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Posted (edited)

i have to get this out the way first... if u are useing the loading ramps at hughe's STOP TRYING TO POWER LOAD UR LITTLE BOAT AND USE THE DAM WENCH ON THE TRAILER. norm and company have put many long hard hrs into there home to make it as nice as it is and doing extra work on the loading ramps because ur to lazy is unfair to them and the other people that use the loading ramps.

      Saturday was a little ruff on the water  with crazy currents and some tossing around due to waves but turned out to make for a good day of fishing. started the day off trying to head west but after the first 2 fish done on pro king we decided to stop getting beat up and pointed east towards towards the point after staring at home port for 2hrs . we switched over to flashers and flys running 3 dipsys and 2 riggers. running around 4 on the ball and every now and then with the reverse bump picked up 8 more kings before we decided to head into sodus point for lunch. as we headed back to home port for the fireworks that night we did 2 more nice kings  on the same spread we used in the am. 5 pm hit and was time to pick it up and finished the ride home. kings all ranged from 10 to 19lbs. white's flashers on blue/green flys covering 70 to 100'.

  Sunday made for a nicer ride for sure. set up with the same flashers and flys in 170fow. again running 2 riggers and 3 dipsy's with 4mph on the ball(90 down). first king came  80 down 190fow off the coyote flasher with a green hypnotist fly on the rigger.

after doing 3 more kings  between hughe's and bolder point we figured we should flip back around  and head back towards port. keepping speed was alittle harder with doing 8.7 on top to get 4 on the ball, it kinda looked like we where trying to be Jeff Gordon trying to Finnish the Daytona 500 as we passed boats that almost looked like they where standing still but the kings kept screaming so we decided to stay the course. we did 5 more teenage kings before noon hit and was time to go home.  kings ranged 15-20lb class with our best being 20.5lbs. 

   looks like we can still slip in a few more boats for the slamon slam out sodus point on the 2nd of aug. it will be a great time no matter what with the day starting off with takeing a vet fishing in ur boat followed by lunch and prizes for both the vet and the boat captain that took them out.  heres a link if u dont know what im talking about and are interested in showing a vet how to relax and enjoy a day! plz get a hold of ruffrider out of sodus point( i think he can be found on ch9 durring the weekend) or even my self out of hughe's ( i can be found on 68 aka dipsy ranger) if u have any questions


Edited by crumcake1223

Good to hear there getting the Kings started, wasnt able to get up there this weekend but hopefully this week I can make a trip up after work.


Regarding the power loading bit, to be truthfully honest, if I didnt read it on here from an earlier in the month post not to power load on the trailer Ive would of done it too.  There really should be some signs for whatever its worth.  As far as doing it to be lazy?  Well hence the term drive on trailers....  I guess i got it from growing up in a Ranger bass boat family. 


Anyway, I did get the year pass and love it up there, a bunch of good people up there.


Nice Report. Reminds me of back in the late 70's early 80's with our 17 footer when on days like that we would launch the boat either at Hughes or Pultneyville and end up hauling out at Sodus Point.


We commented a few weeks ago on the upgrades a Hughes which impressed me very much.


We camped at Hamlin last weekend and were hoping to go out of Sandy on Friday and Saturday, but looking out each A.M. and seeing the whitecaps and with the overall reports decided to sit back and just relax.Lake looked much better on Sunday, but by that time it was time to check out.


Sounds like the Salmon fishing is starting to set up again. We caught our largest King on July 4th 1985 (36 lb 14 oz) in about 170 FOW off Lake Bluff. Hope to get out this weekend.


Andy they can't put up signs for everything we aren't supposed to do.

Several years ago I read an article on how bad power loading is on the ramp and now I winch my 24' heavy as heck Bayliner. If I can do it, so can most, but I don't think most know the damage it can cause.

John, great report, but how do you keep your dipseys from taking drag at those speeds?


Yea I agree Nick, an owner of a 24 ft 6000lb boat shouldn't need signs to tell him not drive that size of a boat on the trailers that aren't designed to or meant to but then again mines only a 19 ft 1500lb aluminum that has a trailer designed for driving onto. Almost sounds like a big boat little boat scenario. I do find it amusing though that we put signs up for things were supposed to do. post-150509-1404784328967_thumb.jpg

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Ain't it the truth, I sent it to my brother after he got his new ranger and forgot the plug in a tourney last weekend, have to have a little fun time to time.

Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United


Please explain what power loading is.  Is that driving your boat up on your trailer?  I see that done all the time there, and how is that a bad thing?  Also what does it mean 4 on the ball.  How is that measured and with what?  I use my GPS for trolling speed but the speed is over land so is there a calculation for GPS speed vs. the speed of your down rigger ball which is what I assume you mean.  thanks 

  On 7/8/2014 at 6:23 AM, longbow said:

Please explain what power loading is. Is that driving your boat up on your trailer? I see that done all the time there, and how is that a bad thing? Also what does it mean 4 on the ball. How is that measured and with what? I use my GPS for trolling speed but the speed is over land so is there a calculation for GPS speed vs. the speed of your down rigger ball which is what I assume you mean. thanks

Power loading is when you drive your boat onto the trailer and then give it gas to drive it all the way onto the trailer. The prop wash washes out the gravel under the concrete ramp causing it to bow and crack. Very bad.

Speed at the ball is measured with a probe on your downrigger. Search for Fish Hawk and Depthraider to see what they are.

Posted (edited)

Trim the drive up..before powering. Down force in the back helps load the front up to the stantion. The prop wash goes to the surface not down to the gravel. If the ramp is washing out it is not sufficiently installed for a 6000 lb 26ft boat with a bunk trailer. If your trailer is in deep enough there should be no problem. If your trailer runs off the end of the ramp...it's not long enough. If there is no paved ramp...it is for car top or row boats.

And people who have a helper and ambition to get out..wade and winch...on a warm day of course. Almost forgot, I do all this on my own a lot..

cent frum my notso smart fone

Edited by skipper19

John, great report!  and as Nick asked, how the heck tight are your divers to stop them from popping open at 4-8mph????  either it has to be letting a little drag out all the time to avoid popping or you better be able to pop it when a fish hits, cause that is tight!  OMG.........  I have this adversion to running over 3mph, but maybe I need to bump my speed! :)


Thanks for info.  Appreciated.  I've a Fish Hawk but it needs a new transducer which will get done with this repair I am doing.  thanks all


Nice Job Crummer! Your new rig is sweet.Can't wait for the Pro Am and Salmon Slam. Don't know if I'll be trolling at 4 mph but I know the fish will bite at that speed! 


Sorry guys I've been away from post a wile. Yes divers had to be cranked up some. As for the boat in question. .. A 17 ft aluminum... As for the ramps. .. There older and yes some day soon they to will be as nice as the rest of our home but for now there the best they can be! why not help to take care of it best u can instead of wrecking it

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Current must change out there. Tried to troll east last night, at 1 knot, dipsys rods look like they were going to break. Alot of plastic in the water too. Beware.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  On 7/11/2014 at 3:09 PM, meatman jr said:

Current must change out there. Tried to troll east last night, at 1 knot, dipsys rods look like they were going to break. Alot of plastic in the water too. Beware.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

cant believe Scott forgot his balls

I know he took the day off. You'd think he had everything ready. He head must have been up a salmons a$$.lol

Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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