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I had no plans to fish this weekend, but my brother called me friday and said he didn't have to work anymore, so I figured what the heck... Lets go.


We set up in 90 FOW on a NE troll at about 5:30.  Word was there was salmon around, so I deployed mag spoons on the riggers, and dodger/fly on one dipsey and meat on the other dipsey.  The screen looked pretty good from about 130 out, so we spent the early part of the morning working mostly 130-170 between chimney bluffs and lake bluff.  Our first two fish came in about 140 FOW- one beautiful steelie that was 11 lbs 4 oz on a mag moonshine crab face, and a ~10 lbs king on the same spoon about 5 minutes later.  Both came on an 85 rigger.  We started with temp 50 down about 80, but that got a bit deeper as the day went on.  Interestingly, as the day wore on we saw a ton of marks up higher- about 50-70, but never turned a fish up there.  We got real quiet at 9:30, so we worked a bit deeper.  when we hit 220 FOW, we had a 250 dipsey take a salmon shot that we missed, then immediately the other dipsey, 280 with cut bait, took another salmon, which ran about 14 lbs. 


I had to get out of town pretty early, so we picked up at 10 and came in.


Hopefully out in a few weeks again...

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