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Cannon Easi-Troll with 10lb

Have any of you ever used the Cannon Easi-troll with a weight above 8lbs?  I'd like to get a pair of 10lbs sharks to run on them but the specs say they're only rated for 8lbs.


As an engineer, I've gotta assume there's a safety factor in there, but hoping someone else has tried heavier and can give their opinion.





I have older easi trolls on my small boat and use #10 herbies for the last 10 years ,no problems . I usually only fish in decent weather waves . 60' or less mostly but I have had them down to 90 ' .The drag washers dried up so I drilled a few holes in the spool and use a screwdriver across housing through spool to hold it at depth. It works.  

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