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Tired absolutely! "Hunted out"? NEVER! I am taking the day off today but am already regretting not going. Once deer season is over I move to late season ducks, after that it is scouting for deer for next year mixed in with hunting for Fox and Coyote. He'll might even throw in some ice fishing! After all that it's time to get ready to look for sheds and deciding what food plots are going where. O yea that's when everyone starts beating up on the Browns out in the Lake!! Once the lake starts to set up and the Kings show up all i can think about at work is goin out and hunting for ol black jaw! It just never ends for me, I truly live and love it!

Edited by JakeyBaby

I was supposed go to a movie with my girl and family this afternoon, tickets were all ready bought but after seeing that buck is hanging around I t was killing me not to hunt

My girl said what are you gonna do pout just go hunt I will go with your family

Now that's a keeper!


Great morning in the woods, buddy shot a nice male yote, going to do up the hide with borax and salt to hang in the garagepost-150622-14173767317755_thumb.jpg

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I hear ya JakeyBaby. It's a never ending cycle and none of its cheap lol. I just got a little extra wind in my sail when my buddy from school called me and told me his stepdad invited me to hunt his 220 acres in Ontario Center next season, I'll be going to check it out next weekend. Unfortunately I'm getting deployed the 10th of December to the 26th of January so I'll miss late waterfowl. Perks of going to oswego for school though I'll be back in perfect timing to catch some River steelies.

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  On 11/30/2014 at 6:49 PM, PeltHunter said:

I don't know about you guys but I'm kind of "hunted out" for the year. The lack of deer movement doesn't help the issue either.

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A little burned out. Slept in this morning. But I will be grinding it out til the end. Cant help to already be planning moves for next season. The list is growing by the day.


I know that feeling, all weekend I've been looking for places to hang a new stand or 2 for next year.

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I took my bow over to a buddy's place who doesn't allow gun hunting last night, just to see if anything had gotten pushed around and found a sanctuary. Nothing doing from the stand. But when I got back to the truck it was still really good light ("sunset" comes awfully early), wouldn't you know two eight points moved through the open field not forty yards away? Almost twins and they looked together rather than on a doe. Second rut should be this coming weekend though...


Well, it's a little late, but this is the first chance i've had to post about my hunt on Thanksgiving morning.  As a few of you said, the "Thanksgiving curse" was true for me as well, until this year!  Sat on the edge of a gully Thursday morning as my brother and step-dad walked through some hemlocks on the opposite side of the gully.  We know when the deer are pushed in that area, they like to scoot right out the bottom of the hemlocks and into the thicket on the other side of the gully.  Although i had to make sure i could cover as much of the gully as possible (since i was the only one sitting), i made sure i had a good opening to shoot to the bottom of the gully.


Well it's a good thing there was some fresh snow on the ground, because this buck came trotting across the gully right at the bottom (100 yards away) and i never would have seen him if there wasn't any snow.  I knew that i only had a few seconds to take a shot before he would be in the thicket, so i pulled up and took a shot and i see him drop right to the ground!  As i load another shell, i see him struggle to get back on his feet and he made it into some brush before i could get a second shot off.  So after a few minutes my step dad came through the hemlocks and i met him down at the bottom of the gully to see if we could find a blood trail.  We didn't have to look very hard for him, he only made it 30 yards before he piled up in the brush!


My second best buck to date



Love it when a "plan" works out..and the 10 sec window is the best part of any hunt..Dont get me wrong i love the rush of watching a big deer come at ya with all the time in the world ,,Its just i have had more "blink and ya miss it" situations work out for me.....always be ready...Good for your team...

  On 12/2/2014 at 12:24 AM, bondouley said:

Great buck to break the thanksgiving curse!

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Is tonight the night? Man I hope so!

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pffftt not for me chest waders to cross the river,change into boots hike the side of a mountian,back into the frozen waders..and hike out..did see about 30 turkeys....stupid deer...


Went out this morning and did an all day sit. Not a single deer seen. Around noon I walked for a little to warm up and found this......

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  On 12/3/2014 at 12:05 AM, bout time said:

Went out this morning and did an all day sit. Not a single deer seen. Around noon I walked for a little to warm up and found this......

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Too bad the hide is gone I would like to know if it was run down or shot and the yotes just found it.


I looked the best I could.and found no evidence of it being shot. The hide was on the back side and I found no entrance or exit hole. Does make me wonder

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the front leg shot off would be my clue as to what slowed it down for the dogs..they might chew the bone down but not break it like that specially with all that easy meat to get at

  On 12/3/2014 at 12:05 AM, bout time said:

Went out this morning and did an all day sit. Not a single deer seen. Around noon I walked for a little to warm up and found this......

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app



Not sure how to transfer a pic from my phone, but two days ago made a sweep through a bedding area and found a real nice 9 point-half eaten.  Couldn`t get too close due to odor, etc., but thought I could see a hole in gut area.  I wondered why I hadn`t seen this guy for a while.  So far season consists of doe w/muzzleloader.  Screwed up on nice buck w/crossbow earlier.  Time is getting short.

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