruling kevin. I understand as many others do as well on this double edge sword...but this is the "on line experience everyone has a voice on "..and that's a quote!. So simplify this and put it in writing..don't side step it. Answer it in writing as asked... you can fish the canadian water..however you may not use your phone during tournement hrs to make the call in to Canada..pretty simple request. All that's needed now is for you to write that rule for 2014 and support that rule for 2014..and yes we will also have to manage that as well and take action against boats that may have crossed the line...

Sent from my SM-G900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

"Regretfully as the rules are written travel over the border is nor permitted for this years event."


Am is missing something here?  This is in writing on the very 1st post of the thread.


No I don't think you are missing anything..but like I stated earlier it should be written in the rules ..on paper for those who don't understand..and enforce the rule if it should be broken by any boat that chooses to slide across the line.. what is the penalty for doing that?????????????

Sent from my SM-G900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app


kevin - good job in addressing the responses. first of all if you don't like the rules don't get in!!!!! period. secondly - there is NO tournament that if your gonna cheat can prevent it- phone calls - waving your arms - flicking lights etc... kevin make your ruling - make it clear and be done with it! if you don't like it get out - if ya can live with it get in! stop all the whining im getting sick. not a soul I promise you was even near the border last year - we were the farthest ones out and never saw a boat even close.


There is so much more than meets the eye to this issue. Kevin has now garnered heavyweight sponsors, companies that will have no tolerance for international incidents. As I am reading(and this became official only last weekend), it's a done deal. Kevins tournament is what it is because he's willing to make tough, unpopular decisions. There is no advantage or disadvantage to anyone at this point--its plenty enough notice. The bait and Kings are spread out all over, and noone knows how the ice will distribute as it flows out. Even playing field as of right now. I know Kevin had been trying to get an official answer from Canadian customs for quite awhile. As one of the champions of the integrity of "no comm" Tournaments, he has never wavered. No phone use on the water except in an emergency-period. Once it was determined to be insufficient to call from U.S. soil, it was game over for crossing the border. I know I don't want to jeopardize my boat or Captains license for any tournament, and at the same time think its ridiculous to even have the possibility of an event getting determined by who gets stopped and who doesnt. Not to mention, to place the burden of background checks on teams getting observers placed on their boats by other teams is too risky for most. 

Things have tightened up in the last few years border-wise. River boats have been issued tickets for merely NAVIGATING across the IMAGINARY line without calling in. Precedent was set many years ago by the original Lake Ontario Pro-Am ( U.S. origin) brought here by Lowrance electronics. U.S. ports, No Comm, U.S. waters only. Later, in the Canadian Tightline Shootout events, Canadian port, No Comm, Canadian waters only.
Perhaps it was a mistake to ever leave the border open from the start, but with higher and higher stakes both tournament wise and customs wise, it was the right call for the longevity of the event. This stuff is no joke, the fines are real, the boat confiscations are real, the guilty until you can prove you're innocent stuff is real, and what is going on terrorism-wise in the world is real. Heck, I had a client just this week get interrogated for taking a walk behind a gas station in Lewiston by a border patrol agent. It seems he got a little too close to a large propane tank for his liking. The fact that we can immerse ourselves in this fishery and in a tournament and have little concern as to what is going on elsewhere is a Godsend and a tribute to both the U.S. and Canadian border patrols. Actually, it is quite shocking that there are any individuals who are not understanding that this was the safe play, and the best way to insure it's future existence. 

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