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Deer Season on the Spur 2014

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Well 3 of us ended up making an evening watch. Wyatt sat in my opening day spot, Stan sat in the stand i went to last time and I went in the woods to a community scrape/funnel located half way between a tornado clear cut and new seeding about 100 yds off the field. Wyatt and stan saw zippo, but I had a good night. If it seems im hunting fresh stands everytime its because i am...the other guys just dont have 15 of their own stands to pick from and usually hunt behind me. First deer i saw was just before 6, a nice big doe, she came in slightly quartering to. i drew on her after she passed when i knew i couldnt be busted. She never gave me the perfect angle so I let her walk. Next came a 3 point that was on the trail i have the stand set up best for...figures! I let him walk out n join the doe. Then right around the end of legal hours a doe came quartering to me and passed under 10 yards. After she passed I drew. She stopped at 17 yds and gave me a perfect spine shot, but thats not how i want my prime venison for eating killed. Finally I got another opportunity at 40 but it was to late to really range and there to iffy for my taste. I didnt pull cards so no pics...next hunt monday...im up at the lake till then!

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Well I guess I better get this updated before I forget!  Last friday cody and I did a full day scouting from my rifle stand overlooking a thick valley surrounded by corn, timothy, clover, winter rye, apples, and oaks.  We saw 11 does and fawns throughout the day, and most of them just stood up browsed briefly and layed down.  Based on lack of bucks and no mature bucks on camera I took another week and didnt hunt till this friday.  Before making our afternoon watch we checked cameras and found 13-14 bucks and 2 definite shooters.  Cody went to watch an area just off some clover that always has a few community scrapes every year and I made the decision to spend some time shooting the crossbow and and try a last minute spot knowing cody was gonna see deer.  Cody was in full harvest mode and I knew he was goona shoot something.  I had my first night of the season with no action, but cody shot a little buck.  He thought the deer took a step when he shot but thought the deer was slightly quartering away and was pretty sure he killed it.  Of course he had a hot date and halloween party to get to and didnt want to wait as long as I did and neither of us like to leave em overnight so out I went to attempt to recover.  After a couple hours I made it 600-700 yds without the deer bedding and I was certain Cody didnt make the shot he thought he did.  Next morning was even worse and I was losing my patience with the track and my son.  Fortunately, Cody had to go help his mom and I called Nautitroller to bring his dog.  John, the dog, and I made it another 150-200 yrds before we lost the track, but his dog just sat down and sniffed the swirling wind trying to pinpoint the dead deer she could smell.  John read his dog correctly and rather than going back a little and trying to figure where the buck turned he was sure we just need to do some looking where he guessed the dog was getting the whiff.  Just when we almost turned back he says lets just check the other side of this last blowdown.  I went one way he went the other and bingo I walked up on the dead spike.  Im certain if we put out time in with the dog we could have tracked it out as there was a good blood trail up the last hill.  Cant thank John and his dog enough for their help and had a great time shooting the breeze about hunting and fishing.  Codys arrow went in just in front of the hip high and exited the very bottom of the sternum in the center.  The only thing he damaged was stomach and a hole in the diaphragm.  He missed both lungs and the liver completely.  The 2.5 inch rage did the job all things considered.   The strangest part was no pass thru....the arrow was in the deer past the nock but didnt fall out...after skinning then gutting I figured the deer was  moving when he shot and the absolutely full stomach of nuts will slow an arrow.  The rage sliced many of em in half.  While I prefer more mature bucks and better shots Cody got some fresh meat for us and I am happy about that.  He saw 3 bucks that night and no does...  

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